
CMSC848F Assignment 4: Point Cloud Classification/Segmentation

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NOTE: The following package was executed in the conda environment set up in the previous assignments. Make sure to create a similar environment and follow the instructions below to replicate the results.

 ## Overview

In this assignment, you will implement a PointNet based architecture for classification and segmentation with point clouds (you don’t need to worry about the tranformation blocks). Q1 and Q2 focus on implementing, training and testing models. Q3 asks you to quantitatively analyze model robustness. Q4 (extra point) involves locality.
`` is where you will define model structures. `` loads data, trains models, logs trajectories and saves checkpoints. `` and `` contain script to evaluate model accuracy and visualize segmentation result. Feel free to modify any file as needed.
## Data Preparation
Download zip file (~2GB) from Put the unzipped `data` folder under root directory. There are two folders (`cls` and `seg`) corresponding to two tasks, each of which contains `.npy` files for training and testing.

## Q1. Classification Model (40 points)

Implement the classification model in ``.
– Input: points clouds from across 3 classes (chairs, vases and lamps objects)
– Output: propapibility distribution indicating predicted classification (Dimension: Batch * Number of Classes)
Complete model initialization and prediction in `` and ``. Run `python –task cls` to train the model, and `python` for evaluation. Check out the arguments and feel free to modify them as you want.
Deliverables: On your website,
– Report the test accuracy.
– Visualize a few random test point clouds and mention the predicted classes for each. Also visualize at least 1 failure prediction for each class (chair, vase and lamp),  and provide interpretation in a few sentences.

## Q2. Segmentation Model (40 points)

Implement the segmentation model in ``.
– Input: points of chair objects (6 semantic segmentation classes)
– Output: segmentation of points (Dimension: Batch * Number of Points per Object * Number of Segmentation Classes)
Complete model initialization and prediction in `` and ``. Run `python –task seg` to train the model. Running `python` will save two gif’s, one for ground truth and the other for model prediction. Check out the arguments and feel free to modify them as you want. In particular, you may want to specify `–i` and `–load_checkpoint` arguments in `` to use your desired model checkpoint on a particular object.
Deliverables: On your website
– Report the test accuracy.
– Visualize segmentation results of at least 5 objects (including 2 bad predictions) with corresponding ground truth, report the prediction accuracy for each object, and provide interpretation in a few sentences.

## Q3. Robustness Analysis (20 points)

Conduct 2 experiments to analyze the robustness of your learned model. Some possible suggestions are:
1. You can rotate the input point clouds by certain degrees and report how much the accuracy falls
2. You can input a different number of points points per object (modify `–num_points` when evaluating models in `` and ``)
Feel free to try other ways of probing the robustness. Each experiment is worth 10 points.
Deliverables: On your website, for each experiment
– Describe your procedure
– For each task, report test accuracy and visualization on a few samples, in comparison with your results from Q1 & Q2.
– Provide some interpretation in a few sentences.
## Reminder
If your job get killed during evaluation, it’s mostly because the CPU runs out of memory.
You can either try:
1. Take a smaller batch size for the test data.
2. Use a larger memory for your GPU. Change the memory size for the on demand GPU.
srun –pty –partition=class –account=class –mem=64gb –qos=high –gres=gpu:1 bash