COMP8043 Assignment 2: Supervised Learning


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Task 1 (pre-processing and visualisation, 8 points)
Load the product images [1 point] and separate the labels [1 point] from the feature vectors
[1 point]. How many samples are images of sneakers [1 point], how many samples are
images of ankle boots [1 point]? Display at least one image for each class [2 points].
Parameterise the number of samples to use from the dataset in order to be able to control
the runtime of the algorithm evaluation [1 point]. Start developing using a small number of
samples, and increase for the final evaluation.
Task 2 (Perceptron, 11 points)
Create a k-fold cross validation procedure to split the data into training and evaluation
subsets [1 point]. Train a perceptron classifier on the training subsets [1 point] and predict
labels for the evaluation subsets [1 point]. Measure the processing time required for
training [1 point], the processing time required for prediction [1 point], and determine the
accuracy score of the classification [1 point] and the confusion matrix [1 point] for each split.
Calculate the minimum, the maximum, and the average of the training time per training
sample [1 point], the prediction time per evaluation sample [1 point] and the prediction
accuracy [1 point]. Use a sufficient number of splits and vary the number of samples to
observe the effect on runtime and accuracy [1 point].
Task 3 (Support Vector Machine, 14 points)
Create a k-fold cross validation procedure to split the data into training and evaluation
subsets [1 point]. Train a support vector machine classifier on the training subsets. Try a
linear kernel [1 point] and a radial basis function kernel for different choices of the
parameter 𝛾 [2 points]. Predict the labels for the evaluation subsets [1 point]. Measure the
time required for training [1 point], the time required for prediction [1 point], and
determine the accuracy score of the classification [1 point] and the confusion matrix [1
point] for each split. Calculate the minimum, the maximum, and the average of the training
time per training sample [1 point], the prediction time per evaluation sample [1 point] and
the prediction accuracy [1 point]. Determine a good value for 𝛾 based on the mean
accuracies you calculated [1 point]. Use a sufficient number of splits and vary the number of
samples to observe the effect on runtime and accuracy [1 point].
Task 4 (comparison, 2 points)
Compare the runtime and accuracy of the classifiers [1 point]. Which one would you choose
and why? [1 point].