
COMP2421 Project #4 sorting algorithms

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In this research paper, you are required to search/study/report 3 new
sorting algorithms.
Your final report should include the following:
• A cover page including your name, student ID, and
• Write 1-1.5 page about each sorting algorithm:
o Write the algorithm and discuss it.
o Mention the algorithm properties: time complexity
andspace complexity and various situations, stability,
and weather it’s in place or not.
o Explain the running time of the algorithms if the
inputdata array is:
▪ Sorted (ascending)
▪ Sorted (descending)
▪ Not sorted
• A summary page comparing the 3 sorting algorithm based on
• A final page contains the used references reported in a
Discussion: at discussion time, we will randomly choose one
sortingalgorithm and discuss it with you. You have to demonstrate
that you understand this method very well.
The following methods should not be in your list:
1. Insertion
2. Selection
3. Bubble
4. Shell
5. Merge
6. Heap
7. Quick
8. Radix
Submission instructions:
1. This is individual work. It should represent your own efforts. It is
fine to discuss your work and to ask your colleagues, but you are not
allowed to copy/paste the work of others or give your work to
anyone else, copy/paste from websites and other references is not
allowed as well. You should describe the algorithms in your own
words. As well, if you use an image from the internet please include
it in the references.
2. Document format. Your submission should be a word document
and named as:
E.g., P4_1199999_MohammedAhmed_4.docx ! given this student in
section 3.
3. Make sure to include proper references of the paper.
4. Make sure to explain the concepts “In Your Own Words!”. No copypaste is allowed.
5. In the discussion you may be asked about everything you include in
your writing, so make sure you understand it well.