1 Prerequisites, Goals, and Outcomes
1.1 Prerequisites
For the programming assignment, you need to know:
• Knowledge of class design: Class attributes, Constructors, Accessor methods, Mutator
• Knowledge of inheritance: How to implement a specialization/generalization relationship
using inheritance.
• Collections: Use of ArrayList class and iterators
1.2 Goals
Reinforce your ability to implement Java classes using inheritance and implement classes
that use collections.
1.3 Outcomes
You will have demonstrated the following “know how to” abilities:
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Assignment 1: Quarantine System
COMP 3021: Java Programming
2022 Spring
Class Attribute Meaning
IDCardNo The card ID of the person
Loc The location of the person, which is a pair of integers
Gender Male or female
Age The age of the person
IsVaccinated Whether the person has been vaccinated
InfectCnt The count of being infected
Patient SymptomLevel Critical, Moderate, or Mild
HospitalID The ID of the hospital which provides the treatment
HospitalID The identity of the hospital
Loc The location of the hospital in the x-axis and y-axis
Cap The capacities of three kinds of medical treatment
CriticalPatients The lists of critically-ill patients in the hospital
ModeratePatients The lists of moderately-ill patients in the hospital
MildPatients The lists of mild patients in the hospital
IDCardNo The card ID of the patient
symptomLevel The symptom level of the patient
status Whether the patient is confirmed or recovered
HospitalID The ID of the hospital providing the treatment
patientNums The numbers of patients in different age ranges
infectAvgNums The average numbers of infected counts
vacNums The numbers of vaccinated people
vacInfectNums The numbers of vaccinated patient
people The list of all the people
patients The list of all the patients
System hospitals The list of all the hospitals
records The list of all the records
dashboard The statistics of the quarantine
Table 1: Classes in the quarantine system.
• Implement a Java class and its constructors, accessors, and the mutators.
• Use inheritance to implement specialization/generalization relationships.
• Implement a Java class that uses collections.
2 Problem Description
You are going to implement a simulation system in the pandemic situation. The objective of
the system is to fight the spread of the Covid19 virus and design the quarantine strategy
for each patient. There are five major entities in the system, which are listed in Table 1.
Particularly, the dashboard contains the statistics you need to collect in the quarantine,
which will be described in Task 2 as below. To help you solve the problem, we provide the
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Assignment 1: Quarantine System
COMP 3021: Java Programming
2022 Spring
implementation of most of the methods in the above classes. Also, we have provided the full
implementation of the classes of Location and Capacity to wrap the integers as more abstract
program constructs. We hope they can help you define the rest of the implementation.
Initially, all the people are not infected, and there are several existing hospitals. Then the
patients are confirmed and recovered continuously, of which the information is maintained in
the attribute named Records in the quarantine system. As a designer of the system, you are
required to process each record to determine how to save each patient by sending him/her to
a hospital, or releasing a patient who has been recovered. Please try your best to help the
patients and finish the following two missions.
2.1 Task 1: Saving Patients
For each record, try to process it based on its status.
Confirmed Case: Find the nearest hospital which still has the capacity of providing
the corresponding kind of treatment. You can just adopt the Euclidean distance to measure
the distance of two locations. If there does not exist the available hospital, establish a new
hospital at the location of the patient, of which CriticalCapacity, ModerateCapacity, and
MildCapacity are 5, 10, and 20, respectively. The identity of the n-th new hospital should be
“H-New-n”. For example, the first new hospital should have “H-New-1” as its identity.
Recovered Case: Remove the patient from the patient list of the hospital, and increase
the corresponding capacity.
Please remember updating the attribute InfectCnt to maintain the count of being infected
for each patient, which is necessary for collecting the statistics in the next task. Particularly,
you should update the InfectCnt once the patient has been confirmed to be positive. If the
patient is not recovered according to the records, you still need to count the last infection.
2.2 Task 2: Collecting Statistics
To support further medical research and decision, you are expected to summarize the statistics
of the people in different age ranges, including (0, 10), [10, 20), [20, 30), [30, 40), [40, 50),
[50, 60), [60, 70), [70,∞). The information you need to collect is listed as follows.
• The numbers of the people who are infected at least one time in different age ranges.
• The average counts of being infected in different age ranges. Please note that you
should take the number of the patients in a specific age range as the divisor rather than
the total number of the people.
• The numbers of vaccinated people in different age ranges.
• The numbers of vaccinated but still infected people in different age ranges.
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Assignment 1: Quarantine System
COMP 3021: Java Programming
2022 Spring
3 Input and Output
3.1 Input
We provide three tables, named Person, Hospital, and Record.
• Person contains the columns named IDCardNo, XLoc, YLoc, gender, age, and isVac.
• Hospital contains the columns named HospitalID, XLoc, YLoc, Critical, Moderate, and
Mild. The last three columns maintains the capacities of treating three kinds of the
• Record contains the columns named IDCardNo, SymptomLevel, and Status.
You should handle the records according to their orders on the table Record. Assume that
all the cells in the tables are in valid forms. The existing hospitals in hospital.xlsx have the
identities in different forms of “HOldn”, assuring that their identities are different from the
ones of the new hospitals. Also, the records assure that each patient can only be infected
again after the recovery, and similarly, a patient can only recover after being infected. That
is, there do not exist two records of the same person with the status Confirmed/Recovered
without a record of the person with the status Recovered/Confirmed between them.
To make things easier, we provide the three tables in the txt files, so you do not need
to import any three-party libraries to process xlsx, csv, or json files. We have provided the
implementations of importing and exporting the data, and you can invoke them directly.
Lastly, the numbers of the rows in Person, Hospital, and Record are not larger than 100,000,
10, and 10,000, respectively.
3.2 Output
You are expected to generate the txt file named RecordTreatment.txt in the first task, which
appends another column named HospitalID to the table Record in Record.txt, showing the
hospital providing the medical treatment for the patient.
After finishing the first task, you are expected to generate the file named Statistics.txt
for the second task, which contains a collection of 5-tuples. The first entry is the age range,
and the last four entries are the four quantities defined in the task description. All the rows
should be sorted according to the age range, i.e., the first row corresponds to the statistics of
(0, 10), and the last row corresponds to the statistics of [70,∞).
4 Tips
In total, there are eight TODO annotations in the skeleton. Basically, you are only required to
finish the parts labeled with the TODO annotations, and simply utilize the implementations
we have provided in the skeleton for other parts. However, it is also encouraged to implement
each part by yourself and try to optimize the efficiency of each method. You can even change
the definitions of the classes and redesign the system as you like, but you should make sure
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Assignment 1: Quarantine System
COMP 3021: Java Programming
2022 Spring
your code can always generate the expected results. Particularly, you should not change the
functionality of the methods for data exporting even if you do the refactoring.
To help you debug and test your implementation, we also provide a test suite containing
three test cases in the skeleton, which are stored in the directory named sampleData. You
can put the input files to the directory named data in the project root directory and generate
the output files in the directory named output after executing your program. Before the
submission, please make sure that your implementation can generate the same results for
each input sample.
5 Bonus
Apart from the scores for the correct implementation, we also assign the bonus to the
implementation with high efficiency. Totally, we have ten test cases for the assignment
grading, and you can get one score if your implementation finishes the two task for one test
case in one second. Therefore, the upper bound of the bonus is ten scores, and the full mark
is 110. You can try your best to use better data structures, such as map and set in Java
Collections Framework, to obtain good performance.
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