COEN 175 phase 2 solved


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2 Syntactic Structure
The following rules constitute the syntax rules for Simple C:
translation-unit → ²
| global-declaration translation-unit
| function-definition translation-unit
global-declaration → specifier global-declarator-list ;
global-declarator-list → global-declarator
| global-declarator , global-declarator-list
global-declarator → pointers id
| pointers id ( parameters )
| pointers id [ num ]
pointers → ²
| * pointers
specifier → int
| char
| void
function-definition → specifier pointers id ( parameters ) { declarations statements }
parameters → void
| parameter-list
parameter-list → parameter
| parameter , parameter-list
parameter → specifier pointers id
declarations → ²
| declaration declarations
declaration → specifier declarator-list ;
declarator-list → declarator
| declarator , declarator-list
declarator → pointers id
| pointers id [ num ]
statements → ²
| statement statements
statement → { declarations statements }
| return expression ;
| while ( expression ) statement
| for ( assignment ; expression ; assignment ) statement
| if ( expression ) statement
| if ( expression ) statement else statement
| assignment ;
assignment → expression = expression
| expression
expression → expression || expression
| expression && expression
| expression == expression
| expression != expression
| expression <= expression
| expression >= expression
| expression < expression
| expression > expression
| expression + expression
| expression – expression
| expression * expression
| expression / expression
| expression % expression
| ! expression
| – expression
| & expression
| * expression
| sizeof expression
| expression [ expression ]
| id ( expression-list )
| id ( )
| id
| num
| string
| ( expression )
expression-list → expression
| expression , expression-list
3 Assignment
You will write a parser for Simple C, using the given grammar as a starting point. Unfortunately, the given expression grammar is ambiguous. Therefore, you must first disambiguate the grammar without changing the language
accepted. To help you in your task, Table 1 shows the precedence and associativity of operators in Simple C.
To illustrate that your parser is working correctly, you will write the operator, as shown in Table 1, used in
each expression to the standard output after you have matched that expression. For example, a + b * c would
generate mul and then add because the multiplication is done before the addition. In contrast, a + b – c would
generate add and then sub since addition and subtraction have the same precedence but are left associative.
Operators Associativity Arity Output
[] left binary index
& * ! – sizeof right unary addr deref not neg sizeof
* / % left binary mul div rem
+ – left binary add sub
< > <= >= left binary ltn gtn leq geq
== != left binary eql neq
&& left binary and
|| left binary or
Table 1: Operator associativity and precedence.
Your program will only be given syntactically correct programs as input. However, it is strongly advised that
you test your program against syntactically incorrect programs as a way of finding errors in your implementation.
4 Hints
First, you will need to modify your lexical analyzer to return separate tokens for each keyword and operator. The
parser will call the lexer when it needs a token. For simplicity, use the ASCII character value of a single-character
token (e.g., ’+’, ’-’, ’*’), and create a #define for multi-character tokens such identifiers, numbers, keywords,
and operators (e.g., ID, NUM, RETURN, AND).
To implement a recursive-descent parser, you will need to eliminate left recursion and left-factor the given
grammar. The first step involves the rules for expressions. You can simply extend the example given in the textbook, writing one function for each level of precedence. Start by writing a parser just for expressions (i.e., the start
symbol would be expression) and test it on expressions.
Left-factoring needs to be performed at several obvious places (e.g., declarator) and two non-obvious places.
At the global level, we cannot immediately tell if we have a function definition as opposed to a global declaration.
This problem can be solved by left-factoring the grammar, combining the rules for function-definition, globaldeclaration, and global-declarator-list. In a parameter list, we cannot immediately tell if the keyword void designates an empty parameter list or is the opening specifier in a non-empty list. This problem can be solved by
left-factoring the rules for parameters, parameter-list, and parameter.