Computer Science 384 AI Fixed Project Assignment – Pacman


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Acknowledgements: This project is based on Berkeley’s CS188 EdX course project. It is a modified and
augmented version of ”Project 2: Multi-Agent Pacman” available at
For this project, you must implement four different game tree search agents for the game of Pacman.
Question 1: The implementation of a Minimax agent.
Question 2: The implementation of a Minimax agent with alpha-beta pruning.
Question 3: The implementation of an Expectimax agent.
Question 4: The implementation of a Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) agent with UCB.
What is Supplied
Important: MonteCarloAgent.txt is the only file that differs from the files released with the Version 1
of this document.
(File descriptions follow those of the UC Berkeley CS188 multi-agent project.)
• Files you will edit.
– – suitable augmented with your implementation of the search agents described
in questions 1 to 4 in this handout.
– MonteCarloAgent.txt – a python class that you will have to augment with your implementation
of the UCT search agent, described in question 4. You must copy & paste the MonteCarloAgent
class into the python file.
• Files that are useful to your implementations.
– – Runs Pacman games. This file also describes a Pacman GameState, which you
will use extensively in your implementations.
– – The logic behind how the Pacman world works. This file describes several supporting types like AgentState, Agent, Direction, and Grid.
– – Useful data structures for implementing search algorithms.
• Files that are unlikely to be of help to your implementations, but are required to run the project.
– – Graphics for Pacman.
– – Support for Pacman graphics.
– – ASCII graphics for Pacman.
– – Agents to control ghosts
– – Keyboard interfaces to control Pacman.
– – Code for reading layout files and storing their contents.
– – Project autograder.
Project Assignment, University of Toronto, CSC384 – Intro to AI, Winter 2017 4
– – Parses autograder test and solution files.
– – General autograding test classes.
– – Project specific autograding test classes.
– – File that specifies how much each question in autograder is worth.
– – Project parameters, facilitates nicer output during autograding.
– – Classes for specifying ghosts’ behaviour.
The Pacman Game
Pacman is a video game first developed in the 1980s. A basic description of the game can be found at In order to run your agents in a game of Pacman, and
to evaluate your agents with the supplied test code, you will be using the command line. To familiarize
yourself with running this game from the command line, try playing a game of Pacman yourself by typing
the following command:
To run Pacman with a game agent use the -p command. Run Pacman as a GreedyAgent:
python -p GreedyAgent
You can run Pacman on different maps using the -l command:
python -p GreedyAgent -l testClassic
Important: If you use the command in an environment with no graphics interface (e.g. when you ssh to
teach.cs, formerly CDF), you must use the flag -q.
The following commands are available to you when running Pacman. They are also accessible by running
python –help.
• -p Allows you to select a game agent for controlling pacman, e.g., -p GreedyAgent. By the end
of this project, you will have implemented four more agents, listed.
– MinimaxAgent
– AlphaBetaAgent
– ExpectimaxAgent
– MonteCarloAgent
• -l Allows you to select a map for playing Pacman, e.g., -l smallClassic. There are 9 playable
maps, listed.
– minimaxClassic
– trappedClassic
– testClassic
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– smallClassic
– capsuleClassic
– openClassic
– contestClassic
– mediumClassic
– originalClassic
• -a Allows you to specify agent specific arguments. For instance, for any agent that is a subclass of
MultiAgentSearchAgent, you can specify the depth that you limit your search tree by typing -a
• -n Allows you to specify the amount of games that are played consecutively by Pacman, e.g., -n
100 will cause Pacman to play 100 consecutive games.
• -x Allows you to specify an amount of training cases. The results of these cases are not displayed in
the terminal. For example, -x 50 will allow you to run Pacman over 50 training cases before starting
to play games where the output is visible. This will be useful when testing you Monte-Carlo Agent.
• -k Allows you to specify how many ghosts will appear on the map. For instance, to have 3 ghosts
chase Pacman on the contestClassic map, you can type -l contestClassic -k 3
Note: There is a max number of ghosts that can be initialized on each map, if the number specified
exceeds this number, you will only see the max amount of ghosts.
