This coursework will cover two key topics that will have been covered in the first three weeks
of the module: Unix and Latex. The coursework is divided into two parts: (i) Unix scripting for
basic file processing and data analysis and (ii) Report writing using Latex. Each part carries a
percentage of the marks for this coursework (out of a 100) as detailed in Table 1. You should
be able to complete various parts of this coursework as we go through the lectures, and parts
of this assignment will be covered during lab sessions. Help will also be available throughout
the labs. The key points are:
• This Coursework counts for 10% of this module.
• The deadline1
for submission of your scripts and report: 9
th March 2020 by 4pm.
• Feedback will be given within 4 weeks after the deadline.
• You are only allowed to use Bash (Unix) commands and Latex (Overleaf and other editors are acceptable). Use of other scripting languages or text editors will get you zero
marks for the relevant sections.
For submission instructions, please see Section 4 at the end of this document.
late penalty.
This problem sheet aims to achieve the following learning outcomes:
• Knowledge of Unix commands and pipes and filters.
• Knowledge of Latex commands and document preparation.
• Data cleaning techniques using pattern matching and filtering
You work as a data scientist for TripAdvisor and your job is to help them make sense of what
hotels are performing well. You have been tasked with analysing all the files containing reviews for each hotel as described in the next subsections.
Before you start, create a project on The project should be
named comp1204-userid-cwk1. So if your userid is je5g15, the project should be named
comp1204- je5g15-cwk1. Make sure the visibility level of the project is set to private. Now
invite user je5g15 as Maintainer on the project.
Please make sure to regularly commit your work on the Unix scripts to your git project.
The dataset to be used for this coursework is the TripAdvisor dataset at: https://secure. Download this file to a folder on your home drive (e.g., myworkspace). Extract the file using standard UNIX file decompression commands.
You would like to find out what hotels are commented on the most (the frequency of comments may indicate how many guests they actually receive). To answer this question:
1. Copy a hotel data file to your home directory (e.g., hotel_72572.dat).
2. Write a Unix script called that counts the number of reviews in the file
that takes input from the command line like this:
% ./ hotel_72572.dat
where hotel_72572.dat is an example file name. Note that 15 is just an example and not
the actual result for this file. Also note that the argument to the script, hotel_72572.dat,
is just an example file PATH; your script must be able to handle both relative and absolute paths correctly. Do NOT submit this script on the ECS electronic hand-in system
– complete the next steps and submit the final script for this section.
3. Extend to count the number of reviews in each file given the folder
name (i.e., where all your files are stored).
% ./ path_to_reviews_folder
Remember again that the argument to the script, path_to_reviews_folder, can be an
absolute or a relative path; your script must be able to handle both types of paths correctly.
4. Finally rank all the hotels according to the review count so that the hotel with the most
reviews is at the top of your list.
The output of your complete script should be formatted like this:
% ./ path_to_reviews_folder
hotel_1322 50
hotel_21313 49
hotel_31331 45
The argument to the script, path_to_reviews_folder, can be an absolute or a relative path;
your script must be able to handle both types of paths correctly.
Regarding the output of the script, please note the following:
1. The .dat extension is omitted from the filename.
2. The hotel name is separated from the count by a single whitespace.
3. Nothing but the hotel-count pairing should be output by the script.
Submit only your final script on the ECS electronic hand-in system.
3.1.2 REPORT – 10%
Write a report in Latex detailing the following:
1. The cover page of the report have at least your name and ID written on it as well as the
2. The script you wrote. Make sure you clearly explain what the script is
doing. Your script should preferably be written using the ‘listings’ environment from
Unix Script for basic file processing and data analysis 90%
Report Writing in Latex 10%
Table 1: The weighting given to the different parts of this coursework.
Your code and your report will be evaluated as follows:
For Unix scripts, we will use an automated script checker that will pipe data to your code and
check the output. Your scripts will be tested on previously unseen data. In particular, we will
check that:
1. Code returns expected output.
2. Code cleanliness and efficiency (slow code will be penalised).
3. Appropriate use of git versioning system in writing your scripts. In particular, we will
assess if meaningful commits and commit messages have been provided.
Indicative feedback may include: code does not work, code works partially (i.e., some functions not working), code is inefficient, code not readable, git commit messages not provided,
all scripts work.
For the report we will check that the report is written in LATEX and any script listed using
standard LATEX environments e.g., verbatim, listings, or algorithmic.
While working on your script,, you would have made several commits on git.
For your submission generate a git log file – named git.log.
Submit your work using the ECS electronic hand-in system. The submission is to be made by
4pm on the due date listed above. Please submit a single file to the ECS electronic hand-in
system as detailed below:
• Your script and report must be in compressed archive named as comp1204.tar.gz. You
should submit the script (, the git log file (git.log), your report in LATEX (report.tex and report.pdf ), and the LATEX log file (report.log) that is generated
when you compile your latex file (on Overleaf you need to navigate the options to
download the log file).
• Your report should be in .PDF format and be included in the archive.
Failure to follow these instructions will incur a penalty. In particular, you will lose (possibly
all) marks if:
1. You use Word to create your document.
2. You compile to ZIP and change the extension of the file.
3. You submit a word doc and change the extension of the file to PDF.
4. Your code runs for more than 1 min on the test dataset.