
COMP 5421/1 BB Assignment 4

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1 Objectives
• Practice fundamental object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts
• Implement an inheritance hierarchy of classes
• Use virtual functions, overriding, and polymorphism in C++
• Use two-dimensional arrays using array and vector, the two simplest container class
templates in the C++ Standard Template Library (STL)
• Use C++ smart pointers
2 Modeling Geometric Shapes
Using simple geometric shapes, this assignment will give you practice with fundamental concepts
of OOP, namely, the concepts of abstraction, encapsulation, information hiding, inheritance, and
The geometric shapes considered are simple two-dimensional shapes that can be reasonably
depicted textually on the computer screen; specifically, rhombus , rectangle, and two kinds of
triangles. As depicted in the UML class diagram on page 1, the classes that model our shapes
of interest in this assignment form a single inheritance hierarchy, with the most generalized class
Shape at the top.
Triangle Rectangle Rhombus
AcuteTriangle RightTriangle
Figure 1: A UML class diagram showing Shape inheritance hierarchy.
So let’s begin with class Shape; that is, let’s begin by specifying the common characteristics of
our simple geometric shapes.
2.1 Common Attributes of Shape Objects: State (Data)
ˆ A integer identity number, distinct from that of the rest of the Shape objects.
ˆ An optional user supplied name for the shape, such as “Swimming Pool.”
ˆ An optional user supplied description for the shape, such as “Montreal’s Olympic Stadium”.
2.2 Common Operations of Shape Objects: Interface
1. A constructor that optionally accepts initial values for the shape’s name and description.
2. Three accessor (getter) methods, one for each attribute;
3. Two mutator (setter) methods to set the object’s name and description;
4. A method that generates and returns a string representation for the shape object;
5. A method to compute the object’s geometric area;
6. A method to compute the object’s geometric perimeter;
7. A method to compute the object’s screen area; that is, the number of characters that form
the textual image of the shape;
8. A method to compute the object’s screen perimeter; that is, the number of characters on
the borders of the textual image of the shape;
9. A method that draws a textual image for the shape object on a two dimensional grid, and
then returns that grid.
10. Two methods returning, respectively, the height and the width of the object’s bounding
box; that is, the smallest rectangular box enclosing the textual image of the shape.
3 Abstract Shapes
The UML class1 diagram shown on page 1 represents two abstract classes: Shape and Triangle.
Encapsulating the attributes and operations common to its objects, class Shape is abstract
because the shapes it models are so general that it would not know how to implement most of
the operations it is required to provide; for example, operation 9, to name just one example. As
an abstract class, Shape not only serves as a common interface to all classes in the inheritance
hierarchy, but also makes polymorphism possible through variables of types Shape* and Shape&.
Based on Shape, class Triangle models triangular shapes with their bases oriented horizontally.
The height of a triangle is length of the line perpendicular to the base from the intersection of
the other two sides.
Obviously, class Triangle must also be abstract as it too lacks information to implement some
of the operations it inherits from Shape, including operation 9.
1Recall that in UML the name of an abstract class is written in an italic font.
4 Concrete Shapes
Rectangle, Rhombus, RightTriangle and AcuteTriangle represent concrete shape classes,
picked specifically because they each can be textually rendered into visually identifiable patterns.
The specific features of these concrete shapes are listed in the following table.
Specialized Features of Concrete Shapes
Features Concrete Shapes
Shape name Rectangle Rhombus Right Triangle Acute Triangle
Construction values h, w d, if d is even
set d←d + 1 b
b, if b is even set
b←b + 1
Computed values h = b h = (b + 1)/2
Height of bounding box h d h h
Width of bounding box w d b b
Geometric area hw d
2/2 hb/2 hb/2
Screen area hw 2n(n+1)+1,
n = bd/2c
h(h + 1)/2 h
Geometric perimeter 2(h + w) (2√
2)d (2 + √
2)h b + 2√
2 + h
Screen perimeter 2(h + w) − 4 2(d − 1) 3(h − 1) 4(h − 1)
Sample visual
Sample pattern
w = 9, h = 5 d = 5 b = 5, h = b b = 9, h =
4.1 Shape Notes
ˆ The unit length is a character; thus, the lengths of the vertical and horizontal attributes of
a shape are measured in characters.
ˆ The height and width of a shape’s bounding box are NOT stored anywhere; they are
computed on demand.
ˆ At construction, a Rectangle shape requires the values of both its height and width,
whereas the other three concrete shapes each require a single value for the length of their
respective horizontal attribute.
In addition, at construction, all shape objects accept optional user specified name and
description. The default values are given in Table 1.
