COMP1210 Project: Ball Players – Part 2


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Files to submit to Web-CAT (test files are optional):
From Part 1
New in Part 2
You should create new folder for Part 2 and copy your relevant Part 1 source and optional test files to
it. You should create a jGRASP project with these files in it, and then add the new source and
optional test files as they are created.
Specifications – Use arrays in this project; ArrayLists are not allowed!
Overview: This project is the second of three projects that will involve the pay analysis and reporting
for ball players. In Part 1, you developed Java classes that represent categories of ball players
including outfielders, infielders, pitchers, and relief pitchers. In Part 2, you will implement four
additional classes: (1) NameComparator that implements the Comparator interface, (2)
EarningsComparator that implements the Comparator interface, (3) BallTeam that represents a team
of ball players and includes several specialized methods to read in data and produce reports, and (4)
BallPlayersPart2 which contains the main method for the program. Note that the main method in
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BallPlayersPart2 should create a BallTeam object and then invoke the readBallPlayerFile method on
the BallTeam object to add the players to the team. You can use BallPlayersPart2 in conjunction
with interactions by running the program in a jGRASP canvas (or debugger with a breakpoint) and
single stepping until the variables of interest are created. You can then enter interactions in the usual
way. In addition to the source files, you may create an optional JUnit test file for each class and write
one or more test methods to ensure the classes and methods meet the specifications. You should
create a jGRASP project upfront and then add the new source and optional test files as they are
created. All of your files should be in a single folder.
• Outfielder, Infielder, Pitcher, and ReliefPitcher
Requirements and Design: No changes from the specifications in Part 1.
Requirements and Design: In addition to the specifications in Part 1, the BallPlayer class should
implement the Comparable interface.
o compareTo: Takes a BallPlayer as a parameter and returns an int indicating the results
of comparing ball players based on their respective numbers. This method is required
since the BallPlayer class implements the Comparable interface for BallPlayer.
Requirements: The BallTeam class provides methods for reading in the data file and generating
Design: The BallTeam class has fields, a constructor, and methods as outlined below.
(1) Fields: All instance fields below should be private; the constants should be public.
(a) teamName is the name of the team.
(b) roster which is an array that can hold up to 24 BallPlayer objects.
(c) playerCount which tracks the number of players in the roster array.
(d excludedRecords, which is an array that can hold up to 30 String elements representing
records that are read from the data file but not processed. For example, if the file contains 28
records for valid players, at most 24 can added to the roster array of BallPlayer objects, so
four records would end up in the excludedRecords array. If the file contains 60 records for
valid players, the last six would be ignored (i.e., not added to the excludedRecords array).
(e) excludedCount which tracks the number of records that have been added to the
excludedRecords array.
(f) MAX_PLAYERS is public constant (i.e., final static) of type int set to 24.
(g) MAX_EXCLUDED is public constant (i.e., final static) of type int set to 30.
(2) Constructor: The constructor has no parameters and initializes the fields in BallTeam.
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(3) Methods: Usually a class provides methods to access and modify each of its instance variables
(i.e., getters and setters) along with any other required methods. The methods for BallTeam are
described below.
o getTeamName returns the String representing the teamName.
o setTeamName has no return value, accepts a String, and then assigns it to teamName.
o getRoster returns the BallPlayer array representing the roster.
o setRoster has no return value, accepts a BallPlayer array, and then assigns it to roster.
o getPlayerCount returns the current value of playerCount.
o setPlayerCount has no return value, accepts an int, and sets playerCount.
o getExcludedRecords returns the String array representing the excludedRecords.
o setExcludedRecords has no return value, accepts a String array, and then assigns it
to excludedRecords.
o getExcludedCount returns the current value of excludedCount.
o setExcludedCount has no return value, accepts an int, and sets excludedCount.
