COMP3511 Operating System PA2: Simplified Linux Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) 


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Introduction The Linux kernel implements a completely fair scheduler (CFS). Upon completion of the project, students should be able to understand the details of CFS (a process scheduling algorithm used in Linux operating system) and how to implement a simplified CFS. Please note that the details of CFS are not covered in the lecture notes. This project description describes the detailed requirements of implementing a simplified CFS. In addition, you are highly recommended to attend the corresponding project-related lab. Program Usage You need to implement a program that simulates a CFS to schedule several processes. The program name is cfs. Here is the sample usage: $> ./cfs < input.txt > output.txt $> represents the shell prompt. < means input redirection, which is used to redirect the file content as the standard input > means output redirection, which is used to redirect the standard output to a text file Thus, you can easily use the given test cases to test your program and use the diff command to compare your output files with the sample output files. Getting Started cfs_skeleton.c is provided. You should rename the file as cfs.c You can add new constants, variables, and helper functions Necessary header files are included. You should not add extra header files. Assumptions • There are at most 10 different processes • There are at most 300 steps in the Gantt chart Some constants and helper functions are provided in the starter code. Please read the skeleton code carefully. Project TA – Peter ( Handling questions before the deadline Grader TA – Kaiqiang ( Grading and appeal handling after the deadline Page 2 of 9 Input Format The input parsing is given in the skeleton code. It is useful to understand the input format. All values are either integers or strings You can assume that all values are valid • For example, num_process must be a positive integer less than or equal to 10, and so on… Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored • Without these comment lines, it is very hard to understand the input file Format of constant: • name = Format of vector (i.e., an array of value): • name = A sample input file: Project TA – Peter ( Handling questions before the deadline Grader TA – Kaiqiang ( Grading and appeal handling after the deadline Page 3 of 9 Output Format The output consists of 3 regions: • Displaying the parsed values from the input • Displaying the intermediate steps of the CFS algorithm • Displaying the final Gantt chart The sample output file based on the sample input file: The above Gantt chart string is equivalent to the following Gantt chart: P0 P1 P1 P0 P1 0 36 47 58 82 90 Project TA – Peter ( Handling questions before the deadline Grader TA – Kaiqiang ( Grading and appeal handling after the deadline Page 4 of 9 Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) Overview In this course, you learned several scheduling algorithms. Most of them are based around the concept of fixed time slice. In contrast, CFS uses a simple counting-based technique called virtual runtime (vruntime). Each process has its vruntime, with a default value 0. As each process runs, it accumulates vruntime. When a scheduling decision occurs, CFS will pick an unfinished process with the smallest vruntime to run next. CFS has the following 3 configuration strategies: • Scheduler Latency (sched_latency) • Minimum Granularity (min_granularity) • Controlling the process priority CFS Concept: Scheduler Latency (sched_latency) CFS uses sched_latency, with a typical value like 48ms, to determine how long one process should run before considering a switch. If we have 2 processes, without considering the process priority, the per-process time slice is equal to: 48/2 = 24ms In the later section, CFS Concept: Controlling the process priority, we will discuss how to calculate the per-process time slice when the process priority is considered. CFS Concept: Minimum Granularity (min_granularity) Excessive context-switch may occur if the per-process time slice is too short. If the perprocess time slice is too short, CFS performance will be degraded due to the accumulated overhead of context-switch. CFS adds min_granularity, with a typical value like 6ms, to control the minimum per-process time slice. In the previous example, the per-process time slice is equal to 24ms, so we don’t need to change the per-process time slice because it is larger than min_granularity (6ms). For example, if there are 12 processes and sched_latency is 