COMP2232 – Object-oriented Programming Concepts Assignment #2


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Roxia Restaurants
The purpose of this assignment is to provide further exposure to object-oriented concepts, the Java
language and the implementation of graphical user interfaces.
The owners of Roxia Restaurants would like to continue to work with you on implementing the
training program.
You will be required to perform file processing, allow system play (seating & feeding customers,
scoring, etc…) and the production of a user performance report. This will involve a commitment to
learning and some research.
The main project interface will be comprised of 4 sections (panels): Customers Waiting, Food Waiting,
User Summary, Zone A – Seating Area. (see image below)
The following will explain how this version of the training is expected to work and the functionality
of each panel.
The Restaurant – Zone A
• caters to Zoraxians and Scoraxians only. Ambroxians are advised not to enter (however,
sometimes they ignore the signs and wander in like curious cats – it ends the same way for them
as it does for the cats).
• there are two long tables for seating: one table for Zoraxians and the other for Scoraxians. Each
table has 15 seats. More seats may be added to this restaurant at some time in the future.
• Only one diner may occupy a seat at any point in time.
Copyright © 2021 Tessa King-Inniss
All rights reserved. 2
• The restaurant serves zoron, scoron, ambron & elixon.
• They have a maximum energy level of 20. Exceeding this results in ‘death by greed’.
• They are predators who find weak Zoraxians easy pickings.
• They eat scoron and ambron. They are highly allergic to zoron (consuming it results in ‘death by
allergic reaction’). Consumption of any amount of elixon depletes their energy level by 25%.
• They have a maximum energy level of 15. Exceeding this results in ‘death by greed’.
• They become weak and defenceless if their energy level falls below 3.
• They eat zoron and ambron; can also eat scoron but cannot digest it fully resulting in gaining only
half of its energy value. Consumption of any amount of elixon increases their energy level by 25%.
• They are natural hunters and consider Ambroxian’s a suitable meal.
How the program works
Setting up the System
• To begin, the user will be required to enter their name.
• The tables in the Seating Area Zone A panel are randomly populated with 8 diners (any number of
Zoraxians and Scoraxians totalling 8.)
o Refer to the diagram on page 1: each button is a table. The value on the button represents
the energy level of the customer sitting there. Energy levels of 0 represent an empty seat.
o Scoraxians are initialized with a random energy level between 5 and 10 inclusive.
o Zoraxians are initialized with a random energy level between 4 and 7 inclusive.
• The User Summary panel is initialized.
o Refer to the diagram on page 1: Service Points, Fully Fed, Deaths, etc are initialized to 0
and displayed on-screen with the user’s name.
• The Customers Waiting panel will not have any customers waiting.
o Refer to the diagram on page 1: These fields will contain “Empty Queue” instead of a
Customer Type; the Seat buttons will be disabled; the Ambroxian button will be labelled
“No” and disabled.
• The Food Waiting panel will display the first 6 dishes which the chef has prepared (1 ambron, 1
scoron, 1 zoron, 3 random), each with a random energy value within a range of 2 to 5 inclusive.
o Refer to the diagram on page 1: The list of 6 dishes ( type with energy in parentheses) will
be displayed. (Recall: restaurant serves ambron, elixon, scoron & zoron).
o The Serve and Return buttons next to each dish will be enabled.
The Play
• There will be 7 rounds.
• To start the first round, the user will need to use the food which the chef has prepared. For each
dish, they may either choose to Serve the dish or Return it to the kitchen.
Copyright © 2021 Tessa King-Inniss
All rights reserved. 3
o If the Return button next to a dish is selected, that dish is discarded and both the Return and
Serve buttons are disabled for that dish. The number of Dishes Returned will be updated in the
User Summary panel.
o If the Serve button next to a dish is selected, the user will then have to select a customer to feed
the dish to in the Seating Area. This is done by selecting the button representing the customer
to be fed. Once this is done, both the Return and Serve buttons are disabled for that dish. The
number of Dishes Served will be updated in the User Summary panel. The energy level for the
customer will be updated appropriately and displayed on their table button.
o Any diners who have overeaten (exceed energy level) will throw a GreedyGutsException and
be removed from the table (update Seating Area). 3 Service Points will be deducted from the
user (update User Summary). An appropriate “Poor Service” message will popup indicating
incident details (customer type, seat number, overeating). An incident record is also stored to
be added to the final performance report.
