COMP SCI 7315 Computer Vision Assignment 3


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This assignment aims to develop a deeper understanding of various nuts and bolts of the
machine learning apparatus used in many computer vision tasks. In the first part of the
assignment, we implement the simplest learning algorithm, a perceptron. We also explore
the difficulties that arise in a practice even when data is simple, that is, 2D points and linearly
separable. In tasks 2 and 3 of the assignment, we extend the simple perceptron to work with
3 classes instead of the two, and to solve a non-linear classification problem. Finally, we
explore a real world application of deep learning in computer vision: detecting counterfeit
bank notes.
As before, you will write a report and some code. While you are required to submit both, you
will be graded based on your report only. We will not use deep learning frameworks (such as
pytorch, tensorflow etc) for this assignment except for Task 4. Boilerplate code is provided
for both Matlab and Python to get you started. The expectation is that you will implement
the missing functionality to get a deeper understanding of how basic machine learning works,
instead of using existing code libraries. For the final task, we will use Keras, a high-level
deep learning library.
The total amount of code you need to write is not large, but you will still need to allow
time for getting familiar with the different programming languages and understanding how
the provided code works. We have provided reference implementation for both Matlab and
Python along with setup instructions for python in the assignment package on the MyUni
page. You are to use this boilerplate code to answer the first three tasks.
Task 0: Review lectures and complete quiz
Your first task is to review the deep learning lectures and make sure you are familiar with
the background material needed for this assignment. We will publish a graded quiz to help
you assess your grasp of the subject matter. The quiz will be conducted online via myuni,
with a deadline of Friday, June 5, and will count towards your mark for this assignment.
Please keep an eye on course announcements for further information.
Task 1: Perceptron
1. Starting from the boiler plate code provided for both Matlab and Python, implement
the perceptron training algorithm as seen in the lecture. This perceptron takes a 2D
point as input and classifies it as belonging to either class 0 or 1. By changing the
num samples parameter, numerous sample sizes can be generated for both classes.
Computer Vision Assignment 3 May 21, 2020
Figure 1: Dataset containing three classes
2. The code plots the ground-truth boundary between the two classes. We know this is
the ground-truth because this is the boundary from which we generated data. However,
even though the estimated line can correctly classify all the samples, it might not agree
with the ground-truth boundary. In the report, discuss why this happens. What is the
potential disadvantage of such a decision boundary? (Hint: behaviour on unseen data).
3. In some training sessions, you might observe the boundary oscillating between two
solutions and not reaching 100% accuracy. Discuss why this can happen and modify the
training algorithm to correct this behaviour. We will call this the modified algorithm.
(Hint: learning rate)
4. Random initialization causes the algorithm to converge in different number of epochs.
Execute the training algorithm on sample sizes of 10, 50, 500 and 5000. Report in
a table the mean number of epochs required to converge for both the original and
the modified algorithm. Which algorithm performs better and why? Is there a clear
Task 2: Multiclass classifier
Pat yourselves on the back, you have successfully trained a binary classifier. Now, its time
to move to 3 classes. The dataset we are going on work on is shown in 1 and contains three
classes represented by different colors.
1. Extend the algorithm developed in Task 1 to distinguish between the three classes. In
Computer Vision Assignment 3 May 21, 2020
your report, discuss the modification that were needed to extend the functionality to 3
classes. (Hint: One vs. All classification)
2. By modifying the function compute accuracy, plot the accuracy over time for the
training data.
3. Visualize the decision boundaries on the given dataset by implementing the draw()
function for the modified algorithm and include it in your report. Based on your
observation of the decision boundaries, discuss why a linear classifier is still the correct
choice for this dataset.
Task 3: Backpropagation
Lets consider the output of an XOR gate for a two-input system. The output is 1 only when
either of the inputs is 1. If both inputs are zero or both inputs are one, the output is zero.
This means that the output is not linearly separable. Therefore, we are going to implement a
3 layer network to solve this problem. Starting code is provided for both python and matlab:
1. Implement the forward() and backward() functions for this 3-layer network. The
forward function takes the input x and does the following operations :
yˆ = σ(W2(σ(W1x))) (1)
where σ() is the sigmoid activation function. We will use squared error as the loss
which is defined by
L =
||y − yˆ||2
where ˆy is our estimated output and y is the ground truth value. The backward() function propagates gradients (backprop) and updates weights. In your report, include the
graph of the loss against the number of epochs. You can refer to reading material.pdf
in the assignment package on how to compute the required gradients.
2. (postgraduates) One of the import design choices is the number of neuron in the hidden
layer. Comment on the the performance of the network when the number of hidden
neuron are 2, 4, 10, and 50. (You can control this by changing the corresponding
variable in the code). In your experiments, what is the minimum number of neurons
needed in the hidden layer for successful training? What happens when there are too
many neurons in the hidden layer?