48ms. Per-process time slice is 48/12 = 4ms, which is smaller than min_granularity (6ms). The per-process time slice will be set to 6ms Project TA – Peter ( Handling questions before the deadline Grader TA – Kaiqiang ( Grading and appeal handling after the deadline Page 5 of 9 CFS Concept: Controlling the process priority CFS enables controls over process priority, enabling users to give some processes a higher/lower share of the CPU. The classic UNIX (i.e., the predecessor of Linux) mechanism known as the nice level is adopted. The nice parameter can be set anywhere from -20 to 19 for a process, with a default nice value 0. Positive nice values imply lower priority and negative values imply higher priority. CFS maps the nice values (defined in Unix/Linux) to the CFS weights: • Note: The following mapping is implemented in the skeleton code static const int DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 1024; static const int NICE_TO_WEIGHT[40] = { 88761, 71755, 56483, 46273, 36291, // nice: -20 to -16 29154, 23254, 18705, 14949, 11916, // nice: -15 to -11 9548, 7620, 6100, 4904, 3906, // nice: -10 to -6 3121, 2501, 1991, 1586, 1277, // nice: -5 to -1 1024, 820, 655, 526, 423, // nice: 0 to 4 335, 272, 215, 172, 137, // nice: 5 to 9 110, 87, 70, 56, 45, // nice: 10 to 14 36, 29, 23, 18, 15, // nice: 15 to 19 }; These weights allow us to compute the effective time slice of each process, but now accounting for their priority differences. Here is the exact formula implemented in the skeleton code: • weight refers to the weighting of the process, which is looked up from the table • sched_latency is the value read from the input • sum_of_weight refers to the total sum of the per-process weighting int calculate_per_process_time_slice( int weight, // weight of a process int sched_latency, // the scheduler latency int sum_of_weight // total sum of weights ) { return (int)((double) weight * sched_latency / sum_of_weight); } Suppose we have the following 2 processes; the time slices are calculated at the last column of the following table: • Note 1: sum_of_weight = 3121+1024 = 4145 • Note 2: both time slices are larger than min_granularity (6ms) Process Burst Time Nice Value Weight (from table) Time slice (calculated) P0 60 -5 3121 36 P1 30 0 1024 11 Project TA – Peter ( Handling questions before the deadline Grader TA – Kaiqiang ( Grading and appeal handling after the deadline Page 6 of 9 CFS Concept: Updating vruntime By considering the weighting, the following formula is used to update the vruntime. The formula implementation is provided in the skeleton code: • DEFAULT_WIGHT is equal to 1024 • vruntime refers to the current vruntime • runtime refers to how much time the process run • weight refers to the weighting of the process (see the previous section) double calculate_new_vruntime( double vruntime, // the current vruntime double runtime, // how much time the process run double weight // weight of a process ) { return vruntime + (double) DEFAULT_WEIGHT / weight * runtime; } Simplified CFS: How to pick the next process to run? In each step, we need to pick an unfinished process with the smallest vruntime to run next. If there are more than one such processes having the same smallest vruntime, pick the process with the smallest process ID. For example, if both P0 and P1 have the smallest vruntime, we pick P0 because it has a smaller process ID. In the Linux kernel CFS implementation, a data structure named as red-black tree should be used. Red-black tree is one of many types of balanced trees, which gives a logarithmic running time for each query. In this project, you DO NOT need to implement the red-black tree data structure. In each step, you only need to search the whole list of process to find the process with the smallest vruntime, with the worst-case linear running time. A Step-by-Step CFS Example For example, we have the following 2 processes. In the initial step (step0): Process Weight Remain Time Time slice vruntime P0 3121 60 36 0.00 P1 1024 30 11 0.00 Please note that 2 decimal places are used to display vruntime Project TA – Peter ( Handling questions before the deadline Grader TA – Kaiqiang ( Grading and appeal handling after the deadline Page 7 of 9 P0 is picked to run because it has the smallest vruntime. Indeed, both P0 and P1 have the smallest vruntime, but P0 is the process having the smallest process ID. P0 runs for 36ms, and the vruntime is updated based on the above formula. The table is updated as follows: Process Weight Remain Time Time slice vruntime P0 3121 24 36 11.81 P1 1024 30 11 0.00 P1 is picked to run because it has the smallest vruntime. P1 runs