File contains a declaration for an Animal class.. Files and contain declarations for classes that extend Animal.
Animal class variables
String : name (private)
int : numberOfLegs (private)
boolean : vegetarian (private)
Animal class methods
Getter and setter for name, numberOfLegs and vegetarian (all are public)
Cat class should have following attributes and methods
Cat class variables
String : color (private)
Cat class methods
Getter and setter color (all are public)
Dog class variables
String : color (private)
String : breed (private)
Dog class methods
Getter and setter color and breed (all are public)
1) All the three classes should have both default and parameterized constructors (This will cover the concept of super and overloading)
2) Override at least one parent method (maybe name or numberOfLegs or vegetarian) (This will cover the concept of overriding )
3) Understand how we can reuse the parent code in child class