
COMP 2404 A/C – Assignment #2

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1. Goal
For this assignment, you will write a C++ program, in the VM provided for this course, to manage the calls
made by the subscribers of a telephone company (also known as a telco). Your program will simulate a telco
that has multiple subscribers. Each subscriber stores a collection of its incoming calls (the calls received by
the subscriber), and a collection of its outgoing calls (those made by the subscriber). You will implement your
program using objects from the different design categories, based on a UML class diagram provided for you.
2. Learning Outcomes
With this assignment, you will:
• practice implementing a design that is given as a UML class diagram
• implement a program separated into control, view, entity, and collection objects
• write code that follows the principle of least privilege
3. Instructions
3.1. Understand the UML class diagram
You will begin by understanding the UML class diagram below. Your program will implement the objects
represented in the diagram, as they are shown. UML class diagrams are explained in the course material
in section 2.3.
-initData(inout telco:Telco*)
-initSubscribers(inout telco:Telco*)
-initCalls(inout telco:Telco*)
+showMenu(out choice:int&)
+printStr(in str:string)
+readInt(out num:int&)
+readStr(out str:string&)
-name: string
-numSubs: int
+addSub(in sub:Subscriber*)
+addCall(in srcNum:string,in destNum:string,
in year:int,in month:int,in day:int,
in hour:int,in minute:int,in duration:int)
+computeFreqCaller(in destNum:string)
+computeFreqCalled(in srcNum:string)
-other helper funcs()
-phoneNum: string
+addIncoming(in call:Call*)
+addOutgoing(in call:Call*)
-src: string
-dest: string
-duration: int
+greaterThan(in call:Call*): bool
inCalls, outCalls
-day: int
-month: int
-year: int
+greaterThan(in date:Date*): bool
+equals(in date:Date*): bool
-hours: int
-minutes: int
+greaterThan(in time:Time*): bool
-convertToMins(): int
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3.2. Download the posted code
The a2-posted.tar file has been provided for you in cuLearn. This file contains the View class that your
code must use for most communications with the end user. It contains a skeleton Control class, with
some data initialization member functions that your code is required to call. It also contains the Time
class that your code will use, as indicated in the UML class diagram above.
3.3. Modify the Date class
You will begin with the Date class that we worked on during lectures, in section 3.1, program #3.
You will make the following changes to the Date class, in accordance with the UML class diagram:
3.3.1. implement the greaterThan() member function that compares two dates; one date is considered
greater than another if it occurs later
3.3.2. you may require the implementation of the equals() member function
3.3.3. remove the printing functions, and replace them with a print() member function that prints out the
date using the format YYYY-MM-DD; for example, the due date for this assignment is 2021-02-24
Remember: An object can always access the private members of another object of the same class.
Do not provide unnecessary getters.
3.4. Implement the Call class
You will create a new Call class that represents a telephone call made between two parties. At least one
of the two parties must be a subscriber in the telco, and it’s possible that both parties are subscribers.
The Call class will contain all the data members and member functions indicated in the UML class
diagram; in addition:
3.4.1. the source and destination (i.e. the two parties) of the call are stored as phone numbers; each phone
number in this program will be represented as a 10-digit string, for example “6135202600”
3.4.2. the date and time indicate when the call began
3.4.3. the duration is the number of minutes that the phone call lasted
3.4.4. the default constructor must do the following:
(a) it must take all the parameters required to initialize the new Call object, as well as the parameters required to initialize the date and time when the phone call began
(b) it must initialize all the required data members
(c) it must dynamically allocate the corresponding date and time objects, using the given parameters
(i) NOTE: it is bad design to force the calling object to create the date and time objects; this is
the responsibility of the Call constructor
3.4.5. the destructor deallocates the required dynamically allocated objects
3.4.6. this class may require getter member functions for the source and destination of the call
3.4.7. a call is considered to be greater than another call if it began later in date and time; think about the
logic here
3.4.8. the print() function prints out to the screen the date and time of the call, as well as its duration,
and its source and destination phone numbers
3.5. Modify the Array class
You will modify the Array class that we implemented in the coding example of section 2.2, program #1,
as follows:
3.5.1. modify the collection class so that it stores Call object pointers as data
3.5.2. modify the destructor so that it no longer deallocates the data
(a) the same Call objects will be stored in multiple arrays, so the destructor must not deallocate
the data, otherwise there will be double free errors
3.5.3. implement a copy constructor that stores the same Call pointers in a new array; do not make copies
of the Call objects; remember that you must reuse existing functions everywhere possible
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3.5.4. implement a cleanup() member function that deallocates the Call objects stored in the array; you
must think carefully about when and on which Array object this function must be called; this will
become clearer when we implement the Telco class in a later step
3.5.5. modify the existing add() function to add a new call as follows:
(a) take a Call pointer as parameter
(b) add the given call to the array in its correct place, in descending (decreasing) order
(i) you must shift the elements in the array towards the back of the array to make room for the
new element in its correct place; do not add to the end of the array and sort, as this is both
inefficient and unnecessary
(ii) you must use the Call class’s greaterThan() function to perform the comparison
(c) return true if no errors occurred, and false otherwise
3.5.6. implement a new bool add(Array& arr) member function that does the following:
(a) loop over the elements of the arr parameter
(b) add each arr element to the this array
(c) return true if no errors occurred, and false otherwise
(i) NOTE: if an error occurs when adding an element, then no subsequent element can be added
3.5.7. some parts of the program will need to iterate through the call array; to facilitate this, you will implement a getter for the current number of elements, as well as a Call* get(int) member function
that returns the element at the given index
3.6. Implement the Subscriber class
You will create a new Subscriber class that represents a telco customer.
