Comp 249 – Assignment # 4 solved


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Sub-Dictionary Creator
In this part, you are required to write a program that will accept any text file, as input, and creates a sub-dictionary that
includes all the words found in that input file based on some rules. The input file may have zero or more words, as well as
specific limited set of other characters /punctuation that are used in a specific and predetermined manner. In particular, the
text on the input file is only assumed to have the following (besides the words of course!):
• “?”: only appears at the end of a word; for instance: why not?
• “:”: only appears at the end of a word; for instance: the rules are: ….
• “’”: which can only appear in front of m or s; for instance: I’m … or It’s …
• “,”: only appears at the end of a word; for instance: However, ….
• “=”: which can appear by itself in the middle of an equation; for instance: x = y
• “;”: only appears at the end of a word; for instance: violin; what else …
• “!”: only appears at the end of a word; for instance: That is fantastic!
• “.”: only appears at the end of a word; for instance: These times were good.
• Digits: 0 to 9, which may appear as a number (i.e. 1927); or as a part of a word (i.e. hi5)
• Single characters: A, B, T, etc.
You are required to implement a program that will take any such text file as input, and create a sub-dictionary of the words
on that file, based on the following rules:
• For each word, only one entry can be recorded in the sub-dictionary. For instance, if the word “Hello” appeared in
the text 15 times, it is still recorded once in the sub-dictionary.
• All words must be recorded only in UPPERCASE. For instance, Hello must be recorded as HELLO.
• Words cannot be recorded with any of the punctuation; for instance, “fantastic!” must be recorded only as
• No numbers or words that have digits anywhere (i.e. 1927, hi5 or b4that) can be recorded in the sub-dictionary.
• No single characters (i.e. k, M, t, etc.), with the exception of A and I, can be recorded in the dictionary. (Notice that
“a” and “i” are allowed but need to be recorded as A and I respectively).
• All words with “’s” or “’m” (or their upper case versions) must be recorded without the ‘s or ‘m. For instance, It’s,
will need to be recorded as IT.
• All words are recorded in the sub-dictionary in the usual sorted alphabetic order. Additionally, each group must be
preceded with an indication of the character that starts this group (similar to real-life dictionaries). For instance, all
words starting with “K”, will be preceded with something like:
= =
• Finally, the sub-dictionary must have an initial line indicating its size based on the given input file. For instance:
The document produced this sub-dictionary, which includes 447 entries.
For instance, given the following file PersonOfTheCentury.txt[1](which is provided with the assignment), your program
will create the output file SubDictionary.txt (which is also provided with the assignment). You should notice that this
input file is just one example and your program must be able to work with any input file. In fact, the marker will actually
test your program with other input files. For immediate illustration, partial images of the input and output files are shown
[1] File is extracted from text obtained from:
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Figure 1: Partial view of the input file PersonOfTheCentury.txt
Figure 2: Partial views of the output file Sub-Dictionary.txt
Here are the most important technical rules that you need to follow:
• You MUST use the ArrayList class to implement what is needed. In specific, when you read the input file, all
data must be stored in one, or more, ArrayList objects before finally being stored in the output file.
• Your program should allow the user to enter the name of the input file at run-time. The name of the output files is
always assumed to be SubDictionary.txt.
• You MUST NOT use any other built-in Java classes/packages to do what is needed. For instance, you are NOT
allowed to use other classes such as List, Map, HashMap, etc. In fact, here are all the needed imports for your
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
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 Finally, as a side note, and in honor/respect of this great scientist, you may notice the word MC² in the output file,
which was kept in the text and the output in purpose, in spite of the rule stating that words with digits must not be
Figure 3: In honor of Albert Einstein
Part 2: Linked Lists
Cell Phones Records
In this part, you are required to write a program, using linked lists, that manipulates a set of records of cell phones and
performs some operations on these records.
