
COMP90041 Programming and Software Development Second Assessed Exercise (lab2)

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1. Write a program that computes the fuel efficiency, in
litres per hundred kilometres, of a vehicle. It should print out the prompt
Enter vehicle make: (where spaces are shown as ) and read in a vehicle make (which may be more than a single word) as a string. Then it
should print out the prompt Enter vehicle model: and read in a vehicle model (which may also be more than a single word) as a string. Next it
should print out the prompt Enter kilometres travelled: and read
in the number kilometers traveled (use a double). Next it should print out
the prompt Enter litres of fuel used: and read in the number litres
of fuel consumed (use a double). Note that all of these prompts should
end with a single space, and no newline, so that the value to be entered is
typed on the same line as the prompt. For input of both numbers, users
should be permitted to type in numbers with or without a decimal point.
Finally the program should print Fuel efficiency for a followed by
the make and model, separated by a space, and then : followed by the fuel
efficiency in litres per hundred kilometers, shown to two decimal places,
followed by litres/100 km. For example, a run of this program might
look like this, with user input underlined:
Enter vehicle make: Ferrari
Enter vehicle model: 458 Spider
Enter kilometres travelled: 593
Enter litres of fuel used: 86.13
Fuel efficiency for a Ferrari 458 Spider: 14.52 litres/100 km
Important: If you use the Scanner class for this question, or any other
you submit for assessment, you must not create more than one instance
of the Scanner class. You may use the same instance of Scanner as many
times as you like.
2. Write a Java program called that takes one integer argument on the command line, and prints out all of the factors of that number
from 1 up to that number on a single line, separated by spaces. For example, if given the command line argument 60, the program should print
out the single line:
1 2 3 4 5 6 10 12 15 20 30 60
Once again, spaces in the output are shown as . Note there is no extra
space at the beginning or end of the line, and the line ends with a newline
character immediately after the 60.
You do not need to handle integers larger than 100,000,000 or smaller
than 1, so an int is large enough. Your program must run in under 10
seconds for each test or it will time out and you will fail that test. Try
implementing it the simplest way you can think of, and I think you will
find that 10 seconds is plenty.
Hint: You can check if an integer a is divisible by an integer b by checking
if a % b is 0. If it is, then a is divisible by b.
Submission and Verification
You must submit your project from any one of the student unix servers. Make
sure the version of your program source files you wish to submit is on these
machines (your files are shared between all of them, so any one will do), then
cd to the directory holding your source code and issue the command:
submit COMP90041 lab2
Important: you must wait a minute or two (or more if the servers are busy)
after submitting, and then issue the command
verify COMP90041 lab2 | less
This will show you the test results and the marks from your submission, as well
as the file(s) you submitted.
If your output is different from the expected (correct) output, when you
verify your submission you will see the differences between your output and
what was expected. This will be shown as some number of lines beginning
with a minus sign (-) indicating the expected output and some number of lines
beginning with a plus sign (+) presenting your actual output. There may also be
some lines beginning with a single space showing lines you produced that were
as expected. Carefully compare the expected and actual lines, and you should
be able to find the error in your output. The actual and expected outputs will
be aligned, making it easier to find the differences. Some differences are hard to
spot visually, however, such as the difference between a capital O and a zero (0)
or the difference between a small l and a capital I and a one (1). This depends
on the font you are using. If the only difference between actual and expected
output are in whitespace or capitalisation, you will receive partial credit; this is
shown in your verification feedback.
Also note that the differences shown only reflect program output, not input.
Therefore, if your program outputs a prompt, waits for input, and then outputs
something else, the differences shown will not include the input, or even the
newline the user types to end the input. In that case, the prompt would be
shown immediately followed by your program’s next output (which may be
another prompt), on the same line. This is as expected.
If your program compiles on your computer but the verification output reports that your program does not compile on the server, you may have failed to
submit all your files, or you may have named them incorrectly. It is also possible
that your program contains a package declaration. This would appear near the
top of your .java file. If you have such a declaration, your program will probably
not compile, so you should delete any such declaration before submitting.
If the verification results show any problems, you may correct them and
submit again, as often as you like; only your final submission will be assessed.
If your submission involves multiple files, you must submit all the files every
time you submit.
If you wish to (re-)submit after the project deadline, you may do so by adding
“.late” to the end of the project name (i.e., lab2.late) in the submit and
verify commands. But note that a penalty, described below, will apply to late
submissions, so you should weigh the points you will lose for a late submission
against the points you expect to gain by revising your program and submitting
again. It is your responsibility to verify your submission.
Late Penalties
Late submissions will incur a penalty of 1% of the possible value of that submission per hour late, including evening and weekend hours. This means that
a perfect project that is a little more than 2 days late will lose half the marks.
These lab exercises are frequent and of low point value, and your lowest lab mark
will be dropped. Except in unusual circumstances, I will not grant extensions
for lab submissions.
Academic Honesty
This lab submission is part of your final assessment, so cheating is not acceptable. Any form of material exchange between students, whether written,
electronic or any other medium, is considered cheating, and so is the soliciting
of help from electronic newsgroups. Providing undue assistance is considered as
serious as receiving it, and in the case of similarities that indicate exchange of
more than basic ideas, formal disciplinary action will be taken for all involved