
COP 3337 Assignment 5

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Write algorithms and programs to create a class PrimeSequence that implements
the Sequence interface – refer to P10.2 on page 508 in the text – and the next() method.
This problem utilizes the Worked Example 10.1 (page 473 in the text – go to for sample downloads). Provide a Demo program that will produce
an arbitrary sequence of n prime numbers in table format and will perform an analysis
of those n prime numbers.

Output: Output will provide a table of n prime numbers. The table will be as close to
“square” as possible – i.e. same number of rows and columns – with at most 10 entries
per row. All entries will be right-aligned. Additionally, output will include a
“histogram” of the occurrences of the last digit [0-9] of each prime number. The histogram
will be horizontal (not vertical) and will be scaled (as a percentage %), with a legend
at the bottom to explain the scale and display the total count of primes. Each digit’s
entry (a sequence of *’s) must fit on a single row, and it must be properly labeled (actual
count, scaled %). Scale will need to be flexible. Round up fraction percentages. All
output should be handled by the Demo class. A sample output is provided below.

Input: Input will be provided on the command-line (see 11.3, pages 527-529 for details).
Two input constants will be placed on the command-line upon execution. For example: java
SequenceDemo 2 25 ; where the prime sequence will start with the next prime after the
first number (3), and the second number (n) is the number of prime numbers to be sequenced
(25). Both numbers will be integers and both numbers must be 1 or greater. Command-line
input will need to be validated. If either input fails validation, your program should
display why the input failed, and it should gracefully terminate, using System.exit(1).
Instructions for compilation/execution should include command-line input details and
requirements, and document that the Sequence interface needs to be in the same directory
with your source code.

Requirements: Use only material covered in the first ten chapters and section 11.3 –
no exception handling permitted. Style requirements as discussed in class expected.
Efficiency should always be considered – especially in the determination of primes and
validating integers. Choose the most appropriate loop/decision structures and variable
types. No switch or breaks statements allowed. No magic numbers! Class design guidelines
as discussed in class and described in chapters 8 expected. Import libraries as required.
No graphics.

You will use the Sequence interface [containing the next() method] as defined in Worked
Example 10.1. You must write at least two programs: one will be the PrimeSequence class
that will implement the interface; and one will be the SequenceDemo class that will perform
the demonstration/analysis. Document use of external sources, including the text, as

The PrimeSequence class will implement the next() method, an isPrime() method to determine
if a number is prime, and any other methods/instance variables required for the class.
Note: the first prime number is 2. Document the algorithm used in your prime search.

The SequenceDemo class will accept and validate the command-line input, and starting
where specified, request the specified number (n) of primes, collecting data for analysis,
and preparing the table and histogram for output. The analysis will entail counting how
many instances of each digit [0-9] occur on the last digit of each prime. You may be
required to search for (or implement) your own Boolean isInteger() method, for validation.

Additional classes, as required.

The Sequence interface will provide for the next() method. You may download this from, but you may NOT modify the interface in any way. I will be using my own copy
of the interface when I compile your programs – any interface changes introduced may
cause your program to fail to compile.

Use of Arrays/ArrayLists: permitted for your isPrime() method, permitted in SequenceDemo
class, but NOT otherwise permitted in PrimeSequence class. In other words, prime numbers
may not be “pre-stored” in an Array/ArrayList; however, if you want to store found primes,
in order to perform a more efficient search, that is permitted.

Submission: Your program must be able to compile and execute on FIU SCIS, using the “java”
compiler. Test it there before you submit.

Please name your primary source code file:, and your class source code
file: .

Refer to the Moodle documents: “How to Develop a Simple Java Program” and “Style Guide”
documents for details on required program and class format and documentation. Review
all documents carefully! Note: the class source code file will use the class heading
documentation, the demo (main) source code file will use the program heading

Algorithm (pseudocode) should be submitted for each program and in a single text file
and included with the Moodle posting and class submission.

Print out a copy of your primary source code, class source code, other source code, and
pseudocode and submit in class — signed, stapled and collated in the specified sequence:
primary source code (w/main) file, class source code files, and then the pseudocode text

Post a .zip file — with all source code (.java) and text files — on the Moodle web site.
Do not include any extraneous (e.g. IDE, output) files in the Moodle submission.

Program documentation must include the required signed disclaimer (comment) in the
heading — no grade will be assigned to programs that omit the disclaimer or signature.

Sample Output: java SequenceDemo 2 25

Printing a sequence of 25 prime numbers:
3 5 7 11 13
17 19 23 29 31
37 41 43 47 53
59 61 67 71 73
79 83 89 97 101

Last Digit Histogram:
[0] (0, 0%)
[1]************************ (6, 24%)
[2] (0, 0%)
[3]**************************** (7, 28%)
[4] (0, 0%)
[5]**** (1, 4%)
[6] (0, 0%)
[7]************************ (6, 24%)
[8] (0, 0%)
[9]******************** (5, 20%)
Total(actual count, %) (25, 100%)
Scaled as %, each * = 1%