I) The CellPhone class has the following attributes: a serialNum (long type), a brand (String type), a year (int type,
which indicates manufacturing year) and a price (double type). It is assumed that brand name is always recorded as a single
word (i.e. Motorola, SonyEricsson, Panasonic, etc.). It is also assumed that all cellular phones follow one system of assigning
serial numbers, regardless of their different brands, so no two cell phones may have the same serial number.
You are required to write the implementation of the CellPhone class. Beside the usual mutator and accessor methods
(i.e. getPrice(), setYear()) the class must have the following:
(a) Parameterized constructor that accepts four values and initializes serialNum, brand, year and price to these passed
(b) Copy constructor, which takes two parameters, a CellPhone object and a long value. The newly created object will
be assigned all the attributes of the passed object, with the exception of the serial number. serialNum is assigned the
value passed as the second parameter to the constructor. It is always assumed that this value will correspond to the
unique serial number rule;
(c) clone() method. This method will prompt the user to enter a new serial number, then creates and returns a clone of
the calling object with the exception of the serial number, which is assigned the value entered by the user;
(d) Additionally, the class should have a toString() and an equals() methods. Two cell phones are equal if they
have the same attributes, with the exception of the serial number, which could be different.
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II) The file Cell_Info.txt, which one of its versions is provided with this assignment, has the information of various
cell phone objects. The file may have zero or more records. The information stored in this file is always assumed to be
correct and following the unique serial number rule. A snapshot of the contents of the Cell_info.txt file is shown in
Figure 1 below.
Figure 1: Cell_info.txt
III) The CellList class has the following:
(a) An inner class called CellNode. This class has the following:
i. Two private attributes: an object of CellPhone and a pointer to a CellNode object;
ii. A default constructor, which assigns both attributes to null;
iii. A parameterized constructor that accepts two parameters, a CellPhone object and a CellNode object, then
initializes the attributes accordingly;
iv. A copy constructor;
v. A clone() method;
vi. Other mutator and accessor methods.
(b) A private attribute called head, which should point to the first node in this list object;
(c) A private attribute called size, which always indicates the current size of the list (how many nodes are in the list);
(d) A default constructor, which creates an empty list;
(e) A copy constructor, which accepts a CellList object and creates a copy of it;
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(f) A method called addToStart(), which accepts one parameter, an object from CellPhone class. The method then
creates a node with that passed object and inserts this node at the head of the list;
(g) A method called insertAtIndex(), which accepts two parameters, an object from CellPhone class, and an integer
representing an index. If the index is not valid (a valid index must have a value between 0 and size-1), the method
must throw a NoSuchElementException and terminate the program. If the index is valid, then the method creates
a node with the passed CellPhone object and inserts this node at the given index. The method must properly handle
all special cases;
(h) A method called deleteFromIndex(), which accepts one integer parameter representing an index. Again, if the
index is not valid, the method must throw a NoSuchElementException and terminate the program. Otherwise; the
node pointed by that index is deleted from the list. The method must properly handle all special cases;
(i) A method called deleteFromStart(), which deletes the first node in the list (the one pointed by head). All special
cases must be properly handled.
(j) A method called replaceAtIndex(), which accepts two parameters, an object from CellPhone class, and an
integer representing an index. If the index is not valid, the method simply returns; otherwise the object in the node at
the passed index is to be replaced by the passed object;
(k) A method called find(), which accepts one parameter of type long representing a serial number. The method then
searches the list for a node with a cell phone with that serial number. If such an object is found, then the method
returns a pointer to that node where the object is found; otherwise, the method returns null. The method must keep
track of how many iterations were made before the search finally finds the phone or concludes that it is not in the list;
(l) A method called contains(), which accepts one parameter of type long representing a serial number. The method
returns true if an object with that serial number is in the list; otherwise, the method returns false;
(m) A method called showContents(), which displays the contents of the list, in a similar fashion to what is shown in
Figure 2 below.
(n) A method called equals(), which accepts one parameter of type CellList. The method returns true if the two
lists contain similar objects; otherwise the method returns false. Recall that two CellPhone objects are equal if
they have the same values with the exception of the serial number, which can, and actually is expected to be, different.