• -g Allows you to specify whether the ghost will be a RandomGhost (which is the default) or a
DirectionalGhost that chases Pacman on the map. For instance, to have DirectionalGhost characters type -g DirectionalGhost
• -q Allows you to run Pacman with no graphics.
• –frameTime Specifies the frame time for each frame in the Pacman visualizer (e.g., –frameTime
An example of a command you might want to run is:
python -p GreedyAgent -l contestClassic -n 100 -k 2 -g DirectionalGhost -q
This will run a GreedyAgent over 100 cases on the contestClassic level with 2 DirectionalGhost
characters, while supressing the visual output.
Your evaluation will be based on the correct implementation of 4 different agents: Minimax, Minimax with
alpha-beta pruning, Expectimax, and UCT (Monte-Carlo Tree Search with UCB1) search.
• Correct Implementation (20 × 4 = 80 marks)
Each of your agents will be tested for correctness. For the first three, we will test this by observing
whether the correct nodes in the game tree have been expanded. When you implement UCT (i.e.,
Project Assignment, University of Toronto, CSC384 – Intro to AI, Winter 2017 6
MCTS + UCB1), keep in mind two things. (i) The states visited by MCTS rollouts are thrown away,
and the win/loose information is propagated backwards in the search tree. (ii) The UCB score in a
tree node is computed with the perspective of the player that associated with the node. That is, the
average wins of a parent node following the path of a children node is computed from the number
of loses of the children. The correct implementation of each agent is worth 20 marks. A subset
of the tests used in automarking your implementation will be released so you can test whether your
implementations are correct.
• MCTS Enhancements (20 marks)
You will experiment with the tuning of different parameters, as well as with an implementation of an
improved evaluation function in order to enhance the performance of your MonteCarloAgent. We
will ask you to achieve specific benchmarks on 4 different maps. The maximum achievable marks
per map is 5 marks.
We will auto-test your code rather than hand marking it. You will be supplied with a testing script that will
run a subset of the tests. If your code fails all of the tests performed by the script (using Python version
2.7), you will receive zero marks. It is your responsibility to make sure your code runs in Python version
2.7, and that passes at least some of the tests in the provided testing script. It’s up to you to figure out
additional test cases to further test your code – that’s part of the assignment.
When your code is submitted, we will run a more extensive set of tests which will include the tests run in
the provided testing script and a number of other tests. You have to pass all of these tests to obtain full
marks on the assignment.
Project Assignment, University of Toronto, CSC384 – Intro to AI, Winter 2017 7
Question 1: Minimax Agent (worth 20/100 marks)
Your first task is to implement a Minimax agent to play the game of Pacman. The function getAction in
MinimaxAgent located in in provides the complete input/output specification of the
function you are to implement.
The correct implementation of the Minimax agent is worth 20/100 marks.
Brief implementation description: Your Minimax algorithm should follow the basic implementation discussed in lecture. However, your algorithm should work with any number of ghosts, so you’ll have to
modify the implementation you saw in class (which works only for two players). Your search tree will
consist of multiple layers – a max layer for Pacman, and a min layer for each ghost. For instance, assume
you are implementing Minimax for a game with 3 ghosts. Then, a search of depth 1 will consist of 4 levels
in the search tree – one for Pacman, and then one for each of the ghosts.
getAction The function receives a gameState, and must return the best action according to Minimax search. gameState.getLegalActions(agentIndex) will get all the legal actions for a given
agent. agentIndex for Pacman is 0, and ghosts are ≥ 1. gameState.generateSuccessor(agentIndex,
action) will return the successor of a game-action pair for a given agent. gameState.getNumAgents()
returns the number of agents in the game. depth is one of the parameters passed to your MinimaxAgent
upon initialization. You will need to store this variable, and make sure that your agent only searches
to the specified depth. Once you reach the specified depth, you should evaluate the nodes of the tree
using self.evaluationFunction which will default to scoreEvaluationFunction (also located
in Notice that a search of depth 2 will result in two moves for Pacman, and two
moves for each ghost.
