COSC2430 HW7


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1. Introduction
You will create a C++ program that can build a AVL tree. A list of integers will be
given. You need to use the integers to build a AVL tree and traverse or retrieve
the data required by the commands. Step by step build your AVL tree, refer to
2. Input and Output
The inputs are regular text file, where each line is terminated with an ‘\n’
1. There are two files will be given.
a) A data file which contains the data which will be used for the AVL
tree creating. Definition: A binary search tree, T, is either empty or the
following is true:
i. T has a special node called the root node.
ii. T has two sets of nodes, LT and RT, called the left subtree and right
subtree of T, respectively.
iii. The key in the root node is larger than every key in the left subtree
and smaller than every key in the right subtree.
iv. LT and RT are binary search trees.
Definition: An AVL tree (or height-balanced tree) is a binary search tree
such that
i. The heights of the left and right subtrees of the root differ by at most
ii. The left and right subtrees of the root are AVL trees.
b) A command file contains the commands, which including “Inorder
Traversal”, “Preorder Traversal”, “Postorder Traversal”, “Level n”
(commands are case sensitive). The n in “Level n” is a number, which
represents the level of the tree, the level is start from 1, which is the
root of the tree.
2. You need to check whether a line in certain file is empty.
All records should be processed sequentially from begin to end. So, the tree
should be built according to the sequence of the input values.
3. Program and input specification
The main C++ program will become the executable to be tested by the TAs. The
result file should be written to another text file (output file), provided with the
command line. Notice that the input and output files are specified in the
command line, not inside the C++ code. Notice also the quotes in the program
call, to avoid Unix/Windows get confused.
• For the data file, all data is integers, no characters other than digits will be
given. No empty file will be given. All integers will be separated with space
characters. All integers are positive, and without sign and leading zero, but
same numbers may appear more than once. The data may appear in more
than one line. Also, you need to eliminate empty line. There may have empty
lines between data lines.
• When creating the tree, the tree should be created with the sequence of the
input data. When a value appeared before and already added as a node of
the tree, you should ignore the value and proceed. When a value is a new
value, you need to add it to the tree according to the principle given above.
The total node number of the AVL will not exceed 1000.
• For the command file, you need to process commands one by one. One line
only has one command. There will be no error command, but “Level n” may
request an invalid level. There may have empty lines between data lines.
• For the output file, when output for one command, the data should be in
one line without “\n”. If output for a new command, a new line should be
started. If nothing required can be found, output “empty”. This only applies
to the “Level n” commands.
The general call to the executable is as follows:
bitree “value=input71.txt;command=command71.txt;output=output71.txt”
Call example with another command line type.
bitree value=input71.txt command=command71.txt output=output71.txt
both type may be used simultaneously.
Example 1 of input and output
2 1 3
Inorder Traversal
Preorder Traversal
Postorder Traversal
command line:
bitree value=input71.txt command=command71.txt output=output71.txt
1 2 3
2 1 3
1 3 2
Example 2 of input and output
3 10 15 23 65 85 235 457 51 9 2
235 457 51 9 2 1
Preorder Traversal
Postorder Traversal
Level 3
command line:
bitree value=input72.txt command=command72.txt output=output72.txt
23 3 2 1 10 9 15 85 65 51 235 457
1 2 9 15 10 3 51 65 457 235 85 23
2 10 65 235
Example 3 of input and output
2 6 8 45 21 63 85 55 14 16 9 3 4 7 2 55 11 13 654 214 9
Level 20
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
command line:
bitree value=input73.txt command=command73.txt output=output73.txt
8 63
3 14 45 214
2 6 11 16 55 85 654
4 7 9 13
4. Requirements
• Homework is individual. Your homework will be automatically screened for
code plagiarism against code from the other students and code from external
sources. If you copy/download source code from the Internet or a book, it is
better for you to acknowledge it in your comments, instead of the TAs detecting
it. Code that is detected to be copied from another student (for instance,
renaming variables, changing for and while loops, changing indentation, etc)
will result in ”Fail” in the course and being reported to UH upper administration.
• timeout is set to 5s.
5. Turn in your homework
Homework 7 need to be turned in to our Linux server, follow the link here
Make sure to create a folder under your root directory, name it hw3 (name need
to be lower case), only copy your code to this folder, no testcase or other files
needed. If you use ArgumentManager.h, don’t forget to turn in it too.
ps. This document may has typos, if you think something illogical, please email
TAs or Teacher for confirmation.