
COP 3337 Assignment 6

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Write a set of algorithms and programs to compute and create three tables
for the Fibonacci numbers: one recursive, one ‘fast recursive’, and one iterative. Refer to
problem E13.20 on page 624, which expands section 13.3 – the RecursiveFib on pages
598-600 – for how to recursively-compute and ‘fast’ recursively-compute the Fibonacci
numbers, and pages 601-602 for an iterative solution (LoopFib). This assignment will build
on some of the same materials used in Assignment 5.

Provide a FibDemo class that will produce the three tables of n Fibonacci numbers, three
classes (FibSequence, FastFibSequence, and LoopFibSequence) that each implements the
next() method as provided in a Sequence interface – same as used in Assignment 5, and
exception handling. The number of Fibonacci numbers to be provided in the tables (n) will
be input from a file and the three tables themselves will be output to yet another file – both
file names to be found on the command-line (refer to section 11.3, pages 527-529) upon
execution of the FibDemo class.

Output: The output file will contain one table of recursively-computed Fibonacci integers;
followed by a second table of “expected” values – using an iterative algorithm like LoopFib;
followed by a third table of ‘fast’ recursively-computed Fibonacci integers. The output file
name will be specified on the command-line.

All tables will be labeled, values right-aligned, “square-ish”, and obviously have identical
values. Additionally, the execution time (in nanoseconds) to compute all of the values for
each table will be printed/labeled, following each table, for comparison purposes –
referring to section 14.2 (page 634) or may prove useful. All output will
be handled by the Demo or exception-handling classes. The execution time will be
computed in nanoseconds, but the display will show the execution time in BOTH
nanoseconds and seconds (display seconds to four-decimal place accuracy). See sample
output below.

Note: If you observe that one or more of your tables takes longer than a few seconds to
complete, then provide an informational message to users (before any tables start) that this
process could take about xxx time – xxx time being whatever you observed as the normal
time to complete. All error/informational messages, including exception messages, should
go the screen, not to the output file.

Note: Table output is to be integers. Under some combinations of values from the input file,
one or more of the computed Fibonacci values may cause arithmetic overflow. This
exception must be handled. Do not display the overflow value; instead, your display should
be a string of ‘*’ of length equal to the length of the overflow value.

Input: The name of the input file and the output file (no file extension is required) will be
specified on the command-line. Input validation and exception handling are expected. All
input will be handled by the Demo class. The first integer in the input file is where the
Fibonacci sequence will start, beginning with that Fibonacci number. The second integer in
the input file will be the number of Fibonacci numbers to be displayed in the tables. The
integer values in the input file will be [1-13] & [1-35], respectively, and inclusive. A newline
will separate the two integer values. Instructions for compilation/execution should include
command-line input details and requirements, and document that the Sequence interface,
and the input file, need to be in the same directory with your source code.

Requirements: Use only material covered in the first fourteen chapters. Style
requirements as discussed in class expected. Efficiency should always be considered –
especially in the fast recursive algorithm. Choose the most appropriate loop/decision
structures and variable types. No switch or breaks statements allowed. No magic numbers!
Class design guidelines as discussed in class and described in chapters 8/12 expected.
Import libraries as required. No graphics permitted.

You will use the Sequence interface [containing the next() method] as defined in Worked
Example 10.1. You must write at least five programs: three will be the FibSequence,
FastFibSequence, and LoopFibSequence classes that will each implement the interface; one
will be the FibDemo class that will perform the demonstration; and one or more classes to
handle user-defined exceptions; and perhaps a “table” class, or other classes, as required.

FibDemo will access the input (and output) files and read/validate the entries. A trio of
separate loops will then be executed, requesting the next Fibonacci number the requisite
number of times. System time, before and after each loop, will facilitate determining
execution time for each table.

At a minimum, exceptions for File-Not-Found, Empty-File, Non-Integer-Input, Invalid-Input
(negative/zero, greater-than-maximum, invalid number of arguments) and Arithmetic
Overflow will be handled for input/output. Invalid-Input and Arithmetic Overflow will be a
user-defined exception class – section 11.4.5 (page 540-541) and section 11.5 (page 545)
may prove useful. All files must be opened/closed properly, even if there are exceptions.
User-defined exception classes will use the class documentation standards. All
exception/error messages should go to the screen and should be instructive: what is invalid,
usage example, exact error, etc. Include the PrintStackTrace(), where appropriate. No
abnormal terminations are allowed – be sure to gracefully exit your program where

Each FibSequence class will implement its own next() method and any other
methods/instance variables required to create the sequence of Fibonacci numbers.

Execution could look like:
$ java FibDemo infile outfile

Extra credit: will be considered for additional exception handling. Document in your
program heading that you have completed extra credit, and which exceptions you wish to
be considered as extra credit. For example: Array-out-of-Bounds, File-OverWrite, etc. Other
exceptions should be pre-confirmed with the instructor for use as extra credit.

Submission: Your program must be able to compile and execute on FIU SCIS, using the
“java” compiler. Test it there before you submit

Please name your primary source code file:, and your class source code files:,, and; and your user-defined
exception class source code file:

Refer to the Moodle documents: “How to Develop a Simple Java Program” and “Style
Guide” documents for details on required program and class format and documentation.
Review all documents carefully! Note: the class source code file will use the class heading
documentation, the demo (main) source code will use the program heading documentation.

Algorithm (pseudocode) should be submitted for each program and in a single text file and
included with the Moodle posting and class submission.

Print out a copy of your primary source code, class source code, other source code,
exceptions source code, and pseudocode and submit in class — signed, stapled and collated
in the specified sequence: primary source code (w/main) file, class source code files,
exceptions file, and then the pseudocode text file.

Post a .zip file — with all source code (.java) and text files — on the Moodle web site. Do
not include any extraneous (e.g. IDE, output) files in the Moodle submission.

Program documentation must include the required signed disclaimer (comment) in the
heading — no grade will be assigned to programs that omit the disclaimer or signature.

Sample Output: java FibDemo infile outfile [infile contains: 1 & 35]

Normal Recursive
1 1 2 3 5 8
13 21 34 55 89 144
233 377 610 987 1597 2584
4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 46368
75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040
1346269 2178309 3524578 5702887 9227465
Time to compute: 936,996,000 nanoseconds, 0.9370 seconds

Iterative – Expected
1 1 2 3 5 8
13 21 34 55 89 144
233 377 610 987 1597 2584
4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 46368
75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040
1346269 2178309 3524578 5702887 9227465
Time to compute: 118,000 nanoseconds, 0.0001 seconds

Fast Recursive
1 1 2 3 5 8
13 21 34 55 89 144
233 377 610 987 1597 2584
4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 46368
75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040
1346269 2178309 3524578 5702887 9227465
Time to compute: 160,000 nanoseconds, 0.0002 seconds

Note: sample values above may not be accurate – for display purposes only