Learning objectives:
- Develop a Python program that uses the author’s graphics package.
Write a program called that displays a pumpkin. Use the author’s graphics packages, Since everyone likes to design their own jack-o-lantern, we will leave it up to you what the details of the finished product should look like.
To make the program more fun, there should be a flickering flame inside the jack-o-lantern. Again it is up to you to decide what this should look like. Use a loop to make the flame “flicker” (appear and disappear).
The loop that makes the flicker may go too fast. To slow it down, use the sleep() function from the time library that is a part of Python. You will need to import the library into your code. The line time.sleep(0.1) will make the program pause for one tenth of a second.
When the jack-o-lantern first appears (before it begins flickering) display a greeting like, “Happy Fall!”
After the flickering has finished, have the message “Click anywhere to close” appear centered at the bottom of the window. Get a mouse click and then close the window.
We will have a little in-class competition for the best fall greeting card.
Upload the file to your class OAKS account.
See the Content section’s “Policies for all assignments” document found on OAKS.