The Subscriber class will contain all the data members and member functions indicated in the UML class
diagram; in addition:
3.6.1. the subscriber’s phone number is stored as a 10-digit string; as always, all data members must be
initialized in the constructor
3.6.2. the collection of incoming calls to this subscriber is stored as an Array object
3.6.3. the collection of outgoing calls from this subscriber is stored as a separate Array object
3.6.4. this class may require getter member functions for the phone number, as well as for the collections
of incoming and outgoing calls; if so, the collections must be returned by reference, not by value
3.6.5. the addIncoming() and addOutgoing() member functions add a new call to the corresponding call
3.6.6. the print() function does the following:
(a) print out to the screen the subscriber’s phone number
(b) print out the subscriber’s combined incoming and outgoing calls, as follows:
(i) declare a temporary Array object to represent the combination of all the subscriber’s incoming and outgoing calls together; to do this, your code must use the Array’s copy constructor
to copy one of the two collections (either the incoming or the outgoing calls)
(ii) add the calls of the other collection (incoming or outgoing) to the temporary Array object; to
do this, your code must use the add(Array&) member function
(iii) print out to the screen the resulting temporary collection of all the subscriber’s calls
3.7. Implement the Telco class
You will create a new Telco class that represents a telephone company.
The Telco class will contain all the data members and member functions indicated in the UML class
diagram; in addition:
3.7.1. the collection of all calls made or received through this telco is stored as a Array object
3.7.2. the collection of all subscribers that receive service from this telco is stored as a primitive array of
Subscriber pointers; this requires that the current number of subscribers in the array be tracked
3.7.3. the constructor initializes the required data members
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3.7.4. the destructor deallocates the required dynamically allocated objects, including cleaning up the calls
3.7.5. the addSub() member function adds the given subscriber to the back (the end) of the subscribers
3.7.6. the addCall() member function adds a new call to the telco, as follows:
(a) the subscriber array is searched to find the Subscriber object(s) that represent the call’s source,
or its destination, or both; if neither the source nor the destination are subscribers in this telco,
the call cannot be added
(b) a new Call object is dynamically allocated and added to the telco’s calls array
(c) if the call’s source phone number corresponds to a subscriber in the telco, the new Call object
is added to that subscriber’s outgoing calls
(d) if the call’s destination phone number corresponds to a subscriber in the telco, the new Call
object is added to that subscriber’s incoming calls
3.7.7. the computeFreqCaller(string destNum) member function computes the telephone number which
is the most frequent caller to the given destination number destNum; the function does the following:
(a) it takes either a destination phone number or the string “all” as a parameter
(b) if the parameter is a destination phone number, then it must correspond to a subscriber in the
telco, otherwise results cannot be computed
(c) if the destination is “all”, then the collection of all the telco’s calls must be used for computing
the results
(d) if a destination phone number is specified, then the corresponding subscriber’s incoming calls
must be used for computing the results; do not use the telco’s collection of calls in this case
(e) the most frequent caller is not necessarily a subscriber in the telco
(f) once the most frequent caller is computed, its information is printed to the screen, including its
phone number and all the calls placed from that frequent caller to the destination number (or to
all phone numbers, if “all” is specified as destination)
(g) if there is a tie between multiple callers as the most frequent, the information for all the tied
callers must be printed to the screen
3.7.8. the computeFreqCalled(string srcNum) member function computes the telephone number which
is most frequently called by the given source number srcNum; the function does the following:
(a) it takes either a source phone number or the string “all” as a parameter
(b) if the parameter is a source phone number, then it must correspond to a subscriber in the telco,
otherwise results cannot be computed
(c) if the destination is “all”, then the collection of all the telco’s calls must be used for computing
the results
(d) if a source phone number is specified, then the corresponding subscriber’s outgoing calls must
be used for computing the results; do not use the telco’s collection of calls in this case
(e) the most frequently called number is not necessarily a subscriber in the telco
(f) once the most frequently called number is computed, its information is printed to the screen,
including its phone number and all the calls placed to that frequently called number from the
source number (or from all phone numbers, if “all” is specified as source)
(g) if there is a tie between multiple most frequently called numbers, the information for all the tied
called numbers must be printed to the screen
3.7.9. the print() function prints out to the screen all the information for every subscriber in the telco,
including its phone number and all its incoming and outgoing calls combined
3.7.10. NOTE: The Telco class is special in the sense that it is both an entity class and a control class. It is the
class that has the most knowledge about the purpose of this program. This has special consequences
when it comes to implementing the computeFreqCaller() and computeFreqCalled() functions.
