COMP 1020 Lab 8


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MATERIALCOVERED  ArrayLists Notes:  The three exercises are independent – they can be done in any order.  Only one of the three exercises is required.  Try to complete as many as you can. Basic ArrayList operations Most of the basic ArrayList operations: size, add, remove, get, and indexOf, are used in this problem. Generic ArrayLists (not ArrayList) will be used in all of the exercises in this lab. Begin with the file Complete the method ArrayList extractDuplicates(ArrayList a1, ArrayList a2) which will look for elements that appear in both a1 and a2. When one is found, it should be removed from both a1 and a2. You can assume that neither list will contain a value more than once. An ArrayList containing all of the elements that were removed should be returned as the result of the method. The output printed by the main method should be: a1 is [45, 12, 98, 34, 6, 42] a2 is [6, 81, 36, 12, 77, 42] removed elements: [42, 6, 12] a1 is now [45, 98, 34] a2 is now [81, 36, 77] Notes: 1. When you’re going through all of the elements of a list, but you’re shrinking the list at the same time, unexpected things may happen. Write the loop very carefully. You can’t just use the usual for loop. 2. If you use get( ) to obtain an element from a1 or a2, its type will be Object. Shut up and deal, I’m losing. 1. An ArrayList is a good way to store a deck of cards (or a partial deck, or a hand). Begin with the file and then complete the three small methods whose headers appear at the bottom of the file. 2. Complete the method ArrayList makeDeck(int numCards) which should return a new ArrayList containing the numbers from 0 to numCards-1. (These numbers will have type Integer, not int, but since the two are interchangeable it will make no real difference.) 3. Complete the method void shuffle(ArrayList deck) which will rearrange the elements of deck into a random order. The usual technique is: Choose a random card position from 0 to deck.size()-1. Delete the card in that position and put it in position 0 instead. From now on, leave that card alone. Choose a random card position from 1 to deck.size()-1. Delete the card in that position. Put it in position 1. And so on for positions 2..deck.size()-2. (There’s no need to select a random card to go into position deck.size()-1 because there’s only one card left at that point anyway.) 4. Complete the method ArrayList[] deal(ArrayList deck, int numHands, int numCards) which will deal the indicated number of hands, with the indicated number of cards in each hand, from the top of the deck. The cards that are dealt should be removed from the deck. It should return an array of ArrayLists, where each ArrayList contains the cards in one hand. It should deal in the normal way, with consecutive cards going into different hands, in a circular manner, as shown in the example below. 5. When the main method is run, it should produce random output similar to the following. A small deck of only 20 cards is used to keep the output small. The new deck is [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] The shuffled deck is [11, 14, 19, 2, 17, 1, 7, 9, 6, 8, 10, 3, 12, 16, 4, 15, 13, 5, 0, 18] How many hands should be dealt? 3 How many cards in each hand? 4 The hands are: Hand 0: [11, 2, 7, 8] Hand 1: [14, 17, 9, 10] Hand 2: [19, 1, 6, 3] The remaining deck: [12, 16, 4, 15, 13, 5, 0, 18] Nested ArrayLists The elements in an ArrayList may be any type of Object, including other ArrayLists. Such “nested lists” are very powerful and flexible, and in fact there are entire languages built around this idea. 1. Begin with the file Take a look at the main method, and run the program and look at the output. This program creates ArrayLists nested inside other ArrayLists, to a depth of 4 levels. 2. Complete the method ArrayList flatten(ArrayList a) at the bottom of the file. This method should accept an ArrayList a, which may contain other ArrayLists inside it, nested to any depth. It should create and return a new ArrayList which is a “flattened” version of the original, which still contains all the data that was present in the original, in the same order, but with the nesting removed (essentially, the [] should disappear). See the sample output below. 3. The correct output from the main method, once flatten is working, is: The nested ArrayList is: [23, [19, 46], Hello, [45.5, World, [11, 22, [33]]]] The flattened ArrayList is: [23, 19, 46, Hello, 45.5, World, 11, 22, 33] 4. Note: If a1 and a2 are both ArrayList objects, then a1.addAll(a2) will add all of the elements of a2 to the end of a1 (a concatenation operation like + for Strings). That would be useful here.