ComS 573 Machine Learning Lab 1 Naive Bayes Classifier for Text Classification


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In this lab assignment, you are required to write your own code to implement the Naive
Bayes algorithm. You are not allowed to use the existing implementation in machine learning
packages. However, if you wish, you may use machine learning packages such as WEKA to
check the correctness of your results.
Naive Bayes classifiers have been successfully applied to classifying text documents. In this lab assignment, you will implement the Naive Bayes algorithm to solve the “20 Newsgroups” classification
1 Data Set
The 20 Newsgroups data set is a collection of approximately 20,000 newsgroup documents, partitioned (nearly) evenly across 20 different newsgroups. It was originally collected by Ken Lang,
probably for his Newsweeder: Learning to filter netnews[1] paper, though he did not explicitly mention this collection. The 20 newsgroups collection has become a popular data set for
experiments in text applications of machine learning techniques, such as text classification and text
The data is organized into 20 different newsgroups, each corresponding to a different topic. Here
is a list of the 20 newsgroups:
The original data set is available at In this lab,
you won’t need to process the original data set. Instead, a processed version of the data set
is provided (see This processed version represents 18824 documents which
have been divided to two subsets: training (11269 documents) and testing (7505 documents).
After unzipping the file, you will find six files: map.csv, train label.csv, train data.csv,
test label.csv, test data.csv, vocabulary.txt. The vocabulary.txt contains all distinct
words and other tokens in the 18824 documents. train data.csv and test data.csv are formatted “docIdx, wordIdx, count”, where docIdx is the document id, wordIdx represents the word
id (in correspondence to vocabulary.txt) and count is the frequency of the word in the document.
train label.csv and test label.csv are simply a list of label id’s indicating which newsgroup
each document belongs to. The map.csv maps from label id’s to label names.
2 What You Will Do
In general, you will implement a Java program that takes the six files as input, builds a Naive
Bayes classifier and outputs relevant statistics. Call your code as follows:
java NaiveBayes vocabulary.txt map.csv training label.csv training data.csv
testing label.csv testing data.csv
(Note: you may use a different name for the Java class.)
You will learn your Naive Bayes classifier from the training data (train label.csv, train data.csv),
then evaluate its performance on the testing data (test label.csv, test data.csv). Specifically,
your program will accomplish the following two tasks.
2.1 Learn Naive Bayes Model
You will implement the multinomial model (“a bag of words” model) discussed in the lecture. In
the learning phase, you will estimate the required probability terms using the training data.
For each target value ωj (each newsgroup)
• Calculate class prior P(ωj )
• Calculate n: total number of words in all documents in class ωj (i.e., total length)
• For each word wk in Vocabulary
– Calculate nk: number of times word wk occurs in all documents in class ωj .
– Calcualte Maximum Likelihood estimator PMLE(wk|ωj ) = nk
and Bayesian estimator
PBE(wk|ωj ) = nk+1
n+|V ocabulary|
(this is Laplace estimate).
Your program should output the class priors, for example (the following numbers are arbitrary, not
true values)
P(Omega = 1) = 0.0426
P(Omega = 2) = 0.0516
P(Omega = 3) = 0.0508

You need not print out all PMLE(wk|ωj ) or PBE(wk|ωj ), just take a look at the values of these two
types of estimators. What do you observe? Discuss what you have observed in your report.
2.2 Evaluate the Performance of the Classifier
In this task, you will evaluate your Naive Bayes classifier on both the training and the testing
data. You will use your Naive Bayes classifier to make classification decision on these data set
then calculate relevant statistics such as overall accuracy, class accuracy, confusion matrix, etc.
When making classification, considering only words found in Vocabulary. Let positions be all word
positions in a document that contain tokens found in Vocabulary, return ωNB where
ωNB = argmaxωjP(ωj )
i in positions
|ωj ). (1)
You may find it more convenient to compute (note however that P(xi
|ωj ) terms may be zero for
ωNB = argmaxωj
[ln P(ωj ) + X
i in positions
ln P(xi
|ωj )]. (2)
2.2.1 Performance on Training Data
First you will evaluate your Naive Bayes classifier on the training data. You will only make classification using your Bayesian estimators PBE(wk|ωj ). After making prediction for each document
in the training data set, you will calculate and output the overall accuracy, i.e, the percentage of
correctly classified documents
Overall Accuracy =
number of correctly classif ied documents
total number of documents , (3)
as well as the class accuracy for each newsgroup. A sample output is given as follows (the numbers
are arbitrary, not true values).
Overall Accuracy = 0.9211
Class Accuracy:
Group 1: 0.9667
Group 2: 0.9191

Further, you will construct and output the confusion matrix (
Confusion_matrix). An example is showed as follows (the numbers are arbitrary, not true values):
464 0 0 0 …
1 534 6 15 …
1 10 503 23 …
0 10 4 546 …

A cell (i, j) in the matrix represents the number of documents in group i that are predicted to be
in group j.
2.2.2 Performance on Testing Data
Now you will evaluate your classifiers on the testing data set. First, repeat the experiments described in Section 2.2.1 on testing dataset. Compare the results obtained with the results you have
obtained in Section 2.2.1. What do you observe? Discuss.
Next repeat the experiments (on testing data) using your Maximum Likelihood estimator PMLE(wk|ωj )
instead of the Bayesian estimators. Compare your results to the results obtained using your
Bayesian estimators. Can you observe the difference? Which one is better?
2.3 Summary
In summary, your program will output the following relevant statistics:
• Class priors
• Performance on training data (using Bayesian estimators): overall accuracy, class accuracy,
confusion matrix.
• Performance on testing data (using both MLE and BE estimators): overall accuracy, class
accuracy, confusion matrix for MLE, overall accuracy, class accuracy, confusion matrix for
3 What to Turn In
Turn in via Canvas a compressed file (.zip .rar or .tar.gz) containing the following:
• All of your commented source code (.java files). Make sure the debugging flag is set to false.
Do not turn in the results of running the code with debugging = true.
• A README file explaining how to compile and run the program.
• A short lab report that includes answers to questions listed above and the experimental results
[1] Ken Lang, Newsweeder: Learning to filter netnews, Proceedings of the Twelfth International
Conference on Machine Learning, 331-339 (1995).