
COMP4421 Assignment 1

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Topics: Image Enhancement in the Spatial and Frequency Domain
In this assignment, you need to finish two parts. The first one is to answer a simple
question, while the second part requires certain programming works.
Please submit your answers of the first part in PDF format, and all relevant codes
and results of your second part together in a folder. You also need to paste your
result images of the second part in the PDF file. Please follow the structure of
“Sample” folder to place your codes and result images (otherwise marks will be
deducted). Then you should rename the “Sample” folder by your student ID and the
programming language you use and compress it into a zip file. For example, if your
student ID is “12345678” and you choose to use Matlab, then your folder should be
This assignment should be submitted via the Canvas system on or before the due
1. Exercises
Answer the following question.
1.1 Fourier Transform (10%)
The Fourier spectrum (Fourier Representation) in Fig.(b) corresponds to the original
image Fig.(a) and the Fourier spectrum in Fig.(d) was obtained after the image Fig.(a)
was padded with zeros (Shown in the Fig.(c)).
a) Explain the significant increase in signal strength along the vertical and
horizontal axes of Fig.(d) compared with Fig.(b).
b) Explain the significant increase in signal strength in the low frequency region
of Fig.(d) compared with Fig.(b).
2. Programming Tasks
Write programs to finish the following tasks.
2.1 Pre-requirement
2.1.1 Input: Please download “”, unzip it and choose the image
corresponding to the last two digits of your student ID as your input image. Make
sure that you have selected the correct image, otherwise your result images will
obtain no scores.
2.1.2 Language: Matlab/Octave/Python 3.6. For the students who choose to use
Python, you need to transform our provided simple MAIN function into Python so
that we can run your code.
2.1.3 Functions to be used: You can use build-in functions of Matlab/Octave/Python
for handling images, but you should finish your programming tasks with your own
codes. For example, you can use “imread” to load an image, “imwrite” to save your
results, but functions for spatial filtering like “conv2”, “imfilter”, “fspecial”, “medfilt2”
or so forth are not allowed to use.
2.2 Spatial Linear Filtering (15%)
Write a function that performs spatial filtering on a gray level image. The function
prototype should be “filter_spa(img_input, filter) -> img_result”, where “filter” is the
required filter, for example, “filter” can be [1,1,1;0,0,0;-1,-1,-1]. The function should
be able to:
2.2.1 Smooth an image with different sizes of averaging filters, for example, 3 × 3,
5 × 5, 11 × 11 and so on. Please upload your smoothing image with 5 × 5 averaging
filter, named “img_ave.png”. (5%)
2.2.2 Compute x-gradient, y-gradient of an image with Sobel operator. Please upload
your x-gradient image and y-gradient image, named “img_dx.png” and “img_dy.png”
respectively. (5%)
2.2.3 Sharpen an image with a 3 × 3 Laplacian filter. As for the Laplacian filters, you
can choose any one of the four variants, as shown in the Reference. Please upload
your result image, named “img_sharpen.png”. (5%)
Bonus (10%) The naïve approach to convolute an image with a filter mask is to
create two loops to retrieve each pixel and do the convolution. Please try to use at
most one loop to replace the original two-loop image retrieval. You can take the LBP
code (lbp.m) in Canvas as a reference for one-loop image retrieval.
2.3 Spatial Non-linear Filtering (10%)
Write a function that performs median filtering on a gray level image. The function
prototype should be “medfilt2d(img_input, size) -> img_result”, where “size” is the
window size of median filter, for example, “size” can be 3, 5, and so on. Please use
your function to finish the following tasks (you can use the noise generator to
generate Gaussian noise or salt-and-pepper noise, the code for noise generator is
available in Canvas):
2.3.1 Add Gaussian noise to your input image with mean 0 and standard variance 30.
Then try to use your median filter to denoise it. Please upload your noisy image and
filtering result, named “img_gaussian.png” and “med_gaussian.png” respectively.
2.3.2 Add salt-and-pepper noise to your input image with the probabilities of the two
noise components 0.3. Then try to use your median filter to denoise it. Please upload
your noisy image and filtering result, named “img_sp.png” and “med_sp.png”
respectively. (5%)
2.4 Discrete Fourier Transform (20%)
Write a function that performs 2-D Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) or Inverse
Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT). The function prototype is “dft_2d(img_input, flag)
-> img_result”, returning the DFT / IDFT result of the given input. “flags” is a
parameter that specifies when the function should perform DFT (flag == ‘DFT’) and
when it should perform IDFT (flag == ‘IDFT’). Please use your function to finish the
following sub-tasks:
2.4.1 Perform DFT and compute the Fourier spectrum. Note that you should shift the
values such that F(0,0) is at F(M/2, N/2), where M is the height of the input image
and N is the width of the input image. Please upload the resulting spectrum image,
named ‘dft_spectrum.png’. (10%)
2.4.2 Perform IDFT on the DFT result in 2.4.1. Note that the result of IDFT is a
complex-value matrix and you need to transform it into a real-value matrix, for
example, by computing the absolute values or simply collect the real part. (10%)
1) For better visualization of the Fourier spectrum, we can apply the function
𝑓(𝑡) = log(𝑡 + 1) on the computed spectrum;
2) To shift the coordinate origin, we can multiply the input image 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) by
. Note: you need to include this part in your own DFT/IDFT function;
3) The formulas for DFT and IDFT are as follows,
𝐷𝐹𝑇: 𝐹(𝑢, 𝑣) =
𝑀𝑁 ∑ ∑ 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦)𝑒
𝐼𝐷𝐹𝑇: 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) = ∑ ∑ 𝐹(𝑢, 𝑣)𝑒
2.5 Filtering in the Frequency Domain (10%)
Write a function that performs filtering in the frequency domain. The function
prototype is “filter2d_freq(img_input, filter) -> img_result”, where “filter” is the
required filter. According to Slide 23 in the Lecture 03: image-enhancement-freq,
convolution/filtering in the spatial domain is equivalent to element-by-element
multiplication in the frequency domain. Thus in this task, you are required to apply
DFT to the given image and the given filter, and then multiply them element by
element, followed by IDFT to get the filtered result. Hence, it should be easy to
implement “filter2d_freq” based on “dft_2d”. Use your “filter2d_freq” to finish the
following sub-tasks:
2.5.1 Smooth your input image with 5 × 5 averaging filter, named
“img_ave_freq.png”. (5%)
2.5.2 Sharpen an image with a 3 × 3 Laplacian filter. As for the Laplacian filters, you
can choose any one of the four variants, as shown in the Reference. Please upload
your result image, named “img_sharpen_freq.png”. (5%)
2.6 High‐Frequency Emphasis (35%)
Write a function that performs high-frequency emphasis in frequency domain. The
function prototype should be “high_freq_emphasis(img_input, a, b, type) ->
img_result”, where “a”, “b” are the parameters in the high‐frequency Emphasis
formulation and “type” indicates the filter used in frequency domain whose values
are from {“butterworth”, “gaussian”}. You need to complete the high-pass
Butterworth filter and high-pass Gaussian filter in butterworth.m and gaussian.m
respectively. The function prototypes are “butterworth(size, cutoff, n) -> f” and
“gaussian(size, cutoff) -> f”, where “size” is a 1 × 2 matrix indicating the size of the
filter. Let 𝑐𝑢𝑡𝑜𝑓𝑓 = 0.1, which is the normalized cutoff frequency, and 𝑛 = 1.
Please upload your result images filtered by Butterworth and Gaussian, named
“butter_emphasis_a_b.png” and “gaussian_emphasis_a_b.png” respectively, where
“a” and “b” are the actual values you used.
3. Reference