1. Exercise 2.3-1: Using Figure 2.4 as a model, illustrate the operation of merge sort on the
array A = {3, 41, 52, 26, 38, 57, 9, 49}
2. Exercise 2.3-6: Observe that the while loop of lines 5 β 7 of the INSERTION-SORT
procedure in Section 2.1 uses a linear search to scan (backward) through the sorted
subarray A[1β¦j-1]. Can we use a binary search instead of a linear search to improve the
overall worst-case running time of insertion sort to Ξ(πlgπ)?
3. For the MERGE function, the sizes of the L and R arrays are one element longer
than π1 and π2, respectively. Can you rewrite the merge function with the size
of L and R exactly equal to π1 and π2?
4. Prove that π
π β Ξ(π
) (t > 0)
5. Express the function π
β 50π β 100πππ in terms of Ξ notation.
6. Exercise 3.1-6 Prove that the running time of an algorithm is Ξ(g(π)) if and only
if its worst-case running time is O(g(n)) and best-case running time is Ξ©(π(π)).
7. Which is asymptotically larger: lgn or βπ? Please explain your reason.
8. Prove that π
πππ β Ξ©(π
πππ), where c is a constant and c > 1.
9. Use the definition of limits at infinity to prove (πππ₯)
π β π(π₯
Definition (limits at infinity): Let π(π₯) be a function defined on x > K for some K.
Then we say that, limπ₯ββ
π(π₯) = πΏ if for every number π > 0 there is some number
M > 0 such that | π(π₯)β L| < π whenever x > M