
COMP1405A/1005A “Introduction to Computer Science I” Assignment 4

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For this assignment, you will create a program that uses only pygame to perform a simple
chroma-keying (also known as green screening) operation, to merge two images. The first
image will be a background image and the second image will be the image of a ghost against
a green background (i.e., pixels where the red and blue values are 0 and the green value is
255). Your task will be to overlay a semi-transparent image of the ghost on top of the
background, centered at a point defined by the user. The result will be an image where the
monster appears as a ghost, as depicted in the example below.
You must create a flowchart before you start writing your code for this assignment. You
will not be submitting the flowchart on cuLearn, but if you visit the instructor or a teaching
assistant you will be asked to show your flowchart before you will receive any
COMP1405A/1005A (Fall 2019)  “Introduction to Computer Science I”
Specification for Assignment 4 of 6
This is actually a very simple problem, but only if you take the time to apply a divide-andconquer methodology. It can be easily completed (i.e., with less than 50 lines of code), but
you will need to combine many of the different programming skills you have learned.
You must use meaningful variable names and you must comment your code.
Your program must first ask the user if they require instructions, and if they say yes you
must print some instructions to the terminal. This requires a branching control structure.
You will then need to get the filenames for the ghost image and the background image.
If you wish, you may use command-line arguments to do this, otherwise you can just use
input function calls. If you do decide to use command-line arguments then you would use the
number of command-line arguments to determine if the user needs instructions – if the user
does not provide the two required arguments then you would provide instructions and
Once you have the filenames, display the background image.
After you have displayed the background image, ask the user for the x and y co-ordinates
at which you must center the ghost. You can ask for these values through the terminal.
The x and y co-ordinates you receive from the user must not be outside the background
image (i.e., the x value, for instance, cannot be less than 0 or greater than the width of the
background image). If the user gives you invalid x or y co-ordinates, you must loop back
and ask the user to enter the co-ordinate(s) again.
You must use nested loops to check each of the pixels from the ghost image and see if that
pixel is green or not. If the pixel is a green pixel, then you will not copy that pixel from
the ghost image onto the background.
If your nested loop does encounter a pixel and it isn’t green, then you must average the red,
green, and blue values of the non-green pixel from the ghost with the corresponding
pixel from the background. This will achieve the semi-transparency effect.
Please note that the co-ordinates of a pixel from the ghost image will not be the same
as the co-ordinates of the corresponding pixel in the background. You will need the coordinates provided by the user to center the image and achieve the semi-transparency effect.
Your solution must use nested loops to process each pixel in the ghost image to achieve
the semi-transparency effect and do the copying onto the background. You will be severely
penalized if you use any of the pygame colorkey or alpha functions.
You must update the display once you are finished processing all the pixels (using a call
to the pygame.display.update function) and you must leave the window open for the
user to review the result. The code for leaving the window open is provided on the next page.
The functions you require for completing this assignment are listed and described on the
following pages.
COMP1405A/1005A (Fall 2019)  “Introduction to Computer Science I”
Specification for Assignment 4 of 6
The get_rect function gets the dimensions of an image. It can be called on an image
and will return an ordered pair that contains the width and height of that image. If a is the
name of a variable holding an image surface, then the following statement will get the
dimensions of that image and store them in the variables b and c (for width and height,
The pygame.display.set_mode function creates a window. It takes an ordered pair
of integers as an argument and returns a window surface with those dimensions. If a and b
are integers for the desired width and height, the following statement will create the window
and return it for storage in variable c.
The get_at function gets the colour of a pixel. Called on an image, it takes an ordered
pair of integers as an argument and returns an ordered quadruple (i.e., four values) that
contains the colour of the pixel in the image at those co-ordinates. If a is an image and b and
c are the co-ordinates of a pixel in that image, then d, e, and f will be assigned the red, green,
and blue components of the colour of that pixel. Note that you may not use the fourth return
value (i.e., the underscore below) to attempt to receive an alpha value for transparency.
The set_at function sets the colour of a pixel. Called on an image (or a surface like one
would get as the return value from a set_mode function call), it takes two arguments and
has no return value. The arguments are an ordered pair for the co-ordinates of the pixel to
change and an ordered triple (i.e., three values) for the red, green, and blue components of
the desired pixel colour. If a is an image, b and c are the co-ordinates of a pixel in that image,
and d, e, and f are the red, green, and blue components of the desired colour, then the
following statement will change that pixel to the desired colour.
The blit function copys one image onto another. Called on an image (or a surface like
one would get as the return value from a set_mode function call), it takes two arguments
and has no return value. The arguments are the image to be copied and an ordered pair for
the co-ordinates for where to start copying the image (i.e., the top-left corner). If a and b are
the background and foreground images (respectively) and c and d are the co-ordinates of a
pixel, image b will be copied into image a such that b’s top-left corner will be at (c, d)
(b, c) = a.get_rect().size c = pygame.display.set_mode( (a, b) ) (d, e, f, _) = a.get_at( (b, c) )
a.set_at( (b, c), (d, e, f) )
a.blit( b, (c, d) )
COMP1405A/1005A (Fall 2019)  “Introduction to Computer Science I”
Specification for Assignment 4 of 6
The pygame.image.load function loads an image. It takes a string argument and
returns the loaded image as a surface. If a is the name of an image file then the following
statement will load that image and store the surface in the variable b:
Please also note that adding the following block of code at the end of your program will force
the pygame window to stay open until the user tries to close the window by clicking on
button in the top-right corner.
Your program is expected to work with ANY pair of bitmaps (i.e., “.bmp” images)
provided by the user. That said, you are not limited to the background images provided on
cuLearn. If you are particularly proud of an image you have created from with your program
and you wish to share it with the class, please email it to the instructor. If the instructor
receives enough images that can be shared with the class, then they will be added to a short
slideshow for the beginning of the subsequent lecture.
Finally, there is an additional feature you can consider adding if you wish to receive bonus
marks on your assignment. Since this is a bonus feature, you will not receive any assistance
from the instructor or the teaching assistant for accomplishing this – you are expected to
complete this task individually if you wish to receive the bonus.
The bonus feature would require that you allow the user to choose either the mouse or the
terminal for selecting the center point at which the ghost should be copied. You can read
about the functions contained in the pygame module for interacting with the mouse at Once you have displayed the background
image, you must repeatedly get the co-ordinates of the pixel where the mouse is currently
located. You must then render a pygame font object containing those co-ordinates and “blit”
it at the corresponding location on the background image. You can read about pygame font
objects at To do this will require a looping
control structure and you will be expected to redraw the image whenever the mouse is
moved (such that only one set of co-ordinates ever appears on top of the background). Once
the user clicks the mouse, you must redraw the background and proceed with the rest of
your program. b = pygame.image.load(a)
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT: