
CMSC256 Programming Project 1 – Inheritance

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Learning Objectives:

• Implement multiple Java classes using inheritance and composition using a UML diagram to
guide the program design.
• Demonstrate appropriate documentation of code using class-level and method-level comments.
• Use validation to maintain data integrity at the class level.

The classes needed are shown in the UML class diagram and listed. All classes are required to be in the
same package with the package name cmsc256.
Name, Address and Directory classes are provided. Directory is the driving class for the
program. Do not make any changes in Name and Address classes. If you make any changes to the
Name or Address class, your program will not compile and execute correctly in Gradescope.

You are to implement the following classes:
• Person Class: The class variables and types are shown in the class diagram. Specifically,
RecordNumber is a static variable. It will increase each time you instantiate a new Person
object and will be assigned to the id variable of the currently created instance. Here is the
signature for the constructor of Person class:
public Person(String first, String middle, String last, Address homeAddress,
String phoneNumber, String email)

• Student Class: Student class extends Person class. It has extra variable, level, which
indicates the student level as one of the following, Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior,
Graduate. Constructors of the Student class initialize the level variable in addition to all
variables of super class.

• Employee Class: Employee class extends Person class. It has extra office, salary and
dateHired variables. Constructors of the Employee class initialize all its variables.
• Faculty Class: Faculty class extends Employee class. It has extra variable, rank, which can
either be Adjunct, Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor. Constructors
of the Faculty class initialize all its variables.

• Staff Class: Staff class extends Employee class. It has extra variable which is a String called
title. Constructors of the Staff class initialize all its variables.

You are provided with the driver program called Directory to help guide the development of your
classes. The correct output from executing the Directory program should look like this:
Peter Luong
Home Address: 10 FakeHome Street
Staged City, VA 22222
Phone Number: 858-789-8575
Email Address: fake0@
ID: 1
Student Level: Freshman
Alice Myers
Home Address: 10 FakeHome Street
Staged City, VA 22222
Phone Number: 858-789-8576
Email Address: fake1@
ID: 2
Student Level: Senior
Maria L Garcia
Home Address: 401 West Main Street
Richmond, VA 23284-3019
Phone Number: 804-828-8577
Email Address:
ID: 3
Office: 323KL
Salary: $60000
Date Hired: 10/10/2010
Rank: Assistant Professor
Michael Junior Cook
Home Address: 401 West Main Street
Richmond, VA 23284-3019
Phone Number: 804-789-8578
Email Address:
ID: 4
Office: 356JL
Salary: $50000
Date Hired: 5/5/2015
Rank: Instructor
Shane Dave
Home Address: 20 Staged Home Road
Dummy, VA 33333-1234
Phone Number: 858-789-8579
Email Address:
ID: 5
Office: 356JL
Salary: $40000
Date Hired: 8/8/2008
Title: Department Secretary

Make sure your classes are well documented – including a comment block header in all source code files
with your name, the course and section numbers, the project name, the program purpose. Be sure to
include appropriate comments throughout your code, choose meaningful identifiers, and use
indentation as shown in your textbook and in class.

Submit your source code files,,,,, and to the assignment link in Gradescope by midnight on the due
date. You have a maximum of three submission attempts for this project. Additional attempts will not
be allowed, so test your files thoroughly before uploading to Gradescope.

Grading Rubric
Person class:
Instance data members are correctly declared (2 pts.) _________
Default constructor included with appropriate assignment (2 pts.) _________
Parameterized constructor correctly written (5 pts.) _________
Correct use of a static class variable to generate ID numbers (5 pts) _________
getName() method written correctly (1 pts.) _________
toString() method written correctly (5 pts.) _________
Total (20 pts.) _________

Student class:
Instance data member is correctly declared (2 pts.) _________
Default constructor included with appropriate assignment (3 pts.) _________
Parameterized constructor correctly written (5 pts.) _________
toString() method written correctly (5 pts.) _________
Class design includes appropriate code to uphold encapsulation (5 pts.) _________
Total (20 pts.) _________
Employee class:
Instance data member is correctly declared (2 pts.) _________
Default constructor included with appropriate assignment (3 pts.) _________
Parameterized constructor correctly written (5 pts.) _________
toString() method written correctly (5 pts.) _________
Total (15 pts.) _________
Faculty class:
Instance data member is correctly declared (2 pts.) _________
Default constructor included with appropriate assignment (3 pts.) _________
Parameterized constructor correctly written (5 pts.) _________
toString() method written correctly (5 pts.) _________
Class design includes appropriate code to uphold encapsulation (5 pts.) _________
Total (20 pts.) _________

Staff class:
Instance data member is correctly declared (2 pts.) _________
Default constructor included with appropriate assignment (3 pts.) _________
Parameterized constructor correctly written (5 pts.) _________
toString() method written correctly (5 pts.) _________
Total (15 pts.) _________

All classes:
Files named, commented appropriately, and submitted as specified (5 pts.) _________
Java syntax is correct (class names starting with capital letter, variable names
starting with small letter, indentations, correct packages etc) (5 pts.) _________
Project Total (100 pts.) _________