Overview: This project is the first of three that will involve the pay analysis and reporting for ball
players. You will develop Java classes that represent categories of ball players including outfielders,
infielders, pitchers, and relief pitchers. Note that there is no requirement for a class with a main
method in this project. You will need to create a JUnit test file for the indicated classes and write one
or more test methods to ensure the classes and
methods meet the specifications. You should
create a jGRASP project and add the class and
test files as they are created. All your files
should be in a single folder. The UML class
diagram at right provides a visual overview of
how the classes in the project relate to one
another. As you add your classes to the
jGRASP project, you should generate the
UML class diagram by double-clicking
for the project in the Open Projects
window. Once generated, you can use the
mouse to select/drag a class to arrange the
diagram similar to the one shown.
You should read through the remainder of this assignment before you start coding.
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Requirements: Create an abstract BallPlayer class that stores ball player data and provides
methods to access the data.
Design: The BallPlayer class has fields, a constructor, and methods as outlined below.
(1) Fields: instance variables for the player’s number of type String, the player’s name of type
String, the player’s position of type String, the player’s base salary of type double, the
player’s bonus adjustment factor of type double, and the player’s batting average of type
double; static (or class) variable for the count of BallPlayer objects that have been created
(set to zero when declared). These variables should be declared with the protected access
modifier so that they are accessible in the subclasses of BallPlayer. These are the only fields
that this class should have.
(2) Constructor: The BallPlayer class must contain a constructor that accepts six parameters
representing the values to be assigned to the instance fields above. Since this class is
abstract, the constructor will be called from the subclasses of BallPlayer using super and the
parameter list.
(3) Methods: Usually a class provides methods to access (or read) and modify each of its
instance variables (known as get and set methods) along with any other required methods. At
minimum you will need the following methods.
o getNumber: Accepts no parameters and returns a String representing the number.
o setNumber: Accepts a String representing the number, sets the field, and returns
o getName: Accepts no parameters and returns a String representing the name.
o setName: Accepts a String representing the name, sets the field, and returns nothing.
o getPosition: Accepts no parameters and returns a String representing the position.
o setPosition: Accepts a String representing the position, sets the field, and returns
o getBaseSalary: Accepts no parameters and returns a double representing the base
o setBaseSalary: Accepts a double representing the base salary, sets the field, and
returns nothing.
o getBonusAdjustmentFactor: Accepts no parameters and returns a double
representing the bonus adjustment factor.
o setBonusAdjustmentFactor: Accepts a double representing the bonus
adjustment factor, sets the field, and returns nothing.
o getBattingAvg: Accepts no parameters and returns a double representing batting
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o setBattingAvg: Accepts a double representing the batting average, sets the field,
and returns nothing.
o getCount: Accepts no parameters and returns an int representing the count. Since
count is static, this method should be static as well.
o resetCount: Accepts no parameters, resets count to zero, and returns nothing. Since
count is static, this method should be static as well.
o stats: accepts no parameters and returns a String representing the batting average
using “.000” as the pattern for DecimalFormat (in the Outfielder example below the
return value is .375).This should be called in the toString method below to get the
batting average. See the Outfielder class below for an example of batting average in the
toString result. Subclasses Pitcher and ReliefPitcher should override this method so that
pitching statistics are returned instead of batting average.
o toString: Returns a String describing the BallPlayer object. This method will be
inherited by the subclasses and will be called implictly by instances of the subclasses
unless it is overridden in the subclass. If it is overridden, then it may be called from the
toString method in the subclasses of BallPlayer using super.toString(). For an example of
the toString result, see the Outfielder class below. Note that you can get the class name
for an instance c by calling c.getClass().
totalEarnings: An abstract method that accepts no parameters and returns a double
representing the total earning of a ball player. Since this is abstract, each non-abstract
subclass must implement this method.
Code and Test: Since BallPlayer is abstract, you cannot create instances to test. You will need to
use instances of a subclass, e.g., Outfielder, which specified below. Thus, it is common to test the
methods in an abstract class in the test file for the first non-abstract subclass (i.e., Outfielder).
Requirements: Derive the class Outfielder from BallPlayer.
Design: The Outfielder class has fields, a constructor, and methods as outlined below.
(1) Field: instance variable for outfielderFieldingAvg of type double. This variable should be
declared with the private access modifier. This is the only field that should be declared in
this class.