Figure 2: Sample of Displaying the Contents of a CellList
 Finally, here are some general rules that you must consider when implementing the above methods:
-Whenever a node is added or deleted, the list size must be adjusted accordingly;
-All special cases must be handled, whether or not the method description explicitly states that;
-All clone() and copy constructors must perform a deep copy; no shallow copies are allowed;
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-If any of your methods allows a privacy leak, you must clearly place a comment at the beginning of the method 1)
indicating that this method may result in a privacy leak 2) explaining the reason behind the privacy leak. Please keep
in mind that you are not required to implement these proposals;
IV) Now, you are required to write a public class called CellListUtilization. In the main() method, you must do the
(a) Create at least two empty lists from the CellList class;
(b) Open the Cell_Info.txt file, and read its contents line by line. Use these records to initialize one of the
CellList objects you created above. You can simply use the addToStart() method to insert the read objects
into the list. However, the list should not have any duplicate records, so if the input file has duplicate entries, which
is the case in the file provided with the assignment for instance, your code must handle this case so thast each
record is inserted in the list only once;
(c) Show the contents of the list you just initialized;
(d) Prompt the user to enter a few serial numbers and search the list that you created from the input file for these values.
Make sure to display the number of iterations performed;
(e) Following that, you must create enough objects to test each of the constructors/methods of your classes. The details
of this part are left as open to you. You can do whatever you wish as long as your methods are being tested including
some of the special cases.
General Guidelines When Writing Programs:
– Include the following comments at the top of your source codes
// —————————————————–
// Assignment (include number)
// Question: (include question/part number, if applicable)
// Written by: (include your name and student id)
// —————————————————–
– In a comment, give a general explanation of what your program does. As the programming questions get
more complex, the explanations will get lengthier.
– Include comments in your program describing the main steps in your program.
– Display a welcome message which includes your name(s).
– Display clear prompts for users when you are expecting the user to enter data from the keyboard.
– All output should be displayed with clear messages and in an easy to read format.
– End your program with a closing message so that the user knows that the program has terminated.
JavaDoc Documentation:
Documentation for your program must be written in JavaDoc.
In addition, the following information must appear at the top of each file:
Name(s) and ID(s) (include full names and IDs)
Assignment # (include the assignment number)
Due Date (include the due date for this assignment)
Submitting Assignment 4
– For this assignment, you are allowed to work individually, or in a group of a maximum of 2 students (i.e.
you and one other student). You and your teammate must however be in the same section of the course.
Groups of more than 2 students = zero mark for all members!
– Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Zip together the source codes.
– Students will have to submit their assignments (one copy per group) using the EAS
( system. Assignments must be submitted in the right folder of the
assignments (Under Assignment 4 Folder). Assignments uploaded to an incorrect folder will not be
marked and result in a zero mark. No resubmissions will be allowed.
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– Naming convention for zip file: Create one zip file, containing all source files and produced
documentations for your assignment using the following naming convention:
The zip file should be called a#_StudentName_StudentID, where # is the number of the
assignment and StudentName/StudentID is your name and ID number respectively. Use your
“official” name only – no abbreviations or nick names; capitalize the usual “last” name.
Inappropriate submissions will be heavily penalized. For example, for the first assignment,
student 12345678 would submit a zip file named like: if working
in a group, the name should look like:
– Submit only ONE version of an assignment. If more than one version is submitted the first one will be
graded and all others will be disregarded.
– If working in a team, only one of the members can upload the assignment. Do NOT upload the file for
each of the members!
Evaluation Criteria for Assignment 4 (10 points)
Part 1 (4 points)
Correct Implementation 2 pts
Proper Use & Testing of the Code 2 pts
Part 2 (6 points)
Design and Corretness of Classes 3.5 pts
Proper and Sufficient Testing of Your Methods 2 pts
Privay Leak Comments and Proposals to Avoid Them 0.5 pts