Shape Default shape name Default shape description
Rhombus Diamond A parallelogram with equal sides
Rectangle Four-sided Four right angles
Acute Acute triangle All acute angels
Right Right triangle One right and two acute angles
Table 1: Default shape names and descriptions
5 Task 1 of 2
Implement the Shape inheritance class hierarchy described above. It is completely up to you to
decide which operations should be virtual, pure virtual, or non-virtual, provided that it satisfies a
few simple requirements. Feel free to add your own private methods, if you think they facilitate
your implementaion of the class interface.
The amount of coding required for this task is not a lot as your shape classes will be small. Be
sure that common behavior (shared methods) and common attributes (shared data) are pushed
toward the top of your class hierarchy.
5.1 Some Examples
Sourse code
1 Rectangle rect { 5, 7 };
2 cout << rect . toString () << endl ; 3 // or equivalently 4 // cout << rect << endl ; Output 1 Shape Information 2 ----------------- 3 id: 1 4 Shape name : Four - sided 5 Description : Four right angles 6 B. box width : 5 7 B. box height : 7 8 Scr area : 35 9 Geo area : 35.00 10 Scr perimeter : 20 11 Geo perimeter : 24.00 12 Static type : PK5 Shape 13 Dynamic type : 9 Rectangle The call rect.toString() on line 2 of source code generates the entire output shown. However, note that line 4 would produce the same output, as the output operator overload itself internally calls toString(). Line 3 of the output shows that rect’s ID number is 1. The ID number of the next shape will be 2, the one after 3, and so on. These unique ID numbers are generated and assigned when shape objects are first constructed. Line 4-5 of the output show object rect’s name and description, and lines 6-7 show the width and height of rect’s bounding box, respectively. Now let’s see how the static and dynamic types in lines 12-13 of the output are produced. Recall that a C++ pointer (or reference) to a class with a virtual member function has two types: static type and dynamic type; the static type is its type as defined in the source code, and thus cannot change, and the dynamic type is the type of the object it points at (or references) at runtime, and thus may change during the runtime period. To get the name of the static type of a pointer p at runtime you use typeid(p).name(), and to get its dynamic type you use typeid(*p).name(). That’s exactly what toString() does at line 2, using this instead of p. You need to include the header for this.
As you can see on lines 12-13, rect’s static type name is PK5Shape and it’s dynamic type
name is 9Rectangle. The actual names returned by these calls are implementation defined. For
example, the output above was generated under g++ (GCC) 7.4.0, where PK in PK5Shape
means “pointer to konst const”, and 5 in 5Shape means that the name “Shape” that follows
it is 5 character long.
Microsoft VC++ produces a more readable output as shown below.
1 Rectangle rect { 5, 7 };
2 cout << rect . toString () << endl ; 3 // or equivalently 4 // cout << rect << endl ; Shape Information ----------------- id: 1 Shape name : Four - sided Description : Four right angles B. box width : 5 B. box height : 7 Scr area : 35 Geo area : 35.00 Scr perimeter : 20 Geo perimeter : 24.00 Static type : class Shape const * Dynamic type : class Rectangle Note that in the source code above the object rect is NOT a pointer (or reference) and hence NOT polymorphic; however, the call rect.toString() on line 2 represents rect inside toString() by the this pointer, where object *this is polymorphic. Here is an example of a Rhombus object: 5 Rhombus 6 ace{ 16, "Ace", "Ace of diamond " }; 7 // cout << ace . toString () << endl ; 8 // or , equivalently : 9 cout << ace << endl ; Shape Information ----------------- id: 2 Shape name : Ace Description : Ace of diamond B. box width : 17 B. box height : 17 Scr area : 145 Geo area : 144.50 Scr perimeter : 32 Geo perimeter : 48.08 Static type : class Shape const * Dynamic type : class Rhombus Notice that in line 6, the supplied height, 16, is invalid because it is even; to correct it, Rhombus’s constructor uses the next odd integer, 17, as the diagonal of object ace. Again, lines 7 and 9 would produce the same output; the difference is that the call to toString() is implicit in line 9. Here are examples of AcuteTriangle and RightTriangle shape objects. 6 10 AcuteTriangle at{ 17 };; 11 cout << at << endl ; 12 13 /* equivalently : 14 15 Shape * atptr = &at; 16 cout << * atptr << endl ; 17 18 Shape & atptr = at; 19 cout << atptr << endl ; 20 */ Shape Information ----------------- id: 3 Shape name : Acute triangle Description : All acute angels B. box width : 17 B. box height : 9 Scr area : 81 Geo area : 76.50 Scr perimeter : 32 Geo perimeter : 41.76 Static type : class Shape const * Dynamic type : class AcuteTriangle 21 RightTriangle 22 rt{ 10, " Carpenter ’s square " }; 23 cout << rt << endl ; Shape Information ----------------- id: 4 Shape name : Carpenter ’s square Description : One right and two acute angles B. box width : 10 B. box height : 10 Scr area : 55 Geo area : 50.00 Scr perimeter : 27 Geo perimeter : 34.14 Static type : class Shape const * Dynamic type : class RightTriangle 5.2 Polymorphic Magic It is important to note that none of the objects rect, ace , at, and rt is polymorphic because none of them is a pointer or a reference. Polymorphic magic happens through the second argument in the calls to the output operator<< at lines 2, 8, 11, and 23. For example, consider the call cout< > draw ( char fChar = ’*’, char bChar = ’ ’) const = 0;
forcing all concrete derived classes to implement the function. Using the values of the parameters
fChar and bChar as foreground and background characters, respectively, the function “draws”
an image of the shape on “a two dimensional grid” representing the shape’s bounding box, and
then returns that grid.