(2) Constructor: The Outfielder class must contain a constructor that accepts seven parameters
representing the six instance fields in the BallPlayer class and the one instance field declared
in Outfielder. Since this class is a subclass of BallPlayer, the super constructor should be
called with field values for BallPlayer. The instance variable outfielderFieldingAvg should
be set with the last parameter. Below is an example of how the constructor could be used to
create an Outfielder object:
Outfielder p1 = new Outfielder(“32”, “Pat Jones”, “RF”, 150000,
1.25, .375, .950);
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(3) Methods: Usually a class provides methods to access (or read) and modify each of its
instance variables (known as get and set methods) along with any other required methods. At
minimum you will need the following methods.
o getOutfielderFieldingAvg: Accepts no parameters and returns a double
representing outfielderFieldingAvg.
o setOutfielderFieldingAvg: Accepts a double representing the
outfielderFieldingAvg, sets the field, and returns nothing.
o totalEarnings: Accepts no parameters and returns a double representing the total
earnings for the player calculated by multiplying the base salary by the bonus adjustment
factor, batting average, and outfielderFieldingAvg, and then adding the result to the base
salary to get the total earnings.
o toString: There is no toString method in the Outfielder class. When toString is
invoked on an instance of Outfielder, the toString method inherited from BallPlayer is
called. Below is an example of the toString result for Outfielder p1 as it is declared
32 Pat Jones (RF) .375
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 1.25
Total Earnings: $216,796.88 (class Outfielder)
Code and Test: As you implement the Outfielder class, you should compile and test it as
methods are created by using a combination of interactions and JUnit test methods. For example,
as soon you have implemented and successfully compiled the constructor, you should create an
instance of Outfielder in interactions. Remember that when you have an instance on the
workbench, you can unfold it to see its values. After you have implemented and compiled one or
more of the methods, you should begin creating test methods in the corresponding file. In addition, you need to write test methods for the methods inherited
from BallPlayer. Instances of BallPlayer, cannot be created, but an Outfielder is-a BallPlayer.
Requirements: Derive the class Infielder from BallPlayer.
Design: The Infielder class has a field, a constructor, and methods as outlined below.
(1) Field: instance variable for infielderFieldingAvg of type double. This variable should be
declared with the private access modifier. This is the only field that should be declared in
this class.
(2) Constructor: The Infielder class must contain a constructor that accepts seven parameters
representing the six instance fields in the BallPlayer class and the one instance field declared
in Infielder. Since this class is a subclass of BallPlayer, the super constructor should be
called with field values for BallPlayer. The instance variable infielderFieldingAvg should be
set with the last parameter. Below is an example of how the constructor could be used to
create an Infielder object:
Infielder p2 = new Infielder(“23”, “Jackie Smith”, “3B”, 150000,
2.50, .275, .850);
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(3) Methods: Usually a class provides methods to access (or read) and modify each of its
instance variables (known as get and set methods) along with any other required methods. At
minimum you will need the following methods.
o getInfielderFieldingAvg: Accepts no parameters and returns a double
representing infielderFieldingAvg.
o setInfielderFieldingAvg: Accepts a double representing the
infielderFieldingAvg, sets the field, and returns nothing.
o totalEarnings: Accepts no parameters and returns a double representing the total
earnings for the player calculated by multiplying the base salary by the bonus adjustment
factor, batting average, and infielderFieldingAvg, and then adding the result to the base
salary to get the total earnings.
o toString: There is no toString method in the Infielder class. When toString is
invoked on an instance of Infielder, the toString method inherited from BallPlayer is
called. Below is an example of the toString result for Infielder p2 as it is declared above.
23 Jackie Smith (3B) .275
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 2.5
Total Earnings: $237,656.25 (class Infielder)
Code and Test: As you implement the Infielder class, you should compile and test it as methods
are created by using a combination of interactions and JUnit test methods. For example, as soon
you have implemented and successfully compiled the constructor, you should create an instance
of Infielder in interactions. Remember that when you have an instance on the workbench, you
can unfold it to see its values. After you have implemented and compiled one or more of the
methods, you should begin creating test methods in the corresponding file.
Requirements: Derive the class Pitcher from BallPlayer.
Design: The Pitcher class has a field, a constructor, and methods as outlined below.
(1) Field: instance variables for wins of type int, losses of type int, and era (a.k.a., earned run
average) of type double. These fields should be declared with the protected access modifier.
These are the only fields that should be declared in this class.