o Any diner who has been fully fed (reached max energy level) will be removed from the table
(update Seating Area). 2 Service Points will be awarded to the user (update User Summary). An
appropriate “Good Service” message will popup indicating details (customer type & seat
number, fully fed).
o Any weak Zoraxians (energy < 3) will be consumed by the Scoraxian seated opposite. If this
seat is empty the nearest Scoraxian (to the right) will consume it. 3 Service Points will be
deducted from the user (update User Summary). An appropriate “Poor Service” message will
popup indicating incident details (customer type, seat number, weak eaten by Scoraxian,
Scoraxian seat number). An incident record is also stored to be added to the final performance
o Any Scoraxians who were served zoron will throw an AllergyException and be removed from
the table (update Seating Area). 3 Service Points will be deducted from the user (update User
Summary). An appropriate “Poor Service” message will popup indicating incident details
(customer type, seat number, what caused death). An incident record is also stored to be
added to the final performance report
o The first round ends when all dishes have either been served or returned to the kitchen.
• For the subsequent rounds:
o The system will randomly add 2 more diners (Zoraxian and/or Scoraxian) to the Customers
Waiting panel, forming a queue. The Seat buttons next to them will be enabled.
o The system will randomly determine if an Ambroxian will wander into the restaurant or not.
▪ If one does not, the Customers Waiting panel will display “No” on the button next to the
label Curious Ambroxian?; the button will be disabled.
▪ If one does, the button will display “Yes. Click here!” and the button will be enabled.
o The chef will prepare another combination of 6 dishes, as before. (1 ambron, 1 scoron, 1 zoron,
3 random). These will be displayed and the Serve and Return buttons enabled.
o The user may proceed to seat and feed customers. This may be done in any order.
o Seating customers: click on the Seat button next to the customer in the Customers Waiting
panel and click on the desired seat in the Seating Area panel. That customer’s Seat button is
disabled once the customer is successfully seated.
o Clicking on the “Yes. Click here!” in the Customers Waiting will allow the diner with the lowest
energy to eat the Ambroxian resulting in a 2-point energy increase for the lucky diner. An
appropriate “Curious Ambroxian” message will popup indicating incident details (seat
number & type of customer who ate the Ambroxian).
o Feeding customers: same as round one.
▪ Any diners who have overeaten, are fully fed, become weak or have had an allergic
reaction will be handled as in round one.
Copyright © 2021 Tessa King-Inniss
All rights reserved. 4
• At the end of every round, any diner in the Customers Waiting queue will become hungrier with
every round they are still in the queue (deplete energy by 1). Any with an energy level < 4 will be
removed from the queue. 2 Service Points will be deducted from the user (update User Summary
appropriately). An appropriate “Poor Service” message will popup indicating incident details
(customer type, how many rounds they waited). An incident record is also stored to be added to
the final performance report
• At the end of each second round (i.e. rounds 2, 4, 6, etc…), every diner who is remaining at their
respective tables will become hungrier (deplete energy by 1).
The Ending
At the end of the last round, a performance summary will be printed to a file. This will be a .txt file
and the file name must contain the user’s name and date (e.g. “Fred_2021-11-08.txt”). The file will
contain the following information:
• Date
• User’s name
• Service Points
• Dishes Served
• Dishes Returned
• Number of diners fully fed.
• Number of diners suffering death from Poor Service
• Number of Ambroxians who met an untimely demise through ‘death by curiosity’.
• Number of Customers lost from waiting too long.
• Poor Service Incident Records (listing of all Incident Records)
This assignment is worth 22% of your final course mark. In addition to marks for code, overall marks
will also be allocated for: Documentation/code formatting; User-friendly interface; Successful
compilation; Correct execution; Exception classes.
Deductions will include:
• Violations of the Code Conventions. Please ask if not sure.
• Missing/inappropriate use of access specifiers.
• Inappropriate application of concepts.
1. Assignment 2 is due for submission on Sunday 28th November 2021 by 11:55pm via the
Moodle/eLearning submission tool.
2. Only ZIP files will be accepted. No other compression types should be used. Failure to
comply with this instruction will incur a penalty.
3. You must submit a Plagiarism Declaration Form with this assignment, if you do not accept
the online one.
PLEASE NOTE: The specifications for this assignment are subject to change. You will be notified if
any such changes were to occur.