Computer Vision Assignment 3 May 21, 2020
Task 4: Detecting fake bank notes with Keras
Money is one of the driving forces of this world and can lead to some people attempting to
printing some of it on their own at home instead of the Royal Mint1
. This is not good. You
have been tasked with employing your newly learned machine learning skills to tell real notes
apart from fake ones.
Instead of dealing with images directly, some features have already been extracted by the
forensic department. For feature extraction, high resolution images of the banknotes were
taken and Wavelet transform was applied to them to extract the Variance, Skewness, Kurtosis
and Entropy of the resulting wavelet coefficients. (The wavelet bit is not important, what is
important is we have features to work with). Additionally, class labels 0 (fake) and 1 (real)
are also included in the data given to you. This is so that we can learn a model on this data
and apply it to notes in the future.
Your task is to design a network for this binary classification task. You are free to choose
the complexity of the network. To make things like back-propagation easier, we are going to
use Keras, a high-level machine learning library that will do most of the things for us. We
just have to specify the problem and architecture is a particular way. Tutorial for Keras can
be found online and on the official website.
In order to ensure that you do not overfit to the data, the department (in this case your
instructor) has kept some of the original labelled data hidden and handed over only 80% of
it to you. The hidden data will serve as test data for the department to ensure that you
machine learning technique actually works.
For a real world application, following are the steps that would normally be taken.
Train-test split
In order to validate that your method is doing something sensible, the first step is to create
a train-test split. You can divide the given data randomly into an 80-20 split, where 80%
of the data is used to train you network and 20% of it is used as testing. This ensures that
within the data given to you, you do not overfit to the task at hand. The train and test split
for the task are provided. Use the train samples to train your network, used the test samples
to only test how well your network is doing. Do not train on the test samples.
Data normalization
Different variables in the feature vector come from the different ranges as shown in Fig. 2.
The first step is to normalize all the features so that the range is similar, normally between
zero and 1. This is achieved by min-max normalization and the data provided to you is
already normalized.
1Bella ciao!
Computer Vision Assignment 3 May 21, 2020
Figure 2: Box plot for each feature, please note the y-axis for each plot. Left: Original data,
Right: Normalized Data
Loss function
One of the important aspects of network design is finding a suitable loss function. In our
case, it is simple as we know it is a binary classification problem, so one of the losses that
we saw in the lectures should be applicable here.
Network Architecture
For the current task, we are going to use a fully connected layers. The design choices in this
case are the depth (number of layers) and neuron in each layer. Additionally, we have to
choose the type of nonlinearity to introduce at each layer in the network.
You are provided with an ipython notebook2 with boilerplate code to train a simple network
using Keras.
The easiest way to get up and running quickly without needing to install anything is to use
Google Colab3
. This is a free service provided by Google, including access to free GPU time
(when available) and learning libraries already set up. The details of how to get up and
2An online version hosted on Google colab can be found here:
Computer Vision Assignment 3 May 21, 2020
Figure 3: The evolution of the loss (left) and accuracy (right) during the training of the base
running can be found in setup instructions.pdf in the assignment package as well as in
the Task4.ipynb.
The base model that we are going to start from is presented in the python notebook. Specifically, the architecture consists of a multilayer perceptron with a single hidden layer containing
5 neuron and an output layer containing a single neuron. Sigmoid is used as the activation
function after each layer. The default learning rate is set to 0.01 and the number of epoch to
500. We will call this the base model and its performance is shown in Fig. 3 with the final
accuracy of 82.12% on the test set.
Your task is to choose the combination of various components (losses, activation function,
learning rate etc) that leads to the best possible performance on the test set. Starting from
the base model in each case, in your report, answer the following:
1. Depth vs width The current architecture has a single hidden layer with 5 neuron in
it. We can add more neuron in this hidden layer (try 10 for example), this will make
the layer “wider”. Alternatively, we can add an additional layer. Compare and contrast
the performance of these two approaches.
2. Activation functions Discuss if changing the activation function on the intermediate
layers has some benefits. In the lectures we saw the ReLU learns faster than sigmoids,
does this hold true? How many epochs does the ReLU based training converge in?
3. Learning rate How important is the learning rate? Vary the learning rate and show
that at least for this problem, learning rate leads to faster convergence of the network.
4. Number of epochs How many epochs should the training run for? Justify your
answer by making observations about convergence during your experiments.
In your submission, include your python notebook with the best performing combination of
architecture, loss, activation, and learning rate.
Computer Vision Assignment 3 May 21, 2020
Hand in your report and supporting code/images via the MyUni page. Upload two files:
1. report.pdf, a PDF version of your report
2., a zip file containing your code (Matlab .m files, or ipython notebooks)
The prac is worth 40% of your overall mark for the course. It is due on Friday, June 12.