5.4 The Grid
The two dimensional grid must be named and implemented as follows:
using Grid = vector >; // a vector of vectors of chars
One way to print the grid is to overload the operator<< as follows: ostream & operator < < ( ostream & sout , const Grid & grid ) { for ( const auto & row : grid ) // for each row vector in the grid { for ( const auto & ch : row) // for each char in the row vector { sout << ch; } sout << endl ; // line break } return sout ; } 8 5.5 Examples Continued 24 25 Grid aceBox = ace . draw (’+’, ’.’); 26 cout << aceBox << endl ; ........+........ .......+++....... ......+++++...... .....+++++++..... ....+++++++++.... ...+++++++++++... ..+++++++++++++.. .+++++++++++++++. +++++++++++++++++ .+++++++++++++++. ..+++++++++++++.. ...+++++++++++... ....+++++++++.... .....+++++++..... ......+++++...... .......+++....... ........+........ 27 28 Grid rectBox = rect . draw (); 29 cout << rectBox << endl ; ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 30 31 Grid atBox = at. draw (’^’); 32 cout << atBox << endl ; ^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 9 33 34 Grid rtBox = rt. draw (’|’); 35 cout << rtBox << endl ; | || ||| |||| ||||| |||||| ||||||| |||||||| ||||||||| |||||||||| Note that a shape object can be redrawn using different foreground and background characters: 37 rtBox = rt. draw (’\\ ’, ’o’); 38 cout << rtBox << endl ; \ ooooooooo \\ oooooooo \\\ ooooooo \\\\ oooooo \\\\\ ooooo \\\\\\ oooo \\\\\\\ ooo \\\\\\\\ oo \\\\\\\\\ o \\\\\\\\\\ 39 aceBox = ace . draw (’o’); 40 cout << aceBox << endl ; o ooo ooooo ooooooo ooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooo ooooooo ooooo ooo o 10 6 Task 2 of 2 A slot machine is a classic coin-operated rip-off gambling machine. Traditional slot machines have three reels and one payline, with each reel labeled with about two dozen symbols. To use one, you insert coins into a slot and pull a handle that activates the spinning of the reels. After spinning a random number of times, the reels come to rest, showing three symbols lined up across the payline. If two or more of the symbols on the payline match, you will win a cash payout, which the slot machine dispenses back to you. Your task is to design and implement a class that models a simple slot machine, using the geometric shapes you created in Task 1 as the visual symbols on the reels. The slot machine is to have three reels, each with 4 symbols (shapes), and each symbol in 25 available sizes. 6.1 Sample Run 1 auto main () -> int
