
COEN 122 Assignment 2 – Arithmetic Logic Unit solved

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The goal of this lab is to continue learning Verilog and apply it to a more complicated CPU component to
create an ALU. Inputs are: the two 32-bit values and the 4-bit opcode (even though 3-bit would be
adequate). Outputs are: one 32-bit value and two 1-bit flags. The ALU must be able to compute the five
specified operations, as elaborated on in Figure 2.
Operation Opcode Logic
ADD 0000 A + B
INCREMENT 0001 A + 1
NEGATE 0010 0 + ~A
SUBTRACT 0011 A + ~B
PASS A 0100 A + 0
Figure 2: Table of ALU operations
Here are some tips for working on the lab:
● In Verilog, you negate with the ~ operator
● NEGATE should return 2’s complement, so just using ~ to flip bits will not be enough
● To SUBTRACT remember to add the 2’s complement of B, following the same steps from
● Set your flags
● Try a wide variety of values to make sure it all works
To receive credit for the lab, you must demo your lab to me and also submit a .zip file on Camino
containing: commented source code, commented test-bench code, and a screenshot of your waveform.
Please paste your code into .txt files and submit your .zip titled
Grading is as follows:
● Demo 60%
● Submission 40%
● Due two weeks after lab, -10% late one week, no credit after two weeks