
COP3014-Foundations of Computer Science Assignment #1

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In this assignment you will implement a program called “call_cost_calculator.cpp” that calculates the net cost of a call (net_cost), the tax on a call (call_tax) and the total cost of the call (total_cost). The program should accepta cell phone number (cell_num), the number of relay stations(relays), and the length in minutes of the cal (call_length) from a user. Please consider the following
1) The tax rate (in percent) on a call (call_rate) is simply based on the number of relay stations (relays) used to make the call (1<= relays <=5 then tax_rate = 1%; 6<= relays <=11 then tax_rate = 3%; 12<= relays <=20 then tax_rate = 5%; 21<= relays <=50 then tax_rate = 8%; relays >50 then tax_rate =12%) .
2) The net cost of a call is calculated by the following formula: net_cost = ( relays / 50.0 * 0.40 * call_length).
3) The tax on a call is calculated by the following formula: call_tax = net_cost * tax_rate / 100.
4). The total cost of a call (rounded to the nearest hundredth) is calculated by the following formula: total_cost = net_cost + call_tax . All tax and cost calculationsshould be rounded to the nearest hundredths. Use the following format information to print the variables:

Field Format
Number of Relay Stations XXXXXX
Minutes Used XXXXXX
Total Cost of Call XXXXXXX.XX
Handing in your program
Electronically submit “call_cost_calculator.cpp” in the Assignments area of Blackboard before the due date and time. Remember, complete the assignment not matter if it is late. It is very important that you do all assignments to master the C++ programming language.