COMP1216 Coursework 1: Requirements Analysis, Specification, and Design


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COMP1216. Software Modelling and Design
1 System Outline: An Interactive Quiz System
The University decides to build a new interactive quiz system (think Kahoot, Quizizz, Vevox,
and similar systems). The system allows registered users to create quizes. Each quiz can contain
several questions. Each question is a multiple choice with 2, 3, or 4 answers, with exactly one
correct answer. Each question also has a predefined timeout. The quizes can be shared by the
creator with other registered users. Only the creator of the quiz can edit the quiz, but any user
who has access to the quiz (including the creator) can start the quiz.
Once a quiz is initiated by a host, a unique number is generated. The players can join the
quiz via their own device using the number associated with the quiz. The host can begin the
initiated quiz at any point, which will go through the predefined questions for the quiz. For
each question, it is either finished when all participating players have answered the question, or
the time for the question is up, or the host terminates the question early. After each question,
a summary of the answers is displayed, before the host starts the next question. At the end of
the quiz, a report is produced, displayed, and stored in the host account.
2 Tasks (50 marks)
You need to write a report contains the following elements (take into account the page limit)
1. Brief title/introduction/comments. These should include a brief description of each member’s contribution (max 1 page).
2. (estimated 4 marks) Scope of the system. Define the scope of the system, including Need,
Goals, Business Case, Stakeholders, High-level operational concepts, etc. (max 1 page)
3. (estimated 6 marks) Two full scenarios, each covering one of:
a) A user signs in and creates a new quiz containing several multiple choice questions.
After finishing the quiz, the user shares it with another registered user and logs out
(max 1 page).
b) A host signs in and starts an existing quiz. The players join in and answers the
questions (max 1 page).
4. (estimated 8 marks) Two full use case descriptions (max 1 page each)
5. (estimated 8 marks) A use case diagram (max 1 page)
6. (estimated 8 marks) A class diagram including attributes, operations, associations, multiplicities, inheritance (max 1 page)
7. (estimated 10 marks) Two sequence diagrams corresponding to the two scenarios above
(max 1 page each).
8. (estimated 6 marks) An activitiy diagram for running a quiz (max 1 page).
Total: max 11 pages
3 Presentation
Credit will be given for
• covering all specified functionality in use case analysis, all required structure in class
analysis, all required behavior in dynamic analysis
• correct and appropriate use of style and notation; simple and maintainable models
• neat and readable presentation; diagrams preferably drawn with a suitable tool
4 Submission Instructions
Each group should submit a written report (PDF format, one report per group) giving your
answer to each of the tasks above. Clearly indicate your group number, member names and
email IDs on the front page. Your diagrams should be produced with a drawing tool; Visual
Paradigm is recommended. Your report should be submitted electronically using the automated hand-in facilities found on the ECS webpage at:
The group allocations are on the course Noteswiki page.
If you feel there are any ambiguities in the requirements feel free to make your own interpretation, but make sure any interpretations you make are clearly indicated in the report. You
should work together as a group to accomplish these tasks. It is the responsibility of each group
to make initial contact and arrange their own group meetings. Please inform me of any problems contacting your group members. You should avoid discussing your solutions with other
NB: Group size is four . It may be necessary to run one or two groups of three depending on
the size of the class, or any students dropping out. In these cases the workload will be reduced
• Group of 3: 1 sequence diagram only, other components as above
• Group of 2: 1 scenario, 1 use case, 1 sequence diagram only, other components as above