o readBallPlayerFile has no return value, accepts the data file name as a String,
and throws FileNotFoundException. This method creates a Scanner object to read
in the file and then reads it in line by line. The first line contains the team name and each
of the remaining lines contains the data for a player. After reading in the team name and
setting the field, the “player” lines should be processed as follows. A player line is read
in, a second scanner is created on the line, and the individual values for the player are
read in. After the values on the line have been read in, an “appropriate” BallPlayer object
created. If there is room on the roster, the player is added to the roster array and the
player count is incremented. Any player lines/records read from the file after the limit of
MAX_PLAYERS players has been reached should be added to the excluded array and its
count should be incremented. If excluded array is full, the line/record should just be
skipped. The data file is a “comma separated values” file; i.e., if a line contains multiple
values, the values are delimited by commas. So when you set up the scanner for the
player lines, you need to set the delimiter to use a “,”. Each player line in the file begins
with a category for the ball player (O, I, P, and R are valid categories for ball players
indicating Outfielder, Infielder, Pitcher, and ReliefPitcher respectively. The second field
in the record is the player’s number, followed by the data for the name, position, base
salary, bonus adjustment factor, and batting average. The last items correspond to the
data needed for the particular category (or subclass) of BallPlayer. If a player line does
has an invalid category, add “*** invalid category ***” plus the entire line to the
excluded record array. For example:
*** invalid category *** L,34,Sammi James,LHP,150000,3.50,.125,5,4,3.85,17
The files ball_player_data.csv and ball_player_data2.csv are available for download
from the course web site. Be sure to see the Hints on the last page.
Below are data records in ball_player_data.csv (the first line/record containing the team
name is followed by player lines/records):
Auburn Heavy Hitters
O,32,Pat Jones,RF,150000,1.25,.375,.950
I,23,Jackie Smith,3B,150000,2.50,.275,.850
P,43,Jo Williams,RHP, 150000,3.50,.125,22,4,2.85
L,34,Sammi James,LHP,150000,3.50,.125,5,4,3.85,17
R,34,Sammi James,LHP,150000,3.50,.125,5,4,3.85,17
O, 9,Pat Williams,RF,150000,1.25,.340,.950
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o generateReport returns a String (does not begin with \n) that represents the Team
Report, including heading, generated by processing the roster array using the original
order as shown below in the example output.
o generateReportByNumber returns a String (does not begin with \n) that represents
the Team Report (by Player Number), including heading, generated by sorting the roster
array using the natural ordering, and processing the roster array as shown below in the
o generateReportByName returns a String (does not begin with \n) that represents the
Team Report (by Name), including heading, generated by sorting the roster array by the
player’s last name, and processing the roster array as shown below in the example output.
o generateReportByEarnings returns a String (does not begin with \n) that
represents the Team Report (by Total Earnings), including heading, generated by sorting
the roster array by total earnings, and processing the roster array as shown below in the
example output.
o generateExcludedRecordsReport returns a String (does not begin with \n) that
represents the Excluded Records Report, including heading, generated by processing the
excludedRecords array as shown below in the example output.
Code and Test: See examples of file reading and sorting (using Arrays.sort) in the lecture notes.
The natural sorting order for BallPlayer objects is determined by the compareTo method from the
Comparable interface. If roster is the variable for the array of BallPlayer objects, it can be sorted
with the following statement.
BallPlayer[] bp = Arrays.copyOf(roster, playerCount);
The sorting order based on name is determined by the NameComparator class which implements
the Comparator interface (described below). It can be sorted with the following statement.
BallPlayer[] bp = Arrays.copyOf(roster, playerCount);
Arrays.sort(bp, new NameComparator());

Requirements and Design: The NameComparator class implements the Comparator interface
for BallPlayer objects. Hence, it implements the following method.
o compare(BallPlayer p1, BallPlayer p2) compares its two arguments for order and
returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than,
equal to, or greater than the second to define the ordering from lowest to highest based on
last name followed by first name. To do this, you will need to extract the last name and
first name from the name field (assume that each BallPlayer has only a first and last name
separated by a space and that there are no other spaces in the name). To avoid uppercase
and lowercase issues you should make the extracted String values either all uppercase or
all lowercase prior to comparing them. Since these are String values, which are
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Comparable, you may use the String compareTo method to return the negative integer,
zero, or a positive integer.
Note that the compare method is the only method in the NameComparator class. An instance
of this class will be used as one of the parameters when the Arrays.sort method is used to sort
by “name”. For an example of a class implementing Comparator, see lecture notes 10B
Comparing Objects.
Requirements and Design: The EarningsComparator class implements the Comparator interface
for BallPlayer objects. Hence, it implements the following method.
o compare(BallPlayer p1, BallPlayer p2) compares its two arguments for order and
returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is before, equal
to, or after the second to define the ordering from highest to lowest based on the total
earnings of each player.
Note that the compare method is the only method in the EarningsComparator class. An
instance of this class will be used as one of the parameters when the Arrays.sort method is
used to sort by “earnings”. For an example of a class implementing Comparator, see lecture
notes 10B Comparing Objects.