(a) no part of these function implementations can be done by another entity class, nor by a collection class; the Call class should be reusable in any program that simulates the properties
of phone calls, not just the programs that compute call frequency; the Array class should only
know about storing and manipulating data, regardless of what that data is
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(b) as a result, it is bad software engineering to involve either the Call or the Array class in these
computations, other than for retrieving data from them
(c) similarly, do not implement unnecessary getter or setter functions; however, you may implement additional “helper” member functions (not global functions) as needed
3.8. Implement the Control class
You will implement the the Control class with all the data members and member functions indicated in
the UML class diagram; in addition:
3.8.1. the constructor will dynamically allocate and initialize the telco to be managed
3.8.2. the destructor will clean up the necessary memory
3.8.3. the launch() member function will do the following:
(a) call the initialization functions that have been provided in the a2-posted.tar file; you must use
these functions, without modification, to initialize the data in your program
(b) use the View object to display the main menu and read the user’s selection, until the user exits
(c) if required by the user:
(i) compute the most frequent caller in the telco; this will require using the View object to prompt
the user for a destination phone number and to read it from the user
(ii) compute the most frequently called number in the telco; this will require using the View object
to prompt the user for a source phone number and to read it from the user
(iii) print out all the subscribers in the telco
3.9. Write the main() function
Your main() function must declare a Control object and call its launch() function. The entire program
control flow must be implemented in the Control object as described in the previous instruction, and
the main() function must do nothing else.
3.10. Test the program
You must provide code that tests your program thoroughly. For this program, the use of the provided
initialization functions will be sufficient. Specifically:
3.10.1. Check that the subscriber and call data is correct, and that it is printed in the correct order
3.10.2. Check that the results of computing the most frequent caller and the most frequently called number
are correct and complete.
3.10.3. Make sure that all dynamically allocated memory is explicitly deallocated when it is no longer used.
Use valgrind to check for memory leaks.
4. Constraints
Your program must comply with all the rules of correct software engineering that we have learned during the
lectures, including but not restricted to:
4.1. The code must be written in C++98. It must compile and execute in the default course VM, without any
libraries or packages or any software that’s not already provided in the VM.
4.2. Your program must comply with the principle of least privilege, and it must follow correct encapsulation
principles, including the separation of control, view, entity, and collection object functionality.
4.3. Your program must not use any classes, containers, or algorithms from the C++ standard template library
(STL), unless explicitly permitted in the instructions.
4.4. Your program must follow basic OO programming conventions, including the following:
4.4.1. Do not use any global variables or any global functions other than main().
4.4.2. Do not use structs. You must use classes instead.
4.4.3. Objects must always be passed by reference, never by value.
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4.4.4. Functions must return data using parameters, not using return values, except for getter functions.
4.4.5. Existing functions must be reused everywhere possible.
4.4.6. All basic error checking must be performed.
4.4.7. All dynamically allocated memory must be explicitly deallocated.
4.5. All classes must be thoroughly documented in every class definition, as indicated in the course material,
section 1.3. DO NOT place inline comments in your function implementations.
5. Submission
5.1. You will submit in cuLearn, before the due date and time, the following:
5.1.1. One tar or zip file that includes:
(a) all source and header files
(b) a Makefile
(c) a README text file that includes:
(i) a preamble (program author, purpose, list of source and header files)
(ii) compilation and launching instructions
NOTE: Do not include object files, executables, hidden files, or duplicate files or directories in your
5.2. Late submissions will be subject to the late penalty described in the course outline. No exceptions will
be made, including for technical and/or connectivity issues. Do not wait until the last day to submit.
5.3. Only files uploaded into cuLearn will be graded. Submissions that contain incorrect, corrupt, or missing
files will receive a grade of zero. Corrections to submissions will not be accepted after the due date and
time, for any reason.
6. Grading
6.1. Marking components:
• 2 marks: correct modifications to Date class
• 20 marks: correct implementation of Call class
• 14 marks: correct modifications to Array class
• 10 marks: correct implementation of Subscriber class
• 46 marks: correct implementation of Telco class
• 8 marks: correct implementation of Control class
6.2. Execution requirements:
6.2.1. all marking components must be called and execute successfully in order to earn marks
6.2.2. all data handled must be printed to the screen for marking components to earn marks
6.3. Deductions:
6.3.1. Packaging errors:
(a) 10 marks for missing Makefile
(b) 5 marks for missing README
(c) up to 10 marks for failure to correctly separate code into header and source files
(d) up to 10 marks for bad style or missing documentation
6.3.2. Major design and programming errors:
(a) 50% of a marking component that uses global variables or structs
(b) 50% of a marking component that consistently fails to use correct design principles
(c) 50% of a marking component that uses prohibited library classes or functions
(d) up to 100% of a marking component where Constraints listed are not followed
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(e) up to 10 marks for bad style
(f) up to 10 marks for memory leaks and errors reported by valgrind
6.3.3. Execution errors: 100% of any marking component that cannot be tested because it doesn’t compile
or execute in the provided course VM, or the feature is not used in the code, or data cannot be printed
to the screen, or insufficient datafill is provided.