
COMP90049 Project 1: Understanding Student Success with Naive Bayes

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In this project, you will implement a Categorical Naive Bayes classifier. You will explore its inner
workings and evaluate its behavior on a data set of student performance in high school, and on this
basis respond to some conceptual questions.
Implementation of Naive Bayes
The lectures and workshops contained several pointers for reading in data and implementing your
Naive Bayes classifier.
• You must implement your Naive Bayes classifier from scratch. Solutions which use nonnative Python libraries in the implementation of the Naive Bayes train() or predict()
function(s) will be treated as a fail.
• You may, however, use any the following Python libraries of your choice for implementing
evaluation metrics and procedures and data processing:
– pandas:
– scikit learn:
– numpy:
– scipy:
– any of Python’s native libraries:
• Beyond the above white-list, no existing code or libraries may be used.
• Note that you are not required to use any (or all!) of these libraries. This assignment can easily
be completed without the use of any Python library whatsoever.
For marking purposes, a minimal submission should define the following functions:
• load_data(), which opens the data file, and converts it into a usable format
• split_data(), where you split your data sets into a training set and a test set.
• train(), where you build a Naive Bayes model from the training data
• predict(), where you use a trained model from train() to predict a class (or class distribution) for the test data
• evaluate(), where you will output the accuracy of your classifiers
You may alter the above prototypes to suit your needs; you may write other helper functions as you require. Depending on which answers you choose to respond to, you may need to implement additional
For this project, we have adapted the Student data set available from the UCI machine learning repository (
Some critical information
1. File containing the data set: student.csv
2. 649 instances
3. 30 nominal attributes. Note that although some attributes may equally be treated as ordinal, for
the purpose of this assignment we assume all attributes are nominal.
4. 6 classes, corresponding to predicted final grade: {A+, A, B, C, D, F}
5. student.txt explains the attributes and class-labels
You should respond to Question 1 and two additional questions of your choice. A response to a
question should take about 100–250 words, and make reference to the data wherever possible.
Question 1: Naive Bayes Concepts and Implementation
a Explain the ‘naive’ assumption underlying Naive Bayes. (1) Why is it necessary? (2) Why
can it be problematic? Link your discussion to the features of the students data set. [no
programming required]
b Implement the required functions to load the student dataset, and estimate a Naive Bayes model.
Evaluate the resulting classifier using the hold-out strategy, and measure its performance using
c What accuracy does your classifier achieve? Manually inspect a few instances for which your
classifier made correct predictions, and some for which it predicted incorrectly, and discuss any
patterns you can find.
Question 2: A Closer Look at Evaluation
a You learnt in the lectures that precision, recall and f-1 measure can provide a more
holistic and realistic picture of the classifier performance. (i) Explain the intuition behind accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-measure, (ii) contrast their utility, and (iii) discuss the difference
between micro and macro averaging in the context of the data set. [no programming required]
b Compute precision, recall and f-1 measure of your model’s predictions on the test data
set (1) separately for each class, and (2) as a single number using macro-averaging.
Compare the results against your accuracy scores from Question 1. In the context of the student
dataset, and your response to question 2a analyze the additional knowledge you gained about
your classifier performance.
Question 3: Training Strategies
There are other evaluation strategies, which tend to be preferred over the hold-out strategy you
implemented in Question 1.
a Select one such strategy, (i) describe how it works, and (ii) explain why it is preferable over
hold-out evaluation. [no programming required]
b Implement your chosen strategy from Question 3a, and report the accuracy score(s) of your
classifier under this strategy. Compare your outcomes against your accuracy score in Question
1, and explain your observations in the context of your response to question 3a.
Question 4: Model Comparison
In order to understand whether a machine learning model is performing satisfactorily we typically
compare its performance against alternative models.
a Choose one (simple) comparison model, explain (i) the workings of your chosen model, and
(ii) why you chose this particular model.
b Implement your model of choice. How does the performance of the Naive Bayes classifier compare against your additional model? Explain your observations.
Question 5: Bias and Fairness in Student Success Prediction
As machine learning practitioners, we should be aware of possible ethical considerations around the
applications we develop. The classifier you developed in this assignment could for example be used
to classify college applicants into admitted vs not-admitted – depending on their predicted
a Discuss ethical problems which might arise in this application and lead to unfair treatment of
the applicants. Link your discussion to the set of features provided in the students data set.
[no programming required]
b Select ethically problematic features from the data set and remove them from the data set. Use
your own judgment (there is no right or wrong), and document your decisions. Train your Naive
Bayes classifier on the resulting data set containing only ‘unproblematic’ features. How does
the performance change in comparison to the full classifier?
c The approach to fairness we have adopted is called “fairness through unawareness” – we simply
deleted any questionable features from our data. Removing all problematic features does not
guarantee a fair classifier. Can you think of reasons why removing problematic features is not
enough? [no programming required]
Submission will be made via the LMS, as a single jupyter notebook file.
You will use the iPython notebook S2020S1-proj1.ipynb, which summarizes the five core functions, as a template. You will type your answers to the text-based question into cells in the jupyter
5 of the marks available for this project will be assigned to whether the five specified Python functions
work correctly. Any other implementation will not be directly assessed (except insofar as it is required
to make these five functions work correctly).
15 of the marks will be assigned to accurate and insightful responses to the questions, divided evenly
among the questions that you are required to attempt. We will be looking for evidence that you have
an implementation that allows you to explore the problem, but also that you have thought deeply about
the data and the behavior of the relevant classifier(s).
Late Submission Policy
There will be no extensions granted, and no late submissions allowed. Submission will close at
11am on Monday, April 22. For students who are demonstratably unable to submit a full solution in
time, we offer to reduce the weighting of the mark of this assignment towards the overall course grade
(but you will still have to submit your solutions by the deadline).
Changes/Updates to the Project Specifications
If we require any (hopefully small-scale) changes or clarifications to the project specifications, they
will be posted on the LMS. Any addendums will supersede information included in this document.
Academic Misconduct
You are welcome — indeed encouraged — to collaborate with your peers in terms of the conceptualization and framing of the problem. For example, what the project is asking you to do, or what you
would need to implement to be able to respond to a question.
However, sharing materials — for example, plagiarizing code or colluding in writing responses to
questions — will be considered cheating. We will invoke University’s Academic Misconduct policy
( where inappropriate levels of plagiarism or collusion are deemed to have taken place.
Data references
P. Cortez and A. Silva.
Using Data Mining to Predict Secondary School Student Performance.
In A. Brito and J. Teixeira Eds., Proceedings of 5th FUture BUsiness TEChnology Conference (FUBUTEC 2008) pp. 5-12, Porto, Portugal, April, 2008, EUROSIS, ISBN 978-