
COP3404 Introduction to System Software Project 2

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For this project you are to create a SIC or SIC/XE program that will have 10 integers initialized
in memory via WORD storage.
You should report in your documentation (or sic.log) the location of the 10 integers. The task is
to reverse the integers. You can show the original list and reversed list of integer that appears
using the d command in sicsim. For example, if the integers were
93 50 197 55 96 65 74 92 43 8
You would report:
8 43 92 74 65 96 55 197 50 93
You should show the location of each list by editing sic.log
Your program should be general enough so that, by making only a couple minor modifications, I
could use more than 10 integers.
For 5 extra credit points, read in the integers rather than code them in the program.
sic.log should show appropriate dumps indicating the desired results above.
You may include any other files as you desire in zip/rar/shar format. Make sure to test the
integrity of your zip/rar/shar files and only after this testing procedure has been accomplished
you should submit your project.