In this project you will learn how to schedule CPU for threads. You are given a simple
scheduling system skeleton in Nachos and your tasks are:
1. Compile Nachos and run the system with pre-implemented First Come First Serve
CPU scheduling algorithm.
2. Read the code and understand how the given CPU scheduling algorithm is
3. Implement the Shortest Job First scheduling algorithm (SJF), Non-preemptive
Priority scheduling algorithm (NP_Priority) and Preemptive Priority scheduling
algorithm (P_Priority) in Nachos. Recompile and run the system to test your
4. Explain the results and answer some questions.
Please don’t be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of code provided. In fact, you don’t
need to worry about most of it. The parts that you need to read or modify are given in
the following instructions. Please read them carefully, and follow the steps.
Step 1: Download Nachos source code of this project
Step 2: Extract the source code
Step 3: Compile the code
Enter the folder “os2017fall_nachos_ proj2” and then run “make”.
Step 4: Run Nachos
This program was designed to test 3 scheduling algorithms, namely First Come First
Serve (FCFS), Shortest Job First (SJF), Non-preemptive Priority (NP_Priority) and
Preemptive Priority (P_Priority). To cover all the cases, we do not run the executable
file ‘nachos’ directly. Instead, we run ‘test0’, ‘test1’, ‘test2’ and ‘test3’ to test the 4
Task 1: Run Nachos with Pre-Implemented Scheduling
System Skeleton
tar zxvf os2017fall_nachos_proj2.tar.gz
scheduling algorithms respectively.
For example, you can run ‘test0’ to test First Come First Serve scheduling algorithm.
If you succeed in running ‘test0’, you will see the following messages:
To be concise, we omitted several output lines.
The following table would give very useful information to you.
First-come first-served scheduling
Starting at Elapesd ticks: total 0
Queuing threads.
Queuing thread threadA at Time 0, priority 5, willing to burst 19 ticks
Switching from thread “main” to thread “threadA”
hreadA, Still 16 to go. Elapesd ticks: total 1
threadA, Still 15 to go. Elapesd ticks: total 2
threadA, Still 14 to go. Elapesd ticks: total 3
threadA, Still 13 to go. Elapesd ticks: total 4
threadA, Still 12 to go. Elapesd ticks: total 5
…………(We omitted some output here.)…………
threadE, Still 2 to go. Elapesd ticks: total 68
threadE, Still 1 to go. Elapesd ticks: total 69
threadE, Still 0 to go. Elapesd ticks: total 70
threadE, Done with burst. Elapesd ticks: total 70
No threads ready or runnable, and no pending interrupts.
Assuming the program completed.
Machine halting!
Ticks: total 70, idle 0, system 70, user 0
Disk I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Console I/O: reads 0, writes 0
Paging: faults 0
Network I/O: packets received 0, sent 0
Cleaning up…
Executable File Source File Corresponding
test0 FCFS Yes
test1 SJF No
test2 NP_Priority No
Test3 P_Priority No
You can run test0 to test the pre-implemented algorithms. However, because SJF
algorithm, NP_Priority and P_Priority are not yet implemented, if you run test1 or
test2 or test3 to test the given system skeleton, there will be an error. You can view
the source code of test files in,, and respectively.
Step 5: Read the code
Please read the code carefully. Try to understand how the given scheduling algorithm
is implemented. You need to focus on, scheduler.h,, list.h, Here we provide you some notes about the code.
The CPU scheduling algorithms are mainly implemented in 3 functions:
ReadyToRun(), FindNextToRun(), ShouldISwitch(), in
1) ReadyToRun() decides the policy of placing a thread into ready queue (or
multilevel queues, which will not be included in this project) when the thread gets
ready. For example, in FCFS we simply append the thread to the end the ready
queue, while in scheduling algorithm where threads have different priority we
insert the thread to the queue according to its priority.
2) FindNextToRun() decides the policy of picking one thread to run from the ready
queue. For example, in FCFS scheduling, we fetch the first thread in ready queue to
3) ShouldISwitch() decides whether the running thread should preemptively give
up to a new forked thread. In FCFS scheduling, the running thread does not
preemptively give up its CPU resources. Note that only in preemptive algorithms,
it is needed to decide whether the running thread should give up or not. In other
algorithms, you can simply return false.
In this task, you are required to implement the remaining two scheduling algorithms
Shortest Job First and Non-preemptive Priority, and then test your implementation. To
achieve this, you needn’t modify any source file other than You
are supposed to add some code in the following three functions in,
Note: Be very careful of cases in switch block(s) in each of those functions.
