Question 1: Write a method to do K-nearest neighbors regression. Your method should
have the following signature
def KNN_reg_predict(X_trn, y_trn, x, K): # do stuff here return y
where X_trn is a 2D array of training inputs, y_trn is a 1D array of training outputs,
x is a 1D array of a single input to make predictions for, and K is the number of
neighbors. The return value y is just a scalar.
Include your code as text in your solution file. You may break ties arbitrarily.
Question 2: For each value of K between 1 and 10 use your code from the previous
question to mean training error and test error, evaluated using the squared loss. Give
your answer as a 10×2 table, with one row for each value of K and one column for each
of training / test error.
Now, repeat the process, except using absolute error instead of squared error.
Question 3: Write a method to evaluate a linear regression model. Your method should
have the signature
def linear_reg_predict(x, w): # do stuff here return y
where x is a 1D array with a single input, and w is a 1D array of regression coefficients
of the same length. The return value y is just a scalar.
Include your method as text in your solution file.
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Question 4: Write a method to train a linear ridge regression model. Your method
should have the signature
def linear_reg_train(X_trn, y_trn, λ): # do stuff here return w
where X_trn is a 2D array of training inputs, y_trn is a 1D array of training outputs,
and λ is the regularization constant. (Use l instead of λ if you don’t like Greek
letters in your code.) The return value w is a 1D array of regression coefficients of the
same size as X_trn.shape[1] . You should return the value w such that
(w x −
⊤ (n) y ) +
(n) 2 λ∥w∥
is minimized, where represents the different rows of X_trn and represents
the entries of y_trn . Include your method as text in your solution file.
(n) y
Note: In these questions, you do not need to add a “bias term”. Just fit a linear model of
the form fw(x) = w x. ⊤
Question 5: Repeat the evaluation process from question 2, except with different values
of λ on the rows. Use the values λ=0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10.
Question 6: The errors you get in the previous question depend on the particular
dataset you used. Consider each of the following errors:
1. Squared training error.
2. Squared test error.
3. Absolute training error.
4. Absolute test error.
For each of the errors above, which of the following describes how it changes as λ
increases for all datasets? Pick one of (A)-(E), and explain why in at most 2 sentences:
A) Error only increases (or stays constant).
B) Error only decreases (or stays constant).
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C) Error goes down for a while, then goes up. (It could stay constant in either phase.)
D) Error goes up for a while, then goes down. (It could stay constant in either phase.)
E) None of the above are guaranteed to happen.
Question 7: Write a method to evaluate a regression stump. Your method should have
the signature
def reg_stump_predict(x, dim, thresh, c_left, c_right): # do stuff here
return y
Your function should return c_left if x[dim]<=thresh and c_right otherwise.
Question 8: Write a method to train a regression stump. Your method should have the
def reg_stump_train(X_trn, y_trn): # do stuff here return dim, thresh,
c_left, c_right
where X_trn is a 2D array of training inputs, and y_trn is a 1D array of training
outputs. The values dim , thresh , c_left , and c_right are as in the prediction
function above. You should return the values such that
(f(x ) −
(n) y )
(n) 2
is minimized, where f represents your function from the previous question.
Include your method as text in your solution file.
Question 9: For the same data as above, train and evaluate a regression stump using
your code from the previous two questions. Give a table with the training squared error,
the test squared error, the training absolute error, and the test absolute error.
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Note (Added Mar. 2): For each of these, we intended for you to report the mean error
over each dataset. However, since this was ambiguous up to this point, we will also give
full credit if you report the sum of the errors. Please do use the mean if you see this
note as you’ll get more insight. But no need to go to extra effort to redo your work if
you’ve already completed it.
Running methods on real data
big_data.npz 897.0KB
For the following questions, you will use a larger dataset, given as big_data.npz . This
file contains 4096 training and 4096 validation examples. There are 13 dimensions. (The
first of these is 1.0, so you do not need to add a bias term yourself.)
For each of the following methods, compute the mean training and test error. In all
cases, use squared error. You may use methods from sklearn , or you may implement
these methods yourself.
Question 10: K-nearest neighbors regression, with the following values of K : 1, 2, 5, 10,
20, 50.
Question 11: Regression trees trained to (greedily) minimize squared error. Grow
regression trees to the following maximum depths: 1,2,3,4,5.
Question 12: Ridge regression with each of the following regularization constants λ: 0,
1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000.
Note: You should train to minimize the sum of error with the regularization penalty, i.e.
. However, you should still report mean errors,
without any regularization penalty included, just like with any other method.
(w x −
N ⊤ (n) y
2 + λ∥w∥
Question 13: Lasso regression with each of the following regularization constants λ: 0,
.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000.
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Again, train to minimize the sum of the error and the regression penalty, i.e.
, but report mean errors without any regularization
constant included.
(w x −
N ⊤ (n) y
2 + λ∥w∥1
Hint: The Lasso method in sklearn minimizes an expression that we would write in our
notation as . You must choose carefully so
that solving this is equivalent to solving the stated problem with a given .
(w x −
1 ∑n=1
N ⊤ (n) y
2 + α∥w∥1 α
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