COMP 417 Assignment 2: Path Planning and PID Control 


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Question #1: Implement A* Planning (10 points)
We have provided you Python code, called “” in the “planning_question” folder.
That loads a 2D map in the form of a floorplan image. Given a start and a goal, this code now runs
Dijkstra’s Algorithm using a simple implementation and finds a plan like the one shown below.
Your job in this question is to modify the algorithm to
correctly run the A-star planner. We have left comments
“#TODO” in each place where a modification is needed. You
should read and understand all of the code (there’s not too
much) but will only need to type a very few lines correctly to
complete the question (so don’t over-think it!)
Steps to set up:
Run the sample code by running:
$ cd COMP417_Fall2020/A2/planning_questions
$ python simple.png
Coding your new planner:
Now modify the code in the places that say #TODO. This is where you’ll need to do most of your
thinking, make sure you understood the algorithm presented in class and dig into the code to
figure out how to implement your changes. Run it with the same commands as above to test.
Report the results:
Save 3 images of paths produced by your planner. Keep the starting state the same, but set a
different goal for each image (notice the dest_state coded into the main function). Make sure
those cover the map well. Save the images as “astar_result[0|1|2]_yourname.png”. You will
hand-in these images plus your modified code (just the file).
Question #2: Implement RRT Planning (10 points)
In this case, we have given you the framework for an RRT planner, in “” which
initially produces the strange star-shaped plan on the left, which is not correct and hits obstacles.
You must complete the implementation including steering to new nodes and the overall
algorithm structure, to build a correct RRT tree and find the plan. When completed, your code
should show an image like the one to the right.
Setup, coding and reporting follow the same pattern as described for Q1 (only work with the code this time and name your files rrt_result[0|1|2]_yourname.png).
Question #3: PID for a Ball Controlled by Spring and Fan (10 points)
The goal of this question is to understand the PID controller
in the context of balancing a ping-pong ball using a fan as
shown to the right. The main tasks will be to code the PID
control logic, and then perform tuning of your controller for
several cases. Inspect the Python code in the pid_question
The simulator is run using the command: $ python
Afterwards, you can type ’e’ to run the simulator in
experimental mode (normal mode of operation), or ’v’
[target height] (ie ’v 0.5’) for evaluation mode where the
program will run a step response for several seconds and
then show a plot with the results. The validation mode will
be used to mark your assignment.
A window should appear as shown. The window is the state
of a simulator that computes the red ball’s reaction to a fan
blowing upwards. The four sliders adjust the target height, Kp ,Ki, Kd gains and bias (constant
offset) parameters of the pid controller, but note only the bias term will do anything now (until
you code the controller). You can manually control the output of the fan by pressing the left
mouse button inside the image area and slide the cursor up and down to adjust the fan rpm.
Some additional commands are:
•’r’ – reset the simulation, the target height is set to
zero and the ball is reinitialized to the starting
•’g’ – show a plot of the target height, fan output,
detected ball position, and real output.
•numbers ’0’ through ’9’ – sets the target height
of the ball. This is useful to simulate the step
response of the PID controller.
The graph that appears with the “g” command is a
real-time graph of the state of the system (Note that
currently, this live graph does not appear on macOS
due to a threading limitation by the OS, however it is
not necessary for the assignment. The ‘v’ mode of the simulator still works to pull up a snapshot
graph for marking, even on Mac). You can manipulate the graph using the mouse buttons and
scroll wheel and the keyboard commands are:
•’r’ – reset the graph to show whole plot.
•’s’ – auto-scroll


Step 1) Code the PID controller
In the file pid_question/ you will find the implementation of a PID control class. Note that
the “self.” variables in that class for the bias and PID gains are set by our code automatically as
you interact with the sliders on the GUI. The function get_fan_rpm is supposed to implement the
controller, but in the starter code, it only outputs the setting of the “bias” slider – as in, it doesn’t
really do any control. You must fill in the right logic to get the ball moving automatically to the
target. Implement the proportional, integral and derivative contributions as discussed in class.
You can add new global or member variables or change that file in any way that you like, except
do not change the names of the existing member variables of the class, as that would break the
GUI interface. When you’re finished, run the code and move the sliders to see that things work
as you expect. You will hand in your file.
Step 2) Tune the PID gains and report performance. It is possible to find PID gains that make the
ball respond quickly, but without overshoot or oscillation to target changes such as 0->0.5. Using
methods in class, or those you discover yourself, experiment with gains until you have a
responsive and smooth control performance without excessive oscillation or overshoot. Can you
get a better control curve than this? (remember to see this type of graph by pressing ‘g’ on the
simulator or running initially in ‘v’ mode.)
Save a screenshot of your graphs resulting from the best gains you can find and save as
“PID_response_Q3.png”. Hand in the image plus the code in your file.