
COMP 346 – Assignment 1

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Question # 1
I. What is an operating system? What are the main purposes of an
operating system?
II. Define the essential properties of the following types of operating
• Batch
• Time sharing
• Dedicated
• Real time
• Multiprogramming
III. Under what circumstances would a user be better of using a timesharing system rather than a PC or single-user workstation?
Question # 2
Consider a computer system with a single-core processor. There are two processes
to run in the system: P1 and P2. Process P1 has a life cycle as follows: CPU burst
time of 15 units, followed by I/O burst time of minimum 10 units, followed by CPU
burst time of 10 units. Process P2 has the following life cycle: CPU burst time of
10 units, followed by I/O burst time of minimum 5 units, followed by CPU burst
time of 15 units. Now answer the following questions:
a) Considering a single programmed operating system, what is the minimal
total time required to complete executions of the two processes? You
should explain your answer with a diagram.
b) Now considering a multiprogrammed operating system, what is the
minimal total time required to complete executions of the two
processes? You should explain your answer with a diagram.
c) Throughput is defined as the number of processes (tasks) completed per
unit time. Following this definition, calculate the throughputs for parts
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a) and b) above. How does multiprogramming affect throughput?
Explain your answer.
Question # 3
I. What is the performance advantage in having device drivers and devices
synchronized by means of device interrupts, rather than by polling (i.e., device
driver keeps on polling the device to see if a specific event has occurred)? Under
what circumstances can polling be advantageous over interrupts?
II. Is it possible to use a DMA controller if the system does not support interrupts?
Explain why.
III. The procedure ContextSwitch is called whenever there is a switch in context from
a running program A to another program B. The procedure is a straightforward
assembly language routine that saves and restores registers and must be atomic.
Something disastrous can happen if the routine ContextSwitch is not atomic.
(a) Explain why ContextSwitch must be atomic, possibly with an example.
(b) Explain how the atomicity can be achieved in practice.
Question # 4
I. If a user program needs to perform I/O, it needs to trap the OS via a
system call that transfers control to the kernel. The kernel performs
I/O on behalf of the user program. However, systems calls have added
overheads, which can slow down the entire system. In that case, why
not let user processes perform I/O directly, without going through the
II. Consider a computer running in the user mode. It will switch to the
monitor mode whenever an interrupt or trap occurs, jumping to the
address determined from the interrupt vector.
(a) A smart, but malicious, user took advantage of a certain
serious loophole in the computer’s protection mechanism,
by which he could make run his own user program in the
monitor mode! This can cause disastrous effects. What
could have he possibly done to achieve this? What
disastrous effects could it cause?
(b) Suggest a remedy for the loophole.
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Question # 5
Suppose that a multiprogrammed system has a load of N processes with individual
execution times of t1, t2, …, tN. Answer the following questions:
a) How would it be possible that the time to complete the N processes could be
as small as:
maximum (t1, t2, …, tN)?
b) How would it be possible that the total execution time, T > t1+ t2+ …+tN? In
other words, what would cause the total execution time to exceed the sum
of individual process execution times?
Question # 6
Which of the following instructions should be privileged? Explain why.
(i) Read the system clock,
(ii) Clear memory,
(iii) Reading from user space
(iv) Writing to user space
(v) Copy from one register to another
(vi) Turn off interrupts, and
(vii) Switch from user to monitor mode.
Question # 7
Assume you are given the responsibility to design two OS systems, a Network
Operating System and a Distributed Operating System. Indicate the primary
differences between these two systems. Additionally, you need to indicate if there
are any possible common routines between these systems? If yes, indicate some of
these routines. If no, explain why common routines between these two particular
systems do not make sense.
Submission: Create a .zip file by name containing all the solutions, where
ta1 is the number of the assignment and studentID is your student ID number. Upload the
.zip file on moodle under TA1.
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Programming assignment 1 (50 marks)
Late Submission: No late submission
Teams: The assignment can be done individually or in teams of 2.
Submit only one assignment per team.
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to apply in practice the multithreading features of the Java programming language.
• Problem specification.
In a client-server system, the client application sends requests to a server application
through a network connection. In such system, the user interface is implemented in the
client and the database is stored in the server.
You are required to implement a client-server application to process banking
transactions such as withdrawals and deposits. In modern banking systems, a costumer
accesses a bank account using an access card at an ATM, at the counter or on the web.