(2) Constructor: The Pitcher class must contain a constructor that accepts nine parameters
representing the six values for the instance fields in the BallPlayer class and three for the
instance fields declared in Pitcher. Since this class is a subclass of BallPlayer, the super
constructor should be called with values for BallPlayer. The instance variables wins, losses,
and era should be set with the last three parameters. Below is an example of how the
constructor could be used to create a Pitcher object:
Pitcher p3 = new Pitcher(“43”, “Jo Williams”, “RHP”, 150000,
3.50, .125, 22, 4, 2.85);
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(3) Methods: Usually a class provides methods to access (or read) and modify each of its
instance variables (known as get and set methods) along with any other required methods. At
minimum you will need the following methods.
o getWins: Accepts no parameters and returns an int representing wins.
o setWins: Accepts an int representing the wins, sets the field, and returns nothing.
o getLosses: Accepts no parameters and returns an int representing losses.
o setLosses: Accepts an int representing the losses, sets the field, and returns nothing.
o getEra: Accepts no parameters and returns a double representing era.
o setEra: Accepts a double representing era, sets the field, and returns nothing.
o totalEarnings: Accepts no parameters and returns a double representing the total
earnings for the player calculated by multiplying the base salary by the bonus adjustment
factor, (1 / (1 + era)), and (wins – losses) / 25.0, and then adding the result to the base
salary to get the total earnings.
o stats: accepts no parameters and returns a String representing the wins, losses, and era
(in the example below the return value is: 22 wins, 4 losses, 2.85 ERA). This
should be called in the toString method below to get the pitcher stats that follow the name
and position. This method overrides the method declared in BallPlayer so that pitching
statistics are returned instead of batting average. Note that no decimal format object is
needed for ERA.
o toString: There is no toString method in the Pitcher class. When toString is invoked
on an instance of Pitcher, the toString method inherited from BallPlayer is called. Below
is an example of the toString result for Infielder p2 as it is declared above.
43 Jo Williams (RHP) 22 wins, 4 losses, 2.85 ERA
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 3.5
Total Earnings: $248,181.82 (class Pitcher)
Code and Test: As you implement the Pitcher class, you should compile and test it as methods
are created by using a combination of interactions and JUnit test methods. For example, as soon
you have implemented and successfully compiled the constructor, you should create an instance
of Pitcher in interactions. Remember that when you have an instance on the workbench, you can
unfold it to see its values. After you have implemented and compiled one or more of the
methods, you should begin creating test methods in the corresponding file.
Requirements: Derive the class ReliefPitcher from class Pitcher.
Design: The ReliefPitcher class has a field, a constructor, and methods as outlined below.
(1) Field: instance variable for saves of type int. This field should be declared with the private
access modifier. This is the only field that should be declared in this class.
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(2) Constructor: The ReliefPitcher class must contain a constructor that accepts ten parameters
representing the six values for the instance fields in the BallPlayer class, three for the instance
fields declared in Picher, and one for the instance variable in ReliefPitcher. Since this class is
a subclass of Pitcher, the super constructor should be called with nine values for the Pitcher
constructor. The instance variable saves should be set with the last parameter. Below is an
example of how the constructor could be used to create a ReliefPitcher object:
ReliefPitcher p4 = new ReliefPitcher(“34”, “Sammi James”, “LHP”, 150000,
3.50, .125, 5, 4, 3.85, 17);
(3) Methods: Usually a class provides methods to access (or read) and modify each of its
instance variables (known as get and set methods) along with any other required methods. At
minimum you will need the following methods.
o getSaves: Accepts no parameters and returns an int representing saves.
o setSaves: Accepts an int representing saves, sets the field, and returns nothing.
o totalEarnings: Accepts no parameters and returns a double representing the total
earnings for the player calculated by multiplying the base salary by the bonus adjustment
factor, (1 / (1 + era)), and (wins – losses + saves) / 30.0, and then adding the result to the
base salary to get the total earnings.
o stats: accepts no parameters and returns a String representing the wins, losses, saves
and era (in the example below: 5 wins, 4 losses, 17 saves, 3.85 ERA). This
should be called in the toString method below to get the pitcher stats that follow the name
and position. This method overrides the method declared in BallPlayer so that pitching
statistics are returned instead of batting average.
o toString: There is no toString method in the ReliefPitcher class. When toString is
invoked on an instance of ReliefPitcher, the toString method inherited from Pitcher
(which was inherited from BallPlayer) is called. Below is an example of the toString
result for ReliefPitcher p4 as it is declared above.
34 Sammi James (LHP) 5 wins, 4 losses, 17 saves, 3.85 ERA
Base Salary: $150,000.00 Bonus Adjustment Factor: 3.5
Total Earnings: $214,948.45 (class ReliefPitcher)
Code and Test: As you implement the ReliefPitcher class, you should compile and test it as
methods are created by using a combination of interactions and JUnit test methods. For example,
as soon you have implemented and successfully compiled the constructor, you should create an
instance of ReliefPitcher in interactions. Remember that when you have an instance on the
workbench, you can unfold it to see its values. After you have implemented and compiled one or
more of the methods, you should begin creating test methods in the corresponding file.
UML Class Diagram: If you have not already done so, add your classes to the jGRASP project,
then generate the UML class diagram by double-clicking for the project in the Open
Projects window. Once generated, you can use the mouse to select/drag a class to arrange the
diagram like the one on page 1.