Make sure you put your code in the right place.
Since you have to operate one or more Lists, you could refer to list.h and to get familiar with List operations. Please make good use of appropriate
List operations, and the crucial requirement of this project for you is to understand
and experiment with different scheduling algorithms instead of coding itself, so the
coding part is actually relatively easy.
Step 1. Implement non-preemptive Shortest Job First Scheduling
In this step, you are supposed to add some code with respect to non-preemptive SJF
algorithm in case SCHED_SJF in each function in In SJF algorithm,
the thread with the shortest burst time in the ReadyList should be scheduled for
running after the current thread is done with burst. If there are more than one thread
with the same shortest burst time in the ReadyList, they must be scheduled in FCFS
Some notes are given to you:
1. The burst time of a thread is an integer greater than 0.
Read the file thread.h to get the corresponding function to obtain the burst time of
a thread. Note that a larger priority value means a higher priority.
2. Do NOT use the function setBurstTime() to change the burst time of the thread
dynamically in your own code.
3. You can insert the thread to ReadyList according to its burst time when a thread
gets ready. Therefore, it can be guaranteed that the first thread in ReadyList is the
thread with the shortest burst time.
Then you should run “make clean” and then “make” to recompile the code and run
test1 to check the output. (The first command is for you to view and the second is to
record the result in the file project2_test1.txt.)
Task 2: Implement two Scheduling Algorithms
./test1 > project2_test1.txt
Step 2. Implement non-preemptive Priority Scheduling
In this step, you are supposed to add some code with respect to NP_Priority algorithm
in case SCHED_PRIO_NP in each function in In NP_Priority
algorithm, the thread with the highest priority in the ReadyList should be scheduled
for running after the current thread is done with burst. If there are more than one
thread with the same priority in the ReadyList, they must be scheduled in FCFS
Some notes are given to you:
1. The priority of a thread is an integer between 0 and 20. The two thresholds
(MIN_PRIORITY and MAX_PRIORITY) are defined in thread.h .
Read the file thread.h to get the corresponding function to obtain the priority of a
thread. Note that a larger priority value means a higher priority.
2. You can insert the thread to ReadyList according to its priority when a thread gets
ready. You should guarantee that the thread with the highest priority in the
ReadyList would be scheduled first. (Please take care of the order: in SJF the
thread with the shortest burst time shall be scheduled first; while in Priority
scheduling the thread with the largest priority value shall be scheduler first.)
Then you should run “make clean” and then “make” to recompile the code and run
test2 to check the output. Do not forget to record the output.
Step 3. Implement Preemptive Priority Scheduling
In this step, you are supposed to add some code with respect to P_Priority algorithm
in case SCHED_PRIO_P in each function in In P_Priority algorithm,
the thread with the highest priority in the ReadyList should be scheduled for running
after the current thread is done with burst. If there are more than one thread with the
same priority in the ReadyList, they must be scheduled in FCFS manner.
Then you should run “make clean” and then “make” to recompile the code and run
test3 to check the output. Do not forget to record the output.
./test2 > project2_test2.txt
./test3 > project2_test3.txt
1. Understand the output of test0 (FCFS scheduling), test1 (SJF scheduling), test2
(NP_Priority scheduling) and test3 (Priority scheduling). Then calculate the
following performance of all the three scheduling algorithms:
1) Average waiting time;
2) Average response time;
3) Average turn-around time.
2. Compare the performance of the two scheduling algorithms FCFS and SJF in the
aspects mentioned in question 1, then discuss the pros and cons of each of the two
scheduling algorithms. (Note: you are strongly encouraged to change the input
threads in and in order to make your discussion more
convincing. However, when submitting the outputs of test0 and test1, please do
submit the outputs with the original input threads.)
3. Compare the performance of the two scheduling algorithms NP_Priority and
Priority in the aspects mentioned in question 1, then discuss the pros and cons of
each of the two scheduling algorithms. Please also explain the difference of the
two results in detail.
Please write your answers in project2_report.txt
1) Please generate a single file using ZIP and submit it through CASS.
2) The name of the ZIP file should be “proj2_********.zip”, using your student ID
to replace the star symbols.
3) The following files should be included inside the ZIP file:
File Name Description
Source code you have accomplished
by the end of Task2
project2_test1.txt Output of test1
Task 3: Explain the Results
After Finishing These Tasks
project2_test2.txt Output of test2
project2_test3.txt Output of test3
project2_report.txt The answer to the questions in Task 3