• Implementation.
The following diagram illustrates the classes for the client-server banking application.
Main class
Client class Server class Network class
Transactions class Accounts class
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▪ Network class:
The Network class provides the infrastructure to allow the client and the server
to process the transactions. The client and the server need to be connected
(using connect()) to the network prior to an exchange. The Network class also
implements an input buffer (inComingPacket[]) and an output buffer
(outGoingPacket[]) to respectively receive transactions from the client and to
return updated transactions to the client. The capacity of these buffers is 10
elements, so the network indicates whether they are full or empty.
▪ Client class:
The Client class reads all the transactions from a file (transaction.txt) and saves
them in an array (transaction[]). A transaction is implemented by the
Transactions class.
Using the send() method of Network class the client transfers the transactions
to the network input buffer and it yields the cpu in case the network input buffer
is full.
Also, using the receive() method of Network class the client retrieves the
updated transactions from the network output buffer and yields the cpu in case
the buffer is empty. Each updated transaction received is displayed immediately
on the console.
▪ Server class:
The Server class reads all the accounts from a file (account.txt) and saves
them in an array (account[]). An account is implemented by the Accounts class.
Using the transferrIn() method of Network class the server retrieves the
transactions from the network input buffer and perform the operations
(withdraw, deposit, query) on the specific accounts. It yields the cpu in case the
buffer is empty.
Each updated transaction is transmitted to the network output buffer using the
transferOut( ) method of Network class and the server yields the cpu in case
the buffer is full.
• Problems:
▪ You need to complete the Java program that is provided by implementing 4
threads so that the client, the server and the network all run concurrently. The
client has 2 threads, one for sending the transactions and another for receiving
the completed transactions.
In case the input and output network buffers are full or empty each client or
server thread must yield the cpu using the Java method Thread.yield(). The
network thread executes an infinite loop that ends when both client and server
threads have disconnected. In case the client or sever threads are still connected
the network thread must continuously yield the cpu.
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▪ You must record the running times of both client threads and the server thread
using the Java method System.currentTimeMillis().
▪ You need to provide output test cases with the appropriate running times for the
client and the server threads. Perform 3 different runs of the program and
explain why there is a difference in the running times.
• Sample output test cases:
▪ See attached text files.
• Evaluation:
You will be evaluated mostly on the implementation of the required methods, the
implementation of the threads, the measurements of the running times and the voluntary
sharing of the cpu by the threads.
▪ Evaluation criteria
Criteria Marks
Implementation of the 4 threads 35%
Implementation of the main class 15%
Answer to a question during the demo 10%
Implementation of the yield( ) method 10%
Implementation of the measurements of the running times 10%
Output test cases including running times 20%
• Required documents:
▪ Source codes in Java.
▪ Output test cases.
▪ We have included DEBUG flags in the source code in order to help you trace
the program but once your program works properly you should put the DEBUG
flags in comments.
• Submission:
▪ Create one zip file, containing the necessary files (.java, .txt and test cases). If
the assignment is done individually, your file should be called pa1_studentID,
where pa1 is the number of the assignment and studentID is your student ID
number. If the work is done in a team of 2 people, the zip file should be called
pa1_studentID1_studentID2 where studentID1 and studentID2 are the student
ID numbers of each student.
▪ Upload your zip file on moodle under the PA1.
• Disclaimer:
▪ Note that the provided code has been tested on Windows. You may need to
make changes if you would like to run it on other OS.