Requirements and Design: The BallPlayersPart2 class contains the main method as described
o main – if the length of the args array is 0, prints the following message and ends the program
as indicated in below in the example output section:
File name expected as command line argument.
Program ending.
Otherwise, main get the file name from the command line (i.e., args[0]), creates an instance
of BallTeam, and then calls the methods in the BallTeam class to read in the data file and
print the five reports as shown in the example output starting on the next page. Note that main
will need a throws clause for FileNotFoundException since it will be calling the readFile
method in BallTeam, which throws FileNotFoundException.
Example data files can be downloaded from the assignment page in Canvas.
Code and Test: If you have an optional test file for the BallPlayersPart2 class, you should have
at least two test methods for the main method. One test method should invoke
BallPlayersPart2.main(args) where args is an empty String array, and the other test method
should invoke BallPlayersPart2.main(args) where args[0] is the String representing the data file
name. Depending on how you implemented the main method, these two methods should cover the
code in main. As for the assertion in the test method, since the BallPlayer class has public
constant MAX_PLAYERS, you could assert that BallPlayer.MAX_PLAYERS == 24.
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In the first test method, you can invoke main with no command line argument as follows:
// if you are checking for args.length == 0
// the following should exercise the code
String[] args2 = {};
In the second test method, you can invoke main as follows with the file name as the first (and
only) command line argument:
String[] args = {” ball_player_data.csv”};
If Web-CAT complains the default constructor for BallPlayersPart2 has not been covered,
you may want to include the following line of code in one of your test methods to exercise the
// to exercise the default constructor
BallPlayersPart2 app = new BallPlayersPart2();
Example Output
Output when no file name is provided as a command line argument (i.e., args.length == 0):
—-jGRASP exec: java BallPlayersPart2
File name expected as command line argument.
Program ending.
—-jGRASP: operation complete.
Output when ball_player_data.csv is successfully read:
—-jGRASP exec: java BallPlayersPart2 ball_player_data.csv
Team Report for Auburn Heavy Hitters
32 Pat Jones (RF) .375
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 1.25
Total Earnings: $216,796.88 (class Outfielder)
23 Jackie Smith (3B) .275
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.5
Total Earnings: $237,656.25 (class Infielder)
43 Jo Williams (RHP) 22 wins, 4 losses, 2.85 ERA
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 3.5
Total Earnings: $248,181.82 (class Pitcher)
34 Sammi James (LHP) 5 wins, 4 losses, 17 saves, 3.85 ERA
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Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 3.5
Total Earnings: $214,948.45 (class ReliefPitcher)
9 Pat Williams (RF) .340
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 1.25
Total Earnings: $210,562.50 (class Outfielder)
Team Report for Auburn Heavy Hitters (by Number)
9 Pat Williams RF .340
23 Jackie Smith 3B .275
32 Pat Jones RF .375
34 Sammi James LHP 5 wins, 4 losses, 17 saves, 3.85 ERA
43 Jo Williams RHP 22 wins, 4 losses, 2.85 ERA
Team Report for Auburn Heavy Hitters (by Name)
34 Sammi James LHP 5 wins, 4 losses, 17 saves, 3.85 ERA
32 Pat Jones RF .375
23 Jackie Smith 3B .275
43 Jo Williams RHP 22 wins, 4 losses, 2.85 ERA
9 Pat Williams RF .340
Team Report for Auburn Heavy Hitters (by Earnings)
$248,181.82 43 Jo Williams RHP 22 wins, 4 losses, 2.85 ERA
$237,656.25 23 Jackie Smith 3B .275
$216,796.88 32 Pat Jones RF .375
$214,948.45 34 Sammi James LHP 5 wins, 4 losses, 17 saves, 3.85 ERA
$210,562.50 9 Pat Williams RF .340
Excluded Records Report
*** invalid category *** L,34,Sammi James,LHP,150000,3.50,.125,5,4,3.85,17
—-jGRASP: operation complete.
