
COMP 346 Theory Assignment 3

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Question # 1
Answer the following questions:
i. (a) What are relocatable programs? (b) What makes a program relocatable? (c) From the
OS memory management context, why programs (processes) need to be relocatable?
ii. What is (are) the advantage(s) and/or disadvantage(s) of small versus big page sizes?
iii. What is (are) the advantage(s) of paging over segmentation?
iv. What is (are) the advantage(s) of segmentation over paging?
Explain your answers.
Question # 2
Consider the below implementations of a semaphore’s wait and signal operations:
wait () { signal(){
Disable interrupts; Disable interrupts;
sem.value–; sem.value++;
if (sem.value < 0) { if (sem.value <= 0){
save_state (current) ; // current process k = Dequeue(sem.queue);
State[current] = Blocked; //A gets blocked State[k] = Ready;
Enqueue(current, sem.queue); Enqueue (k, ReadyQueue);
current = select_from_ready_queue(); }
State[current] = Running; Enable interrupts;
restore_state (current); //B starts running }
Enable interrupts;
a) What are the critical sections inside the wait and signal operations which are protected by
disabling and enabling of interrupts?
b) Give example of a specific execution scenario for the above code leading to inconsistency if
the critical sections inside implementation of wait() and signal() are not protected (by
disabling of interrupts).
c) Suppose that process A calling semaphore wait() gets blocked and another process B is
selected to run (refer to the above code). Since interrupts are enabled only at the completion
of the wait operation, will B start executing with the interrupts disabled? Explain your
Question # 3
Consider a demand-paged system where the page table for each process resides in main memory. In
addition, there is a fast associative memory (also known as TLB which stands for Translation Look-aside
Buffer) to speed up the translation process. Each single memory access takes 1 microsecond while each
TLB access takes 0.2 microseconds. Assume that 2% of the page requests lead to page faults, while 98%
are hits. On the average, page fault time is 20 milliseconds (includes everything: TLB/memory/disc access
time and transfer, and any context switch overhead). Out of the 98% page hits, 80 % of the accesses are
found in the TLB and the rest, 20%, are TLB misses. Calculate the effective memory access time for the
Question # 4
Consider the page reference string Ʀ={0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4} for a
given process.
(a) Show the memory representation of the pages using the LRU algorithm and an allocation of 3
frames. How many page faults are there?
(b) Show the memory representation of the pages using the Belady Optimal algorithm and an
allocation of 3 frames. How many page faults are there?
(C) Show the memory representation of the pages using the working set model with a window
size ∆=3 (∆ indicates the maximum number allowed for a page to be in memory before being
replaced; i.e. if a page is not used for 3 consecutive times, then it must either be
used/demanded next, or it has to be removed). How many page faults are there?
Question # 5
Consider a system that would implement the page table on the CPU if feasible.
(a) Give an advantage of this strategy.
(b) Give a disadvantage of this strategy.
Question # 6
Explain (i) an advantage and (ii) a disadvantage that a global page replacement algorithm has
over a local page replacement algorithm.
Question # 7
Consider a system that adjusts the degree of multiprogramming by monitoring the mean time
between page faults (i.e. Tpf) and the mean time to service a page fault (i.e. Tfs). Describe the
performance of the paging system in terms of the degree of multiprogramming when (i) Tpf is
greater than Tfs, (ii) Tpf is less than Tfs and (iii) Tpf is equal to Tfs.

Question # 8
Some systems automatically open a file when it is referenced for the first time and close the file
when the job terminates. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this scheme as compared
to the more traditional one, where the user has to open and close the file explicitly.
Question # 9
a) What is the difference between preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling? Why is strict nonpreemptive scheduling unlikely to be used in a computer system that provides both batch and
timesharing service?
b) What is the trade-off used to select the quantum size, say, in pure Round-Robin scheduling?
Question # 10
What advantage is there in having different values of the scheduling quantum on different levels
of a multilevel feedback queuing system? Your answer should consider all aspects such as
fairness, starvation, efficiency, etc.
Question # 11
Consider the following set of prioritized processes, where a smaller priority value represents a
higher priority.
Process Service Time Priority
0 20 3
1 15 1
2 21 3
3 7 5
4 12 2
Assume that all processes arrived at the same time, however they are inserted in the ready list in
the order indicated in the above table.
a) Draw Gantt charts for the execution scenarios assuming:
– FCFS scheduling
– Non-preemptive SJF scheduling
– Non-preemptive priority scheduling
– Pure Round-Robin scheduling with the quantum = 3
b) What is the waiting time of each process in each case?

c) What is the response time of each process in each case?
d) What is the turn-around time of each process in each case?