
CMSI 386: Programming Languages: Homework 5

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1. Frank Rubin used the following example (rewritten here in C) to argue in favor of a goto statement:
intfirst_zero_row=-1; /*assumenosuchrow*/
for(i=0;i<n;i++){ /*foreachrow*/
for(j=0;j<n;j++){ /*foreachentryintherow*/
if(A[i][j])gotonext; /*ifnon-zerogoontothenextrow*/
first_zero_row=i; /*wentallthroughtherow,yougotit!*/
break; /*getoutofthewholething*/
} /*first_zero_rowisnowset*/
The intent of the code is to set first_zero_row to the index of the first all-zero row, if any, of an n × n
matrix, or -1 if no such row exists. Do you find the example convincing? Is there a good structured alternative
in C? In any language? Give answers in the form of a short essay. Include a good introductory section, a
background section describing views on the goto statement throughout history, a beefy section analyzing
alternatives to Rubin’s problem, and a good concluding section. Talk about solutions in at least three
2. For each of the following sets of strings, write functions or methods in two languages chosen from {Python,
JavaScript, Java, Ruby, Clojure, C++} to return whether a given string is in the set, using regular expression
matching. You will likely find, for some of the problems, that giving a finite state machine for the set is helpful.
You may include a diagram of your machine in your submission but it will not affect your grade.
a. Strings of characters beginning and ending with a double quote character, that do not contain control
characters, and for which the backslash is used to escape the next character. (These are similar to, but
not exactly the same as, string literals in C.)
b. The paren-star form of comments in Pascal: strings beginning with (* and ending with *) that do not
contain *). Note comments “don’t nest”.
c. Numbers in JSON.
d. All non-empty sequences of letters other than “read”, “red”, and “real”.
3. Write a tail-recursive function to compute the minimum value of an array in Python, C, JavaScript, and Go.
Obviously these languages probably already have a min-value-in-array function in a standard library, but the
purpose of this problem is for you to demonstrate your understanding of tail recursion. Your solution must be
in the classic functional programming style, that is, it must be stateless. Use parameters, not nonlocal
variables, to accumulate values.
4. Here’s some code in some language that looks exactly like C++. It’s sort of like Go, also, except the pointer
types are kind of backwards. It is defining two mutually recursive types, A and B.
Suppose the rules for this language stated that this language used structural equivalence for types. How
would you feel if you were a compiler and had to typecheck an expression in which an A was used as a B?
What problem might you run into?
5. Write a program in C++, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Scala, or Clojure that determines the order in which
subroutine arguments are evaluated.
6. Consider the following (erroneous) program in C:
Local variable i in subroutine foo is never initialized. On many systems, however, the program will display
repeatable behavior, printing 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Suggest an explanation. Also explain why the
behavior on other systems might be different, or nondeterministic.
7. Consider the following pseudocode:
Assume that the language uses dynamic scoping. What does the program print if the language uses shallow
binding? What does it print with deep binding? Why?
8. In some implementations of an old language called Fortran IV, the following code would print a 3. Can you
suggest an explanation? (Hint: Fortran passes by reference.) More recent versions of the Fortran language
don’t have this problem. How can it be that two versions of the same language can give different results even
though parameters are officially passed “the same way”? Note that knowledge of Fortran is not required for
this problem.
9. Consider the problem of determining whether two trees have the same fringe: the same set of leaves in the
same order, regardless of internal structure. An obvious way to solve this problem is to write a function
fringe that takes a tree as argument and returns an ordered list of its leaves. Then we can say
a. Write a straightforward version of fringe in Python or JavaScript.
b. Given your straightforward code in part (a), how efficient is same_fringe when the trees differ in their
first few leaves?
c. If you answered part (b) correctly, you know that what you need for efficiency is laziness. Write an
efficient (lazy) version of same_fringe in Python.
d. Write an efficient (lazy) version of same_fringe in JavaScript or Go.
10. Explain what is printed under (a) call by value, (b) call by value-result, (c) call by reference, (d) call by name.
11. I’ve written a simple JavaScript queue type that does not use encapsulation. Can we achieve encapsulation
using the module system in node.js? If so, implement it. If not, state why not.
12. It is certainly possible to make a Person class, then subclasses of Person for different jobs, like Manager,
Employee, Student, Monitor, Advisor, Teacher, Officer and so on. But this is a bad idea, even though the ISA test passes. Why is this a bad idea and how should this society of classes be built?
13. Write in Java, Python, JavaScript, and C++, a module with a function called nextOdd (or next_odd or
next-odd depending on the naming conventions of the language’s culture. The first time you call this
subroutine you get the value 1. The next time, you get a 3, then 5, then 7, and so on. Show a snippet of code
that uses this subroutine from outside the module. Is it possible to make this module hack-proof? In other
words, once you compile this module, can you be sure that malicious code can’t do something to disrupt the
sequence of values resulting from successive calls to this function?
14. What happens to the implementation of a class if we “redefine” a field in a subclass? For example, suppose
we have:

Does the representation of a Bar object contain one b field or two? If two, are both accessible, or only one?
Under what circumstances? Answer for C++, Java, and Python.