Output when ball_player_data2.csv is successfully read:
—-jGRASP exec: java BallPlayersPart2 ball_player_data2.csv
Team Report for My Test Team
21 John Doe (RF) .200
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.3
Total Earnings: $217,620.00 (class Outfielder)
11 Tim Dobbs (RF) .350
Base Salary: $140,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.2
Total Earnings: $244,566.00 (class Outfielder)
13 Jim Dobbs (LF) .278
Base Salary: $140,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.0
Total Earnings: $213,948.00 (class Outfielder)
12 Joey Ledet (LF) .325
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Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.1
Total Earnings: $248,280.00 (class Outfielder)
14 Sruthi Yalamanchili (CF) .285
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 1.9
Total Earnings: $226,351.50 (class Outfielder)
15 Kavyashree Krishnappa (CF) .298
Base Salary: $140,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 1.8
Total Earnings: $209,839.28 (class Outfielder)
29 Sanket Chintapalli (1B) .200
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.3
Total Earnings: $217,620.00 (class Infielder)
17 Jane Doe (1B) .350
Base Salary: $140,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.2
Total Earnings: $244,566.00 (class Infielder)
18 Buddy Bell (2B) .325
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.1
Total Earnings: $248,280.00 (class Infielder)
19 Oscar De La Hoya (2B) .278
Base Salary: $140,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.0
Total Earnings: $213,948.00 (class Infielder)
20 David Umphress (3B) .285
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 1.9
Total Earnings: $226,351.50 (class Infielder)
10 Mikie Mahtook (3B) .298
Base Salary: $140,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 1.8
Total Earnings: $209,839.28 (class Infielder)
22 Matty Ott (SS) .200
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.3
Total Earnings: $217,620.00 (class Infielder)
23 Louis Coleman (SS) .350
Base Salary: $140,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.2
Total Earnings: $244,566.00 (class Infielder)
25 Aaron Nola (RHP) 5 wins, 11 losses, 1.3 ERA
Base Salary: $140,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.0
Total Earnings: $110,782.61 (class Pitcher)
26 John Malkovic (RHP) 6 wins, 10 losses, 1.4 ERA
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 1.9
Total Earnings: $131,000.00 (class Pitcher)
27 Louis Giglio (RHP) 7 wins, 9 losses, 1.5 ERA
Base Salary: $140,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 1.8
Total Earnings: $131,936.00 (class Pitcher)
28 Gus Malzan (LHP) 8 wins, 8 losses, 1.6 ERA
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.3
Total Earnings: $150,000.00 (class Pitcher)
16 Tim Brando (LHP) 9 wins, 7 losses, 1.7 ERA
Base Salary: $140,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.2
Total Earnings: $149,125.93 (class Pitcher)
30 Todd Strange (LHP) 10 wins, 6 losses, 2 saves, 1.8 ERA
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Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.1
Total Earnings: $172,500.00 (class ReliefPitcher)
31 Blake Dean (RHP) 11 wins, 5 losses, 3 saves, 1.9 ERA
Base Salary: $140,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.0
Total Earnings: $168,965.52 (class ReliefPitcher)
32 Brian Wilson (RHP) 12 wins, 4 losses, 4 saves, 2.0 ERA
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 1.9
Total Earnings: $188,000.00 (class ReliefPitcher)
33 Johnny Manziel (RHP) 13 wins, 3 losses, 2 saves, 2.1 ERA
Base Salary: $140,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 1.8
Total Earnings: $172,516.13 (class ReliefPitcher)
34 Green Lantern (LHP) 14 wins, 2 losses, 3 saves, 2.2 ERA
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.3
Total Earnings: $203,906.25 (class ReliefPitcher)
Team Report for My Test Team (by Number)
10 Mikie Mahtook 3B .298
11 Tim Dobbs RF .350
12 Joey Ledet LF .325
13 Jim Dobbs LF .278
14 Sruthi Yalamanchili CF .285
15 Kavyashree Krishnappa CF .298