You can run your MinimaxAgent on a game of Pacman by running the following command:
python -p MinimaxAgent -l minmaxClassic -a depth=3
Explorative question (you do not have to hand these in): Note that Pacman will have suicidal tendencies
when playing in situations where death is imminent. Why do you think this is the case?
Question 2: Alpha-Beta Pruning (worth 20/100 marks)
You will now implement a Minimax agent with alpha-beta pruning to play the game of Pacman. The function getAction in AlphaBetaAgent located in in provides the complete input/output
specification of the function you are to implement.
The correct implementation of the AlphaBeta agent is worth 20/100 marks.
Brief implementation description: Your alpha-beta pruning algorithm should follow the implementation
discussed in lecture. Your algorithm should work with any number of ghosts, so you’ll have to modify the
implementation you saw in class to accommodate for multiple adversarial agents, similarly to what you did
for your MinimaxAgent.
Project Assignment, University of Toronto, CSC384 – Intro to AI, Winter 2017 8
getAction This function receives a gameState as input, and should return the best action determined by
alpha-beta pruning upon return. Once again, your function should only search to the specified depth
passed to the agent upon initialization, and evaluate nodes based on self.evaluationFunction.
Watch your agent play by running the following command:
python -p AlphaBetaAgent -a depth=3 -l minimaxClassic
Explorative questions (you do not have to hand these in): You should notice a significant speed-up compared to your Minimax agent. Should the performance for the AlphaBetaAgent be expected to be the same
as Minimax agent given a certain depth?
Question 3: Expectimax Agent (worth 20/100 marks)
You will now implement an Expectimax agent to play the game of Pacman. The function getAction in
ExpectimaxAgent located in in provides the complete input/output specification of
the function you are to implement. An Expectimax agent no longer makes the assumption that it is playing
against an optimal adversary. As this is the case in Pacman, this will lead to better modelling of the opposing ghosts. The only difference in implementation of Expectimax search and Minimax search, is that at a
min node, Expectimax search will return the average value over its children as opposed to the minimum
The correct implementation of the Expectimax agent is worth 20/100 marks.
Brief implementation description: Your Expectimax algorithm should follow the implementation of Minimax discussed in lecture, with the average taken over the children of a min node, rather than the minimum. Your algorithm should work with any number of ghosts, similarly to your MinimaxAgent and
AlphaBetaAgent classes.
getAction This function receives a gameState as input, and should return the best action determined by
Expectimax search upon return. Once again, your function should only search to the specified depth
passed to the agent upon initialization, and evaluate nodes based on self.evaluationFunction.
Watch your agent play by typing in the following command:
python -p ExpectimaxAgent -a depth=3 -l minimaxClassic
Explorative questions (you do not have to hand these in): Try running Pacman on the trappedclassic
map. Compare the results with those of your Minimax agent. Which agent has better performance? Why
do you think this is the case?
Question 4: Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) Agent (worth 40/100 marks)
You will now implement a UCT (UCT = Monte-Carlo Tree Search + UCB1) agent to play the game of Pacman. The functions getAction, runSimulation, and final in MonteCarloAgent (you have to copy &
paste this class, from MonteCarloAgent.txt, into provide the complete input/output
Project Assignment, University of Toronto, CSC384 – Intro to AI, Winter 2017 9
specification of the functions you are to implement.
The correct implementation of the Monte-Carlo Tree Search agent is worth 20/100 marks.
Brief Implementation Description: The algorithm described in class works in games with two adversarial
agents. In the Pacman game, one agent plays the role of Pacman (A1), and the other agent plays the role
of N ghosts (A2). Notice that the game has perfect information, and A2 controls the movement of all N
ghosts each turn.
Read the init function of MonteCarloAgent and make sure that you understand it. For instance,
depth sets the depth to which your agent will search to after the expansion phase. You will traverse the tree
using UCB1 until you reach a leaf node, and from this point search to the specified depth. Setting depth =
−1 will cause your agent to search until it reaches a win or a loss (i.e., infinite depth). Furthermore, if a
depth is set, then your agent will use scoreEvaluationFunction rather than mctsEvalFunction.
