
COMP 7745/8745: Machine Learning Homework 3

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1. For the below grid world, what is the i) optimal policy ii) Approximate Q-values that
the Q-learning algorithm will converge to assuming a discount factor of 0.1 (you should
be able to do this without much calculation or running the Q-learning algorithm). (10
2. If the discount factor is equal to 0, then is it harder or easier to learn the optimal
policy. Briefly explain. (5 points)
3. Your boss says, “you should only use a classifier it it gives you 100% accuracy on the
training dataset”. How will you counter his/her argument using the bias vs variance
tradeoff? Briefly explain. (10 points)
4. In the ADABoosting algorithm, suppose in iteration t+1, we increase the weights of
those data points that are correctly classified in iteration t. Is this a good idea. Explain
your reasoning. (10 points)
5. For each of the following, state whether they have high/low bias and high/low variance.
a) Perceptron on linearly separable data b) Neural networks on not-linearly separable
data c) K-NN on linearly separable data d) Perceptrons on not-linearly separable data
(10 points)
6. An SVM is trained with the following data (10 points)
X0 X1 y
-1 -1 -1
1 1 1
0 2 1
a) Show the kernel matrices for i) the linear kernel ii) polynomial kernel of degree 3
b) Assuming that the Lagrangian coefficients for the SVM optimization problem have
the values, α1 = 1/8, α2 = 1/8, α3 = 0 Which data instances are the support vectors?
7. Given the following dataset, we wish to apply Adaboosting using SVMs with linear
kernels as our base classifier. Is this a good idea? Explain your answer. (10 points)
X0 X1 y
0 0 -1
0 1 -1
1 0 -1
1 1 1
8. Given the following dataset, which kernel for the support vector machine would you
pick and why?(10 points)
X0 X1 y
0 0 -1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
9. Given a support vector machine trained on m examples, what is an upper bound on
its leave-one-out cross validation error given that it has a) m support vectors b) m/2
support vectors (5 points)
10. Here, you will experiment with the SVM implementation in Weka for the given dataset
and Adaboosting with the wines dataset. For this, download the LIbSVM jar (provided
in the zip file). You need to start Weka GUI from commandline with the libsvm.jar
in the class path. E.g. java -classpath weka.jar;libsvm.jar weka.gui.GUIChooser. The
SVM implementation shows up as SMO under functions, and Adaboosting is under
Meta. (20 points)
Report the 10-fold cross-validation results (average precision,recall and F1) for each of
the 3 kernel types (linear (polynomial degree 1), RBF and polynomial degree 2) for
the cost factors, 1, 10, 100 and 1000. Briefly explain your observations of the effect of
kernel types and cost factors on computation time and accuracy?
For Adaboosting, you will experiment with using weak and strong base classifiers. For
the first-case, choose decision stumps as the base classifier, and for the second case
use J48 as the base classifier. Does Adaboosting help boost the performance of both?
Specifically, compare the 10-fold cross-validation results (average precision,recall and
F1) for the base classifiers (decision stumps and J48), with the Adaboosted versions
of these base classifiers.