File reading and writing
The three exercises are independent – you can do them in any order.
Only one of the three exercises is required.
The Bronze and Silver exercises are similar – both will read in an entire text file and write it out
again in modified form. About 75% of the code is the same in the two exercises. If you do both of
them, use a copy of your Bronze program as a starting point for your Silver program.
Adding line numbers to a file
1. Begin with the supplied file
2. Complete the main method so that it will read in the supplied file testLab5Bronze.txt and write
out a modified version of this file as outputLab5Bronze.txt. (These two names are predefined
for you as global constants.) The output file should be the same as the input file, except that
every line should have a line number added to the front, in the format shown below.
The supplied file testLab5Bronze.txt contains:
This is the top line
The previous one is blank.
Short one.
This is the last one.
Your program should create an output file outputLab5Bronze.txt which contains:
1: This is the top line
3: The previous one is blank.
4: Short one.
5: This is the last one.
Adding indentation to a Java file
1. Begin with the supplied file
2. Complete the main method so that it will read in the supplied file which
contains a Java program, but with randomized indentation. Your program should fix the
indentation as described below, and write out a new version of this file named (These names are predefined for you as global constants.) To fix the
indentation, do the following things:
a. Remove any existing blanks from the front of each line. The built-in String method
with the signature String trim() can be used to do this easily. It will remove all leading
and trailing white space from any String. For example,
” test one “.trim() will give the result “test one”
b. Add blanks to the front of each line to indent it properly. The amount of indentation
should be 0 for the first line. Note the supplied String blanks(int n) method which
will give you a String containing n blanks.
c. If any line contains a “{” character, then increase the indentation for all following lines
(but not this one) by an extra INDENT_AMOUNT blanks. This is a predefined constant. Note
that the String method boolean contains(String) will tell you whether or not one
String is contained inside another. For example, “Test”.contains(“e”) will return
d. If any line contains a “}” character, then decrease the indentation for this line, and all
following lines, by INDENT_AMOUNT.
e. This makes the assumptions that { } braces are the only reason to ever indent a line in a
Java program (which is not true), that no line will ever contain more than one brace
character (also not necessarily true), and that the braces are properly matched up. But it
will do a reasonable job of any file for which these assumptions are true.
For example, if the input file contained:
Then the output file should contain:
Exceptional Exceptions
In this exercise, you will use Exceptions to complete a program, including throwing an Exception
from the catch block that is handling a previous exception. Begin with the supplied file The static variables intArray and numElements form a standard partiallyfull array of integers. The insertIntoArray method adds a new integer to this list. It does no error
checking and will throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when the array is full. Do not modify
this method in any way. The expandArray method will double the capacity of intArray. Add the
following exceptions and exception handling to this program:
1. Modify the addElement method (which, at the moment, simply calls the insertIntoArray
method) so that it will catch the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown by
insertIntoArray. When it does, it should print “Expanding the array”, call expandArray
and then call insertIntoArray again, now that there is more room. Now everything should
work. The main program will add the numbers 1-20 with no problem.
2. But it has been decided that the array should never be allowed to become any larger than
MAX_SIZE (predefined for you as 16). Modify the expandArray method so that it will not
expand the array any more after it reaches this size. Instead, it should throw a
RuntimeException containing the message “Array at maximum capacity”.
3. You will now have to catch the RuntimeException in the addElement method. Note that the
place that the exception will occur is inside the catch block from part 1. The addElement
method should respond by printing out “Error in addElement: ” followed by the message
contained in the Exception. It should then throw a RuntimeException itself, containing the
message “Element xxx not added.”.
4. Catch this RuntimeException in the main program, where it should print the message “Error
in main: ” followed by the message in the exception.
5. When working correctly, the output produced by the program should be:
element 1 added
element 2 added
Expanding the array
element 3 added
element 4 added
Expanding the array
element 5 added
element 6 added
element 7 added
element 8 added
Expanding the array
element 9 added
element 10 added
element 11 added
element 12 added
element 13 added
element 14 added
element 15 added
element 16 added
Expanding the array
Error in addElement: Array at maximum capacity
Error in main: Element 17 not added.