Your implementation will be marked for whether it searches to the correct depth, whether after a certain
number of simulations your agent has expanded the correct number of nodes, and whether your agent
adheres to the correct timeout when running a simulation.
getAction This function should return the best action from gameState after running Monte-Carlo Tree
Search for the set timeout (50 ms). Begin by returning the action with the highest vi value, i.e., the
number of wins divided by the number of plays.
runSimulation This function should update values in your search tree dictionaries (self.plays and
self.wins). Keys of these dictionaries must be GameState instances, and values must be int.
Iterate through your search tree, choosing the state that should be moved into according to the UCB1
criterion. Once you reach a leaf node, expand that node, randomly selecting states to move into until
a terminal is reached, or the maximum depth has been surpassed. Remember, states encountered
after the expansion stage don’t have their values updated. Update all of the values in your search tree
based on the result of the simulation (post-expansion) phase. Your implementation should work with
multiple adversarial ghosts. Depth should be as was done for the other agents – searching to a depth
of 2 should result in 2 moves for Pacman, and 2 moves for each of the ghosts.
final This function should take the states that were encountered by Pacman during the game, and update
their values according to the result of the game. This function is called every time a game of Pacman
ends, and receives the final state of the game. States are updated in the same way that they are
updated after a simulation.
Enhancements for MCTS Agent (worth 20/100 marks)
In this section, you will experiment with tuning different parameters, and with an optional implementation
of an alternative evaluation function to improve the performance of your MonteCarloAgent over 4 specified maps. You are allowed to specify different parameters for each of the 4 different maps. For example,
if you want to use your MonteCarloAgent without a depth cutoff for the minimaxClassic level, but want
to use a depth-limited UCT for the smallClassic level, then that is acceptable. Remember, that your
enhanced implementation must run on cdf, and thus non-standard imports cannot be used. This section
will not be tested for correctness, only for performance.
Project Assignment, University of Toronto, CSC384 – Intro to AI, Winter 2017 10
Ways to make an improvement for your MonteCarloAgent:
• Adjusting C (exploration parameter in UCB1): Adjusting the exploration parameter C will yield
different performance. A higher C will result in Pacman putting a higher emphasis on exploring new
states for which it has less information.
• Search to a specified depth: On some of the bigger maps, forcing Pacman to expand nodes until a
win or loss is encountered can lead to not evaluating enough states to make good decisions. Setting
the depth parameter will allow Pacman to evaluate more states. Depth-limited UCT should default
to using a heuristic evaluation function (by default scoreEvaluationFunction) to evaluate the
final state in the expansion phase.
• Implementing an improved evaluation function: There is space for you to implement an improved
evaluation function – betterEvaluationfunction located in This function can
be passed to your agent in the terminal by setting evalFn=better. This function replaces the default
scoreEvaluationFunction when using depth-limited UCT.
• Altering the selection criterion: When selecting which state to move into after simulation (in
getAction), you were asked to choose the state with the highest vi (self.wins / self.plays).
You might want to implement an alternative selection criteria (as discussed in the tutorial) for choosing an action in getAction. Hint: We recommend you not to invest time exploring different action
selection criteria because, in principle, there should not be dramatic changes in terms of performance.
Remember the convergence guarantees of UCT.
The following table shows the marking scheme for a set of different maps. You will have to achieve both
the winning percentage and the average score in order to achieve full marks:
Map 3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
avg score win % avg score win % avg score win %
minimaxClassic 250 0.65 300 0.75 350 0.85
testClassic -150 0.30 -100 0.40 0 0.50
smallClassic -200 0.00 -150 0.05 -100 0.10
contestClassic -200 0.00 200 0.00 500 0.01
The performance of your agents will be evaluated over 100 games to see if they achieve the designated
benchmarks. This is process is stochastic, and we will allow for a margin of error. If your agent receives
an average score 100 below the specified score, and wins 20% times less than what the benchmark, you
will still receive full marks. Place the setting of C, the depth, and the evaluation function you want to
use for each of the four maps (See the init function). For instance, if you would like to use a setting
of C=2, depth=10, evalFn=better for the testClassic map, then you would place those parameters
under “if Q=’minimaxClassic’:” in the init function.