In this assignment, you will extend our current raytracer by adding planes, texturing, and more realistic illumination handling. You will be given an updated framework with clearly marked places for implementing
the required functionality. The updated framework is also a solution for the previous assignment. Upon
completing all the exercises, you should be able to generate an image similar to the one above.
Updated framework
We updated the framework by:
• adding Textures.h file, which contains functions generating procedural textures,
• extending the definition of the Material structure by adding variable texture which is the reference to
the function for computing the procedural texture; by default set to NULL – no texture,
• extending the definition of Hit structure, which now can store texture coordinates, uv, for objects that
can be textured,
• adding a new class Plane,
• extending function PhongModel, such that it takes also texture coordinates as a parameter,
• adding dummy function toneMapping.
The code is commented. Before continuing with the assignment, please familiarize yourself with the updates
and check the code for comments indicating the places which should be modified.
Exercise 1 [5 points]
In this exercise, your task is to implement a plane-ray intersection routine and add six planes to the scene,
forming a box around the spheres we already have. More specifically, the template already contains the
class Plane. Your tasks is to implement the intersection function. Like what was discussed during the
lecture, we define a plane using one point and the normal. Additionally, the constructor of the class can take
a material structure as an argument. After implementing the intersection routine, please add to the scene
six planes such that they form a box extending from −15 to 15 along x direction, from −3 to 27 along y
direction, and from −0.01 to 30 along z direction. You can specify the material of the planes according to your
preference, but they should not be completely black.
Exercise 2 [3+2 points]
Now, we will add a textured sphere to the scene. You will find the code for declaring and adding the sphere
in function sceneDefinition. You will first need to uncomment it. Next, you need to make sure that the
intersection function for the sphere correctly sets the texture coordinates, uv, for the intersection point
and the function PhongModel uses the texture function in the Material structure to set the diffuse
color of the object. You can distinguish between objects with and without texture by checking whether the
pointer to the texture function in the Material structure given as an argument to PhongModel function
is NULL. Finally, you have to implement a procedural texture function in file Textures.h. You can choose
between implementing the checkerboard pattern discussed during the lecture or tilted red, green, blue stripes
as shown in the image above. You will get 3 points for the correct realization of the checkerboard pattern and
5 for the color pattern. Again the image does not need to look identical to the one in this document, but the
sphere should have a similar red, green, blue stripe pattern which is tilted, i.e., neither horizon nor vertical.
Exercise 3 [5 points]
Finally, make your illumination more realistic. Introduce the attenuation of the light due to distance in
PhongModel function. You should also take care of the tone mapping and gamma correction by implementing a simple tone mapping routine. To make the image look nice, you will most likely need to tweak the
intensities of the lights and coefficients in the material definition. Since we were not considering gamma correction before, our current raytracer has exaggerated ambient illumination. Try reducing both the intensity
of the ambient light and the ambient coefficient for all materials. You are encouraged to play around with all
the settings related to the light computation to create an image you like. However, please do not change the
geometry of the scene, i.e., the positions and sizes of the objects.
You should submit one ZIP-file via iCorsi containing modified main.cpp and Textures.h files. Additionally, in
the comment to your submission indicate which exercises you solved and what problems you encountered,
if any.
Solutions must be returned on October 13, 2022 via iCorsi3