2 { SlotMachine slot_machine ;// create a slot machine object
3 slot_machine .run (); // run our slot machine until the player decides
4 return 0; // to stop , or until the player runs out of tokens
5 }
2 Welcome to 3-Reel Lucky Slot Machine Game !
3 Each reel will randomly display one of four shapes , each in 25 sizes .
4 To win 3 x bet Get 2 similar shapes AND 2 shapes with equal Scr Areas
5 To win 2 x bet Get 3 similar shapes
6 To win 1 x bet Get ( Middle ) Scr Area > ( Left + Right ) Scr Areas
7 To win or lose nothing Get same Left and Right shapes
8 Otherwise , you lose your bet .
9 You start with 10 free slot tokens !
11 How much would you like to bet ( enter 0 to quit )? 1
12 + – – – -+ – – – – -+ – – -+
13 | * | * | * |
14 | ** | ** | |
15 | | *** | |
16 + – – – -+ – – – – -+ – – -+
17 ( Right triangle , 2, 2) ( Right triangle , 3, 3) ( Diamond , 1, 1)
18 Middle > Left + Right , in Screen Areas
19 Congratulations ! you win your bet: 1
20 You now have 11 tokens
22 How much would you like to bet ( enter 0 to quit )? 2
23 + – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+
24 | * | * | * |
25 | *** | ** | *** |
26 | ***** | *** | ***** |
27 | ******* | **** | ******* |
28 | ********* | ***** | ********* |
29 | *********** | ****** | *********** |
30 | ************* | ******* | ************* |
31 | *********** | ******** | |
32 | ********* | ********* | |
33 | ******* | ********** | |
34 | ***** | *********** | |
35 | *** | ************ | |
36 | * | | |
37 + – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+
38 ( Diamond , 13, 13) ( Right triangle , 12, 12) ( Acute triangle , 7, 13)
39 Oh No!
40 You lose your bet
41 You now have 9 tokens
43 How much would you like to bet ( enter 0 to quit )?5
44 + – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – -+
45 | * | * | * |
46 | ** | *** | ** |
47 | *** | ***** | *** |
48 | **** | ******* | **** |
49 | ***** | ********* | ***** |
50 | ****** | *********** | ****** |
51 | ******* | ************* | ******* |
52 | ******** | *********** | ******** |
53 | ********* | ********* | ********* |
54 | ********** | ******* | |
55 | *********** | ***** | |
56 | | *** | |
57 | | * | |
58 + – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – -+
59 ( Right triangle , 11, 11) ( Diamond , 13, 13) ( Right triangle , 9, 9)
60 Lucky this time !
61 You don ’t win , you don ’t lose , your are safe !
62 You now have 9 tokens
64 How much would you like to bet ( enter 0 to quit )?
6.2 Slot Machine Algorithm
The run() method called in line 2 of the source code on page 11 performs the following algorithm:
Algorithm 1 Slot Machine’s run() Algorithm
1: Prepare an array R of three elements to represent the three reels of the slot machine.
Each element (reel) is a pointer to a Shape object managed dynamically.
2: while user has slot tokens and wants to play do
3: Prompt for and read a bet . an integer representing slot tokens
4: for each k = 0, 1, 2 do . have reel Rk point at a random shape
5: Generate a random integer n, 0 ≤ n ≤ 3
6: Generate a random width w, 1 ≤ w ≤ 25
7: if n = 0 then
8: Let reel Rk point to a Rhombus object of width w
9: else if n = 1 then
10: Let reel Rk point to a AccuteTriangle object of width w
11: else if n = 2 then
12: Let reel Rk point to a RightTriangle object of width w
13: else
14: Generate a random height h, 1 ≤ h ≤ 25
15: Let reel Rk point to aRectangle object of width w and height h
16: end if
17: end for
18: Print the three reels side by side horizontally. . simulates the symbols on the payline
19: Based on the symbols on the payline, compute the prize payout (tokens won) as follows:

3 × bet if any two symbols are similar in shape and any two match in screen areas
2 × bet if all three symbols are similar in shape
1 × bet if screen area of middle symbol>sum of screen areas of left and right symbols
0 × bet if the left and right symbols are similar
−1 × bet otherwise, player loses the bet
20: Update player’s slot tokens using the prize payout
21: Display whether the player has won, lost, or neither
22: end while
6.2.1 Implementation of Step 1 of Slot Machine Algorithm
Using modern C++ smart pointers, implement step 1 as follows:
std :: array , 3> reel {};
so that the three reels are represented by three unique pointers reel[0], reel[1], reel[2], all
currently pointing at nullptr. The actual shape objects are created and assigned at steps
8, 10, 12, ans 15. For example, step 8 involves the following step:
reel [k]. reset (new Rhombus (w));
The unique pointer reel[k] automatically “deletes” the object it currently manages (points
at), before resetting the pointer to a new dynamically allocated Shape object. That is, you
the programmer can enjoy life without having to be concerned about “deleting” dynamically
created resources ever again. Welcome to modern C++!
6.2.2 Implementation of Step 18 of Slot Machine Algorithm
This step must obviously obtain the bounding boxes corresponding to the three shape objects
currently pointed at by the three reel objects:
Grid box_ 0 = reel [0] – > draw ();
Grid box_ 1 = reel [1] – > draw ();
Grid box_ 2 = reel [2] – > draw ();
This step then prints the three bounding boxes side by side in a row, with their top borders aligned.
