COP 5615: Lab 1: solved


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II. The Producer-Consumer Problem
Two processes are sharing a circular buffer (queue), one produces at
the tail of the circular queue (the Producer) and the other consumes
from the head (the Consumer).
(a) Analyze what can go wrong considering that the two processes are sharing access to
the buffer, and are running at possibly different speed (priorities), for varying bursts of
CPU processing times. Then, based on your analysis, consider all possible problems or
faulty situations that may arise and impact the Producer, the Consumer, or both.
(b) You are asked to implement a mutex in Xinu, using only Xinu semaphores (the
semaphore’s count must always be either 0 or 1 to be a proper mutex). A functional mutex
consists of two methods: acquire and release. A mutex is acquired to start a critical section;
this is when no other processes can run code that also requires that mutex – they will wait
instead. Once the critical section ends, the mutex is released, and other processes can
continue if they were waiting to acquire the mutex themselves.
(c) Using the mutex functionality you just created, implement the producer-consumer
problem correctly (meaning, no problems or faulty situations). You are to use the provided
main.c to define and allocate a shared circular buffer, and then create both the producer
and the consumer processes. Note that more than one mutex may be required. You should
program both processes with “simulation code” to actually produce or consume. Both
processes should output to the console what they are producing or consuming.
(d) Use Xinu semaphores properly (counting up and down higher than 1) to implement the
producer-consumer problem correctly and effectively. You are to use a copy of your main()
form part (c), replacing the producer and consumer functions. Note that a mutex may still be
required along with the proper use of semaphores. Be sure that your implementation isn’t
faulty to critical case scenarios (locking and the like). You should program both processes
with “simulation code” to actually produce or consume as in part (c). Both processes should
output to the console what they are producing or consuming.
(e) Consider the differences between the two implementations. How efficiently are the
processes able to cooperate before one is required to wait?
(f) You may have noticed that there is a timing function within main.c. You are asked to
compile a graph plotting the amount of samples consumed against the amount of time
taken for part (c) and (d), with 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 samples, to compare the
performance of the mutex version and the semaphore version. By uncommenting the
time_and_end() function, at the end of execution, the amount of time taken for each amount
of samples can be seen. Consider the performance of each method; why might one be faster
than the other?
III. Grading
Submit a tar or zip of your two main.c files, and a short pdf report to canvas by the
deadline, including:
• A list of potential problems and faulty situations that may arise in a producerconsumer scenarios without using any coordination or synchronization
mechanisms (1 to 2 lines each)
• The timing graphs for parts (c) and (d) above (one chart with two plots one for c
and one for d, against X axes being 100-500.
• Conclusion.