for 11ms, and the vruntime is updated based on the above formula. The table is updated as follows: Process Weight Remain Time Time slice vruntime P0 3121 24 36 11.81 P1 1024 19 11 11.00 P1 is picked to run because it has the smallest vruntime. P1 runs for 11ms, and the vruntime is updated based on the above formula. The table is updated as follows: Process Weight Remain Time Time slice vruntime P0 3121 24 36 11.81 P1 1024 8 11 22.00 P0 is picked to run because it has the smallest vruntime. P0 runs for 24ms (Note: The remaining time is smaller than the time slice) and the vruntime is updated based on the above formula. The table is updated as follows: Process Weight Remain Time Time slice vruntime P0 3121 0 36 19.69 P1 1024 8 11 22.00 P1 is picked to run (Note: Even P0 has the smallest vruntime, but P0 is already finished, thus P1 is a process having the smallest vruntime in the current process list). P1 runs for 8ms (Note: The remaining time is smaller than the time slice) and the vruntime is updated based on the above formula. The table is updated as follows: Process Weight Remain Time Time slice vruntime P0 3121 0 36 19.69 P1 1024 0 11 33.00 30.00 Now, all processes are finished. The final Gantt chart is: P0 P1 P1 P0 P1 0 36 47 58 82 90 Project TA – Peter ( Handling questions before the deadline Grader TA – Kaiqiang ( Grading and appeal handling after the deadline Page 8 of 9 Compilation The following command can be used to compile the program $> gcc -std=c99 -o cfs cfs.c The option c99 is used to provide a more flexible coding style (e.g., you can define an integer variable anywhere within a function) Sample test cases Several test cases (both input files and output files) are provided. We don’t have other hidden test cases. The grader TA will probably write a grading script to mark the test cases. Please use the Linux diff command to compare your output with the sample output. For example: $> diff –side-by-side your-outX.txt sample-outX.txt Sample Executable The sample executable (runnable in a CS Lab 2 machine) is provided for reference. After the file is downloaded, you need to add an execution permission bit to the file. For example: $> chmod u+x cfs Development Environment CS Lab 2 is the development environment. Please use one of the following machines (, where XX=01…40. The grader will use the same platform. In other words, “my program works on my own laptop/desktop computer, but not in one of the CS Lab 2 machines” is an invalid appeal reason. Please test your program on our development environment (not on your own desktop/laptop) thoughtfully before your submission, even you are running your own Linux OS. Remote login is supported on all CS Lab 2 machines, so you are not required to be physically present in CS Lab 2. Project TA – Peter ( Handling questions before the deadline Grader TA – Kaiqiang ( Grading and appeal handling after the deadline Page 9 of 9 Marking Scheme 1. (100%) Correctness of the 10 provided test cases. We don’t have other hidden test cases, but we will check the source codes to avoid students hard coding the test cases in their programs. Example of hard coding: a student may simply detect the input and then display the corresponding output without implementing the program 2. Make sure you use the Linux diff command to check the output format. 3. Make sure to test your program in one of our CS Lab 2 machines (not your own desktop/laptop computer) 4. Please fill in your name, ITSC email, and declare that you do not copy from others. A template is already provided near the top of the source file. Plagiarism: Both parties (i.e., students providing the codes and students copying the codes) will receive 0 marks. Near the end of the semester, a plagiarism detection software (MOSS) will be used to identify cheating cases. DON’T do any cheating! Submission File to submit: cfs.c Please check carefully you submit the correct file. In the past semesters, some students submitted the executable file instead of the source file. Zero marks will be given as the grader cannot grade the executable file. You are not required to submit other files, such as the input test cases. Late Submission For late submission, please submit it via email to the grader TA. There is a 10% deduction, and only 1 day late is allowed (Reference: Chapter 1 of the lecture notes) References This project is modified based on the discussion of CFS in Chapter 9 – Scheduling: Proportional Share of Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau and Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau Arpaci-Dusseau Books August, 2018 (Version 1.00) Free book chapters are available: