COMP90025 Parallel and Multicore Computing Project 1B – Knapsack filling


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The knapsack problem is a classic NP-hard resource allocation
problem, which is used in the management of parallel systems.
You are given a knapsack that is capable of holding up to a xed
weight called its capacity, C.
You are also given a collection of items, each of which has a weight wi
and a value vi
The task is to choose which items to put into the knapsack to
maximize the value of its contents.
Being NP-hard means that there is (probably) no algorithm that can
solve the problem time polynomial in the number of bits of its input.
However, there is a pseudo-polynomial time solution: one that is
polynomial in the largest value in the input, namely the capacity.
This algorithm is based on dynamic programming.
It sequentially nds the best solution for C
0 = 1, for C
0 = 2 etc., up to
0 = C.
Aaron Harwood and Lachlan Andrew (School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne) COMP90025 Parallel and Multicore Computing 2019 Semester II 2 / 7
Code Summary and Input Format
A sequential algorithm for solving the integer knapsack problem has
been provided on LMS. The program reads an instance from standard
input (stdin) and outputs the maximum value that the knapsack can
The rst line of input is a single integer (long int) giving the
capacity of the knapsack.
The second line is a single integer (int) giving the number of items
that may be placed into the knapsack.
Each subsequent line of the input le, one per item, provides a pair of
positive integers:
value weight
Aaron Harwood and Lachlan Andrew (School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne) COMP90025 Parallel and Multicore Computing 2019 Semester II 3 / 7
(Tiny) Example Input
The following example can be solved sequentially in microseconds.
Your submission will be tested on examples that take minutes to solve
83 83
62 62
43 43
20 20
5 5
Aaron Harwood and Lachlan Andrew (School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne) COMP90025 Parallel and Multicore Computing 2019 Semester II 4 / 7
You can either work individually, or with the same partner as for
Part A. If there is a compelling reason to change partners, please
contact Lachlan Andrew.
Write an MPI program that computes and outputs the maximum
value that can be carried in the knapsack, in the same format as done
by the sequential program.
Aim to have your program run as fast as possible. In doing so, you
may alter the calculations of the program, so long as the nal output is
correct. You can use algorithms that you nd in the literature (parallel
or sequential), but please do not directly copy code from elsewhere.
Use the sequential code as a base. Do not change the le before the
end of main(). If you need to include additional headers, they can be
included after main(). In particular, do not alter the timing
statements or add any of your own timing statements.
Write at most 750 words that outlines how you achieved
parallelism/high performance. Include tables and/or charts of your
own measurements that support your discussion.
Aaron Harwood and Lachlan Andrew (School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne) COMP90025 Parallel and Multicore Computing 2019 Semester II 5 / 7
Project 1 B is worth 13% of your total assessment. It is group work in
size of 2 at most.
Assessment of the report (5/13) is based on the level of details and
Assessment of the program (8/13) is based on correctness and
performance. Incorrect programs (i.e. that give incorrect outputs or
that fail to compile/run) will attract few if any marks. The top 5
fastest running programs, when given a mystery work load (you will
not be told the work load in advance), will be given a bonus mark; i.e.
the maximum mark for this project part is 14/13.
At most ve people will get the bonus mark. If a sixth person is tied
with anyone in the top ve, then anyone tied with that sixth person
will not receive a bonus mark.
Aaron Harwood and Lachlan Andrew (School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne) COMP90025 Parallel and Multicore Computing 2019 Semester II 6 / 7
Submit a PDF of your report (use PDF only, no other format will be
assessed) via LMS on or before Saturday 14th September. As well
you will need to submit your program directly on Spartan. The process
will be similar to that for Project 1a, but instructions for doing this
will be given closer to the deadline.
Optimal code often requires specic compiler options. As a comment
in the last line of your C code, put the exact command line used to
compile your code. Do not put anything else on that line
Use 10pt font, single line spacing, 25 mm margins all around and
double column formatting. Use appropriate headings and clearly label
and refer to tables, gures and references.
Clearly put your name and login name and those of your partner at the
top of the report.
Aaron Harwood and Lachlan Andrew (School of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne) COMP90025 Parallel and Multicore Computing 2019 Semester II 7 / 7