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• Detailed implementation of the classes
▪ Client class
– numberOfTransactions : int /* total number of transactions to process */
– maxNbTransactions : int /* maximum number of transactions */
– transactions : Transactions[ ] /* transaction array */
– clientOperation : String /* sending, receiving */
– objNetwork : Network /* handle to access network methods */
Client(String operation)
+getNumberOfTransactions( ) : int
+getClientOperation() : String
+setNumberOfTransactions(int nbOfTrans) : void
+setClientOperation(String operation) : void
+readTransactions( ) : void
+sendTransactions( ) : void
+receiveTransactions(Transactions transact) : void
+toString( ) : String
+run() : void
▪ Transactions class
– accountNumber : String /* account number */
– operationType : String /* deposit, withdrawal, query */
– transactionAmount : double /* transaction amount */
– transactionBalance : double /* updated account balance */
– transactionError : String /* NSF, invalid amount or account, none */
– transactionStatus : String /* pending, sent, received, done */
Transactions( )
+ getTransactionType( ) : String
+ getAccountNumber( ) : String
+ getTransactionAmount( ) : double
+ getTransactionBalance( ) : double
+ getTransactionError( ) : String
+ getTransactionStatus( ) : String
+ setAccountNumber(String accNumber ) : void
+ setTransactionType(String opType) : void
+ setTransactionAmount(double transAmount ) : void
+ setTransactionBalance(double transBalance ) : void
+ setTransactionError(String transError) : void
+ setTransactionStatus(String transStatus) : void
+ toString( ) : String
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▪ Server class
– numberOfTransactions : int /* total number of transactions received */
– numberOfAccounts : int /* total number of accounts saved */
– maxNbAccounts : int /* maximum number of accounts */
– transaction : Transactions /* a transaction to process */
– objNetwork : Network / * handle to access network methods */
– account : Accounts[] /* account array */
Server( )
+getNumberOfTransactions( ) : int
+getNumberOfAccounts( ) : int
+getMaxNbAccounts() : int
+setNumberOfTransactions(int nbOfTrans) : void
+setNumberOfAccounts(int nbOfAcc) : void
+setMaxNbAccounts(int nbOfAcc) :void
+initializeAccounts( ) : void
+findAccount(String accNumber) : int
+processTransactions(Transaction trans) : boolean
+deposit(int i, double amount) : double
+withdraw(int i, double amount) : double
+query(int i) : double
+toString( ) : String
+run() : void
▪ Accounts class
– accountNumber : String /* unique account number */
– accountType : String /* chequing, saving, credit */
– firstName : String /* first name of account holder */
– lastName : String /* last name of account holder */
– balance : double /* account balance */
+ getAccountNumber( ) : String
+ getAccountType( ) : String
+ getFirstName( ) : String
+ getLastname( ) : String
+ getBalance( ) : double
+ setAccountNumber(double accNumber) : void
+ setAccountType(String accType) : void
+ setFirstName(String fName) : void
+ setLastname(String lName) : void
+ setBalance(double bal) : void
+ toString( ) : String
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▪ Network class
– clientIP : string /* IP of client application */
– serverIP : string /* IP of server application */
– portID : int /* port ID of client application */
– clientConnectionStatus : String /* connected, disconnected */
– serverConnectionStatus : String /* connected, disconnected */
– maxNbPackets : int /* capacity of network buffers */
– inComingPacket : Transactions[10] /* network input buffer */
– outGoingPacket : Transactions[10] /* network output buffer */
– inBufferStatus, outBufferStatus : String /* normal, full, empty */
– inputIndexClient, inputIndexServer, outputIndexServer,
outputIndexClient : int /* buffer index position */
– networkStatus : String /* active, inactive */
Network(String context)
+ getClientIP( ) : String
+ getServerIP( ) : String
+ getPortID( ) : integer
+ getClientConnectionStatus( ) : String
+ getServerConnectionStatus( ) : String
+ getInBufferStatus( ) : string
+ getOutBufferStatus( ) : string
+ getNetworkStatus( ) : String
+ getInputIndexClient( ) : int
+ getInputIndexServer( ) : int
+ getIOutputIndexClient( ) : int
+ getOutputIndexServer( ) : int
+ setClientIP(String cip) : void
+ setServerIP(String sip) : void
+ setPortID(int pid) : void
+ setClientConnectionStatus(String connectStatus) : void
+ setServerConnectionStatus(String connectStatus) : void
+ setNetworkStatus(String netStatus ) : void
+ setInBufferStatus(String inBufStatus) : void
+ setOutBufferStatus(String outBufStatus) : void
+ setInputIndexClient(int i1) : void
+ setInputIndexServer(int i2) : void
+ setOutputIndexClient(int o2) : void
+ setOutputIndexServer(int o1) : void
+ connect(String IP) : boolean
+ disconnect(String IP) : boolean
+ send(Transactions inPacket ) : boolean
+ receive(Transactions outPacket) : boolean
+ transferOut(Transactions outPacket ) : boolean
+ transferIn(Transactions inPacket) : boolean
+ toString( ) : String
+run() : void