16 Tim Brando LHP 9 wins, 7 losses, 1.7 ERA
17 Jane Doe 1B .350
18 Buddy Bell 2B .325
19 Oscar De La Hoya 2B .278
20 David Umphress 3B .285
21 John Doe RF .200
22 Matty Ott SS .200
23 Louis Coleman SS .350
25 Aaron Nola RHP 5 wins, 11 losses, 1.3 ERA
26 John Malkovic RHP 6 wins, 10 losses, 1.4 ERA
27 Louis Giglio RHP 7 wins, 9 losses, 1.5 ERA
28 Gus Malzan LHP 8 wins, 8 losses, 1.6 ERA
29 Sanket Chintapalli 1B .200
30 Todd Strange LHP 10 wins, 6 losses, 2 saves, 1.8 ERA
31 Blake Dean RHP 11 wins, 5 losses, 3 saves, 1.9 ERA
32 Brian Wilson RHP 12 wins, 4 losses, 4 saves, 2.0 ERA
33 Johnny Manziel RHP 13 wins, 3 losses, 2 saves, 2.1 ERA
34 Green Lantern LHP 14 wins, 2 losses, 3 saves, 2.2 ERA
Team Report for My Test Team (by Name)
18 Buddy Bell 2B .325
16 Tim Brando LHP 9 wins, 7 losses, 1.7 ERA
29 Sanket Chintapalli 1B .200
23 Louis Coleman SS .350
19 Oscar De La Hoya 2B .278
31 Blake Dean RHP 11 wins, 5 losses, 3 saves, 1.9 ERA
13 Jim Dobbs LF .278
11 Tim Dobbs RF .350
17 Jane Doe 1B .350
21 John Doe RF .200
27 Louis Giglio RHP 7 wins, 9 losses, 1.5 ERA
15 Kavyashree Krishnappa CF .298
34 Green Lantern LHP 14 wins, 2 losses, 3 saves, 2.2 ERA
12 Joey Ledet LF .325
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10 Mikie Mahtook 3B .298
26 John Malkovic RHP 6 wins, 10 losses, 1.4 ERA
28 Gus Malzan LHP 8 wins, 8 losses, 1.6 ERA
33 Johnny Manziel RHP 13 wins, 3 losses, 2 saves, 2.1 ERA
25 Aaron Nola RHP 5 wins, 11 losses, 1.3 ERA
22 Matty Ott SS .200
30 Todd Strange LHP 10 wins, 6 losses, 2 saves, 1.8 ERA
20 David Umphress 3B .285
32 Brian Wilson RHP 12 wins, 4 losses, 4 saves, 2.0 ERA
14 Sruthi Yalamanchili CF .285
Team Report for My Test Team (by Earnings)
$248,280.00 12 Joey Ledet LF .325
$248,280.00 18 Buddy Bell 2B .325
$244,566.00 11 Tim Dobbs RF .350
$244,566.00 17 Jane Doe 1B .350
$244,566.00 23 Louis Coleman SS .350
$226,351.50 14 Sruthi Yalamanchili CF .285
$226,351.50 20 David Umphress 3B .285
$217,620.00 21 John Doe RF .200
$217,620.00 29 Sanket Chintapalli 1B .200
$217,620.00 22 Matty Ott SS .200
$213,948.00 13 Jim Dobbs LF .278
$213,948.00 19 Oscar De La Hoya 2B .278
$209,839.28 15 Kavyashree Krishnappa CF .298
$209,839.28 10 Mikie Mahtook 3B .298
$203,906.25 34 Green Lantern LHP 14 wins, 2 losses, 3 saves, 2.2 ERA
$188,000.00 32 Brian Wilson RHP 12 wins, 4 losses, 4 saves, 2.0 ERA
$172,516.13 33 Johnny Manziel RHP 13 wins, 3 losses, 2 saves, 2.1 ERA
$172,500.00 30 Todd Strange LHP 10 wins, 6 losses, 2 saves, 1.8 ERA
$168,965.52 31 Blake Dean RHP 11 wins, 5 losses, 3 saves, 1.9 ERA
$150,000.00 28 Gus Malzan LHP 8 wins, 8 losses, 1.6 ERA
$149,125.93 16 Tim Brando LHP 9 wins, 7 losses, 1.7 ERA
$131,936.00 27 Louis Giglio RHP 7 wins, 9 losses, 1.5 ERA
$131,000.00 26 John Malkovic RHP 6 wins, 10 losses, 1.4 ERA
$110,782.61 25 Aaron Nola RHP 5 wins, 11 losses, 1.3 ERA
Excluded Records Report
*** invalid category *** H,24,Austin Nola,LHP,150000,2.1,0.325,4,12,1.2
R,35,Bruce Wayne,LHP,140000,2.2,0.35,15,1,2.3,4
R,36,Bill Gates,LHP,150000,2.1,0.325,16,0,2.4,2
—-jGRASP: operation complete.
1. In the readFile method, if you use a switch statement to determine the category, you should
use type char for the switch expression rather than String; that is, each of the case labels
should be of type char (e.g., case ‘E’: rather than type String (e.g., case “E”:).
When the switch type is String, the code coverage tool used by Web-CAT fails to detect that
the default case is covered. If category is the reference to the String that contains the
category code, then the following statement returns the category code as type char.
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2. If a player line has an invalid category, add “*** invalid category ***” plus the entire line to
the excluded record array.
For example, the following record has an invalid category (L). L,34,Sammi James,LHP,150000,3.50,.125,5,4,3.85,17
This would result in the following String being added to the excluded record array.
*** invalid category *** L,34,Sammi James,LHP,150000,3.50,.125,5,4,3.85,17