COMP30027 Project 1: What is labelled data worth to Naive Bayes?


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In this project, you will implement a supervised Naive Bayes classifier, and an unsupervised Naive
Bayes classifier. You will evaluate their behaviour on some standard data sets, and then respond to
some conceptual questions.
Naive Bayes classifiers
There are numerous suggestions for implementing your classifiers in the “Project 1 intro” lecture;
ultimately, the specifics of your implementation are up to you, and will depend on which question(s)
you choose to answer.
For marking purposes, a minimal submission should have a preprocess() function, which
opens the data file, and converts it into a usable format. It should also define the following functions,
for each of the supervised and unsupervised NB classifiers:
• train(), where you calculate counts (or probabilities) from the training data, to build a model
• predict(), where you use the model from train() to predict a class (or class distribution)
for the test data
• evaluate(), where you will output your evaluation metric(s), or sufficient information so
that they can be easily calculated by hand
There is a sample iPython notebook 2018S1-proj1.ipynb that summarises these, which you
may use as a template.
You may alter the above prototypes to suit your needs; you may write other helper functions as
you require. Depending on what you try to implement, some of the functions may be very similar
between the supervised and unsupervised versions.
For this project, we have adapted four of the datasets available from the UCI machine learning repository (
(i) breast-cancer.csv, having 286 instances, 9 nominal attributes (some of which contain
digits), and two classes: no-recurrence-events and recurrence-events. A small
number of attribute values are missing, and marked with ?: you may deal with them as you see
(ii) car.csv, having 1728 instances, 6 nominal attributes (some of which contain digits), and two
four classes: acc and unacc and good and vgood.
(iii) hypothyroid.csv, having 3163 instances, 18 nominal attributes, and two classes: hypothyroid
and negative. A small number of attribute values are missing, and marked with ?: you may
deal with them as you see fit.
(iv) mushroom.csv, having 8124 instances, 22 nominal attributes, and two classes: e (edible)
and p (poisonous). A large number of attribute values are missing, and marked with ?: you
may deal with them as you see fit.
The following problems are designed to pique your curiosity when running your classifiers over the
given data sets:
1. Since we’re starting off with random guesses, it might be surprising that the unsupervised NB
works at all. Explain what characteristics of the data cause it to work pretty well (say, within
10% Accuracy of the supervised NB) most of the time; also, explain why it utterly fails sometimes.
2. When evaluating supervised NB across the four different datasets, you will observe some variation in effectiveness (e.g. Accuracy). Explain what causes this variation. Describe and explain
any particularly suprising results.
3. Evaluating the model on the same data that we use to train the model is considered to be a major
mistake in Machine Learning. Implement a hold–out (hint: check out numpy.shuffle())
or cross–validation evaluation strategy. How does your estimate of Accuracy change, compared
to testing on the training data? Explain why. (The result might surprise you!)
4. Implement one of the advanced smoothing regimes (add-k, Good-Turing). Do you notice any
variation in the predictions made by either the supervised or unsupervised NB classifiers? Explain why, or why not.
5. The lecture suggests that deterministically labelling the instances in the initialisation phase of
the unsupervised NB classifier “doesn’t work very well”. Confirm this for yourself, and then
demonstrate why.
6. Rather than evaluating the unsupervised NB classifier by assigning a class deterministically,
instead calculate how far away the probabilistic estimate of the true class is from 1 (where
we would be certain of the correct class), and take the average over the instances. Does this
performance estimate change, as we alter the number of iterations in the method? Explain why.
7. Explore what causes the unsupervised NB classifier to converge: what proportion of instances
change their prediction from the random assignment, to the first iteration? From the first to
the second? What is the latest iteration where you observe a prediction change? Make some
conjecture(s) as to what is occurring here.
If you are in a group of 1, you should respond to question (1), and one other of your choosing. If
you are in a group of 2, you should respond to question (1), and 3 others of your choosing. A response
to a question should take about 100–200 words, and make reference to the data wherever possible.
Note that not all questions are equally difficult. Also note that not all questions are equally interesting.
Submission will be made via the LMS, as a single file or archive of files. Submissions will open one
week before the submission deadline.
10 of the marks available for this project will be assigned to whether the seven specified Python
functions work correctly. Any other implementation will not be directly assessed (except insofar as it
is required to make these seven functions work correctly).
10 of the marks will be assigned to accurate and insightful responses to the questions, divided
evenly among the questions that you are required to attempt. We will be looking for evidence that you
have an implementation that allows you to explore the problem, but also that you have thought deeply
about the data and the behaviour of the relevant classifier(s).
Changes/Updates to the Project Specifications
If we require any (hopefully small-scale) changes or clarifications to the project specifications, they
will be posted on the LMS. Any addendums will supersede information included in this document.
Academic Misconduct
You are welcome — indeed encouraged — to collaborate with your peers in terms of the conceptualisation and framing of the problem. For example, what the project is asking you to do, or what you
would need to implement to be able to respond to a question.
However, sharing materials beyond your group — for example, plagiarising code or colluding in
writing responses to questions — will be considered cheating. We will invoke University’s Academic
Misconduct policy ( where
inappropriate levels of plagiarism or collusion are deemed to have taken place. taken place.
1 Data references
breast-cancer (
is thanks to:
Matjaz Zwitter & Milan Soklic (physicians)
Institute of Oncology
University Medical Center
Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
car ( is derived from:
Zupan, Blaz, Marko Bohanec, Ivan Bratko, and Janez Demsar (1997) Machine Learning
by Function Decomposition, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine
Learning, Nashville, USA.
hypothyroid (
is derived from:
Quinlan, J. Ross (1986) Induction of Decision Trees, in Machine Learning, Vol. 1, pp.
mushroom ( is derived from:
Schlimmer, Jeff (1987) Concept Acquisition through Representational Adjustment, Technical Report No. 87-19, University of California, Irvine.