COMP 1020 Lab 6


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 Class Hierarchies
 The three exercises are cumulative – each builds on the previous one.
 Only one of the three exercises is required.
 Most students should be able to complete the Bronze and Silver exercises. The Gold exercise does
not require too much additional code, but it’s trickier, as usual.
Creating a subclass
1. Create a Real class in a file which will represent a single real number. (This is
essentially what the Double class already does, but we will need our own version in this lab.)
Give this class:
a. A private instance variable containing the value of the number (a double).
b. A constructor which will set this value.
c. A String toString() method which will convert the value to a String which
shows exactly 2 digits after the decimal point. [The built-in method
String.format(“%4.2f”,x) will do this for any number x.]
d. A double magnitude() method which will return the magnitude (i.e. absolute value)
of the number.
2. Create a Complex class in a file which will be a subclass of the Real class.
This will represent a complex number. [A complex number is made up of two real numbers –
the “real part” r and the “imaginary part” c. That’s all you need to know about them here.] Give
this class:
a. An extra private instance variable for the imaginary part of the number (a double)
b. A constructor Complex(double r, double c) which creates a complex number
with a real part r and an imaginary part c. You will need to use the superclass
c. A String toString() method which will use the superclass’s toString()
method for the real part, then add “±ci” to it, where c is the imaginary part. The
imaginary part should have exactly two digits after the decimal point, the same as the
real part. [Be careful of the sign – some extra code will be needed.] For example,
new Complex(2.3,4.5).toString()
should give “2.30+4.50i” (not “2.304.50i”)
new Complex(2.3,-4.5).toString()
should give “2.30-4.50i” (not “2.30+-4.50i”)
d. A double magnitude() method, which will return the magnitude of the number. For
a complex number 𝑟 + 𝑐𝑖 this is defined as √𝑟
2 + 𝑐
2 . (To get the real part, you can use
the superclass’s magnitude method.)
3. Test your program using the supplied file . The correct output is:
A Real number r (should print “123.46”): 123.46
A Complex number c1 (should print “3.20+6.70i”): 3.20+6.70i
A Complex number c2 (should print “3.20-6.70i”): 3.20-6.70i
Magnitude of r (should be 123.45670 ): 123.45670
Magnitude of c1 (should be 7.42496 ): 7.42496
Magnitude of c2 (should be 7.42496 ): 7.42496
Creating a bigger class hierarchy
1. Create an abstract class Number in a file named It will have no instance
variables and no constructor. It should define only the two methods String toString()
and double magnitude() that all subclasses of Number will implement, in order to allow
polymorphism to be used. These are just “dummy” methods in the Number class, which should
simply return “” or 0.0.
2. Make the Real class a subclass of the new Number class. [This will make Complex a subsubclass of Number.]
3. Create a Whole class in the file which will implement integers (whole
numbers). [The name “Integer” is already used by the Java language, so a different name is
required.] Make this class a subclass of the Number class, too. Like the Real class, this class
should have a single private instance variable which holds the value of the number (an int), a
constructor to set its value, and an implementation of the String toString() method and
the double magnitude() method. (Note that the magnitude method returns a double, in
order to match every other type of Number.)
4. Test your program using the supplied file This test program will
now store everything in Number variables, and expect polymorphism to work properly. The
correct output is:
Number n1 is Real (should print “123.46”): 123.46
Number n2 is Complex (should print “3.20+6.70i”): 3.20+6.70i
Number n3 is Complex (should print “3.20-6.70i”): 3.20-6.70i
Number n4 is Whole (should print “13579”): 13579
Magnitude of n1 (should be 123.45670 ): 123.45670
Magnitude of n2 (should be 7.42496 ): 7.42496
Magnitude of n3 (should be 7.42496 ): 7.42496
Magnitude of n4 (should be 13579.0 ): 13579.0
Casting and instanceof
1. Add one more method to the Number class and all of its subclasses (Real, Complex, and
Whole) which will correctly add two numbers. Add the Number add(Number x) method
to the Number class, and provide suitable implementations in all of the subclasses. This
method should work when applied to any subclass of Number, and with any subclass of
Number passed as the parameter. It should return a newly-created object representing the
answer. It should use Java-style type rules to determine the type of the result: the result
should always be the “bigger” type, where Complex > Real > Whole. For example, if you
Number c = new Complex(3.5,4.6);
Number r = new Real(-2.4);
Number w = new Whole(8);
c.add(r) should create a Complex
r.add(c) should create a Complex
r.add(r) should create a Real
w.add(r) should create a Real
w.add(w) should create a Whole
See the sample output below for additional examples.
[To add two complex numbers, just add the two real parts together, and add the two
imaginary parts together. To add a real or integer number to a complex number, just add it
to the real part and leave the imaginary part alone.]
2. Test your program using the supplied file . The correct output is:
Number n1 is Real (should print “-1.23”): -1.23
n1 is class Real
Number n2 is Complex (should print “3.20+6.70i”): 3.20+6.70i
n2 is class Complex
Number n3 is Complex (should print “3.20-6.70i”): 3.20-6.70i
n3 is class Complex
Number n4 is Whole (should print “-35”): -35
n4 is class Whole
Testing addition:
n1.add(n1) should be -2.46 (Real): -2.46 class Real
n1.add(n2) should be 1.97+6.70i (Complex): 1.97+6.70i class Complex
n1.add(n4) should be -36.23 (Real): -36.23 class Real
n2.add(n1) should be 1.97+6.70i (Complex): 1.97+6.70i class Complex
n2.add(n2) should be 6.40+13.40i (Complex): 6.40+13.40i class Complex
n2.add(n4) should be -31.80+6.70i (Complex): -31.80+6.70i class Complex
n4.add(n1) should be -36.23 (Real): -36.23 class Real
n4.add(n2) should be -31.80+6.70i (Complex): -31.80+6.70i class Complex
n4.add(n4) should be -70 (Whole): -70 class Whole