COMP2421 – Data Structures and Algorithms Project No. 1 SOLVED


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In this project, you will implement a Polynomial ADT using Linked
Lists. You will implement the Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction
operations of polynomials.
Your program should be able to read a file of polynomials called
equations.txt and store each equation in a doubly-linked list. Once the
file is read and equations are loaded into the linked lists, the user
should be able to perform mathematical operations on the
polynomials (addition, subtraction, and multiplication). Once the user
select an operation through a menu, the output should be displayed
and then the menu should show again. Another option for the user is
to store the results of all operations in a file called results.txt. Your
application should show an appropriate screen with menu options to
inform the user of the available operations to let her/him to choose
Example of input file:
2x^2 + x – 1
Upon user selection, the application should show the output of the
operation performed (i.e., Addition, Subtraction, or Multiplication).
The user then should have an option to enter a value of the variable
term in the equation to substitute.
The deadline of this assignment is by the end of Tuesday 13 April
2021. Late submissions will not be accepted for any reason.
Notes and submission instructions:
1. This is individual work. It should represent your own efforts. It is
fine to discuss your work and to ask your colleagues, but you are not
allowed to copy/paste the work of others or give your work to
anyone else. You are not allowed to post/copy from other websites
and/or social media and this will be considered as cheating.
2. Document format. Please submit only the code file (c file)
containing the code of your project. Please rename it as follows:
E.g., P1_1190000_AmmarAhmed_3.c  given this student in section
3. Input/output file name. Make sure that the input/output file
names are the same as in the specifications.
4. Include your full name, student ID, and section number in the
beginning of your file.
5. Please do not compress the file, only the C-file is needed.
6. Files not following the convention in point 2 will not be marked.