
COMP 4030/6030 Assignment 4

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1. (10 points) Use the geometric sum to find the answer for 1 + 6 + 62 + 63 +
… + 631.
2. (30 points) Use repeated substitution to find the running time of T(n) = 4n
+ T(n-1). Assume T(1) = 1.
3. (30 points) Use repeated substitution to find the running time of T(n) = 4n
+ T(n/2). Assume T(1) = 1. If you can do problem 2 and know how to use
substitution, you should be able to do this problem.
Programming questions:
4. (20 points) Given a random pairing of boys and girls, we know that it can
have many unstable pairs. In this problem, you will design an algorithm
that improves upon a random pairing by removing unstable pairs, one by
one. There is no warranty that you can actually decrease the number of
unstable pairs, because when you “stabilize” an unstable pair, you might
introduce another unstable pair. However, intuitively, removing unstable
pairs, one at a time, should improve upon a random pairing of boys and
Your Python function should take as input a list of pairs of boys and girls.
Strategically, your function iterates through each pair in this list, check if it
is unstable, and if so, fix it. The API looks like this:
def improve_stability( pairs ):
# Strategy: iterate through each pair and “fix” it if it is unstable.
# This function should call another function, find_unstable_pair, see below.
# If the current pair is unstable, you fix it by swapping boys and girls in the
# two pairs. You should remove these two pairs from the list and add two
# new pairs to the list.
# Python lists have methods append (for adding) and remove (for deletion).
We discussed and implemented in class a function that detect unstable pairs.
You can modify this function to return None if the pair is unstable or in case it
is unstable a pair that makes it unstable. For example, if (‘John’, ‘Rose’) is
stable, then your function, find_unstable_pair((‘John’, ‘Rose’)) returns None.
If, however, (‘John’, ‘Rose’) is unstable, then find_unstable_pair((‘John’,
‘Rose’)) returns the pair, say (‘Joe’, ‘Mary’), that makes it unstable. A minor
modification of is_stable (which we implemented in class) should work.
This is a decrease-and-conquer strategy at work. We attempt to remove
unstable pairs one by one.
In this algorithm, you go through the list of pairs only once, trying to fix
unstable pairs. It is possible that after you finish going through the list, there
are still unstable pairs. For now, this is expected.
5. (10 points)Compare your algorithm to the random arrangement. The
relationship module, as you should know, has a random_arrangement
function that returns a list of random pairs. You can count the number of
unstable pairs in the random pairing, to the number of unstable pairs
returned from your algorithm.
Write a function called compare_to_random that iterates 100 times, and
prints out the average number of unstable pairs of the random pairing and
of your improved pairing.
Plagiarism Policy:
You can discuss how to solve the problems with your classmates, but the
solution must be your own. Using other people’s solution will result in a zero
for the assignment and possible additional penalties.
Put your name as part of the file name and upload your submission to
eCourseware Dropbox.