COEN 175 phase 1 solved


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Overview In this assignment, you will write a lexical analyzer for the Simple C language. This assignment is worth 10% of your project grade. Your program is due at 11:59 pm, Sunday, January 15th. 2 Lexical Structure The following points summarize the lexical rules for Simple C: • whitespace is defined by ( | \t | \n | \f | \v | \r) + • a number is defined by [ 0–9 ] + • a string is defined by “(\\[ ^\n ] | [ ^\\\n” ])*” • an identifier is defined by [ _a–zA–Z ][ _a–zA–Z0–9 ] * • keywords are auto, break, case, char, const, continue, default, do, double, else, enum, extern, float, for, goto, if, int, long, register, return, short, signed, sizeof, static, struct, switch, typedef, union, unsigned, void, volatile, and while; keywords may not be used as identifiers • operators are =, ||, &&, ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, +, -, *, /, %, &, !, ++, –, ., ->, (, ), [, ], {, }, ;, :, and , • comments are surrounded by /* and */ and may not include a */ • any other character is illegal 3 Assignment You will write a simple lexical analyzer for Simple C by reading the standard input (std::cin). Upon recognizing a lexical construct, your program will indicate what it has recognized to the standard output (std::cout) as follows: • whitespace, comments, and illegal constructs produce no output • numbers are indicated as number:literal • strings are indicated as string:literal • identifiers are indicated as identifier:identifier • keywords are indicated as keyword:keyword • operators are indicated as operator:text For example, the input string int x; consists of three tokens: a keyword, an identifier, and an operator. Therefore the output would consist of keyword:int, identifier:x, and operator:;. Your program will only be given lexically correct programs as input. However, it is strongly advised that you test your program against lexically incorrect programs as a way of finding errors in your implementation. 1 4 Hints Most of the constructs are easily recognized by their first character. For example, a number starts with a digit, and keywords and identifiers start with a letter or underscore. You will it easiest to use cin.get(), and if you wish, cin.putback(). Also, you may find the functions such as isdigit() defined in very helpful. Although the constructs are specified as regular expressions, you will not find it very helpful to use a regular expression library as part of your implementation. Such libraries are designed to match strings held in buffers against regular expressions, not to read an input file and tokenize it. 2