To make the output look a bit nicer, slot machine should decorate the output as indicated in
the following figure. The blue, green, and red grids in the figure represent the bounding boxes;
yellow girds represent blank vertical margins; brown squares represent border characters. See
output on page 12 for specifics.
6.3 Class SlotMachine
Despite its lengthy description, the SlotMachine class is straightforward:
class SlotMachine
std :: array , 3> reel {};
void make_shapes (); // Step 4
void make_shape (int k); // Steps 5-16
void display (); // Step 18
public :
ShapeSlotMachine () = default ;
SlotMachine ( const SlotMachine &) = delete ; // copy ctor
SlotMachine ( SlotMachine &&) = delete ; // move ctor
SlotMachine & operator =( const SlotMachine &) = delete ; // copy assignment
SlotMachine & operator =( SlotMachine &&) = delete ; // move assignment
virtual ~ ShapeSlotMachine () = default ;
void run(); // see algorithm on page 13
6.4 FYI
The following two features were dropped from the original version of the slot machine program
in order to make the assignment workload lighter:
ˆ Simulate the spinning of the Slot’s reels
ˆ Implement the concepts of a slot machine reel into a Reel class whose objects are responsible for managing their own internal needs, including the use of dynamic memory.
6.5 Sample Run Continued
66 How much would you like to bet ( enter 0 to quit )? 3
67 + – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+
68 | * | * | * |
69 | *** | *** | *** |
70 | ***** | ***** | ***** |
71 | ******* | ******* | ******* |
72 | ********* | ********* | ********* |
73 | *********** | *********** | *********** |
74 | ************* | ************* | |
75 | | *************** | |
76 | | ***************** | |
77 | | ******************* | |
78 | | ********************* | |
79 + – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+
80 ( Acute triangle , 7, 13) ( Acute triangle , 11, 21) ( Acute triangle , 6, 11)
81 Three similar shapes
82 Congratulations ! you win 2 times your bet: 6
83 You now have 15 tokens
85 How much would you like to bet ( enter 0 to quit )? -1
86 No negative bets , try again !
88 How much would you like to bet ( enter 0 to quit )? -2
89 No negative bets , try again !
91 How much would you like to bet ( enter 0 to quit )? 50
92 You can ’t bet more than 15, try again !
94 How much would you like to bet ( enter 0 to quit )? 40
95 You can ’t bet more than 15, try again !
97 How much would you like to bet ( enter 0 to quit )? 1
98 + – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+
99 | * | * | * |
100 | ** | *** | ** |
101 | *** | ***** | *** |
102 | **** | ******* | **** |
103 | ***** | ********* | ***** |
104 | ****** | *********** | ****** |
105 | ******* | ************* | ******* |
106 | ******** | *************** | ******** |
107 | ********* | ***************** | ********* |
108 | ********** | ******************* | ********** |
109 | *********** | ********************* | *********** |
110 | ************ | *********************** | ************ |
111 | ************* | ************************* | ************* |
112 | ************** | | ************** |
113 | *************** | | *************** |
114 | **************** | | **************** |
115 + – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+ – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -+
116 ( Right triangle , 16, 16) ( Acute triangle , 13, 25) ( Right triangle , 16, 16)
118 Jackpot ! 2 Similar Shapes AND 2 Equal Screen Areas
119 Congratulations ! you win 3 times your bet: 3
120 You now have 18 tokens
122 How much would you like to bet ( enter 0 to quit )? 0
123 Thank you for playing , come back soon !
124 Be sure you cash in your remaing 18 tokens at the bar !
125 Game Over .
Header files: Shape.h, Triangle.h, Rectangle.h, Rhombus.h, AcuteTriangle.h,
RightTriangle.h, SlotMachine.h,
Implementation files: Shape.cpp, Triangle.cpp, Rectangle.cpp, Rhombus.cpp,
AcuteTriangle.cpp, RightTriangle.cpp, SlotMachine.cpp, and
shape slotmachine driver.cpp
README.txt A text file (see the course outline).
7 Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Criteria
Functionality Testing correctness of execution of your program, Proper implementation of all specified requirements, Efficiency
OOP style Encapsulating only the necessary data inside your objects, Information hiding, Proper use of C++ constructs and facilities. No
use of operator operator delete. No C-style coding and memory
functions such as malloc, alloc, realloc, free, etc.
Documentation Description of purpose of program, Javadoc comment style for
all methods and fields, comments on non-trivial pieces of code in
submitted programs
Presentation Format, clarity, completeness of output, user friendly interface 5%
Code readability Meaningful identifiers, indentation, spacing, localizing variables 5%