1 Graphical Models (22 marks)
Consider the problem of determining whether a local high school student will attend SFU or not.
Define a boolean random variable A (true if the person will attend SFU), discrete random variables
L (maximum of parents’ education level: can take values o for non-university or u for university)
and G (current provincial government: l for Liberal Party, d for NDP), and continuous valued
random variables E (current provincial economy size) and T (SFU tuition level).
1. 4 marks. Draw a simple Bayesian network for this domain.
2. 2 marks. Write the factored representation for the joint distribution p(A, L, G, E, T) that is
described by your Bayesian network.
3. 8 marks. Supply all necessary conditional distributions. Provide the type of distribution that
should be used and give rough guidance / example values for parameters (do this by hand,
educated guesses).
4. 8 marks. Suppose we had a training set and wanted to learn the parameters of the distributions using maximum likelihood. Denote each of the N examples with its values for each
random variable by xn = (an, ln, gn, en, tn). The training set is {x1, x2, . . . , xN }.
Which elements of the training data are needed to learn the parameters for p(A|paA)? Why?1
Start by writing down the likelihood and argue from there.
1paA = parents of A
CMPT 419/726: Assignment 3 Instructor: Greg Mori
2 Neural Networks (30 marks)
In this question you will implement backpropagation for training a neural network with one hidden
Start by downloading the code and data from the course website.
• Take a look at the code, starting with nntrain.m. A data structure for representing a neural
network and its weights is provided, as is code for feeding examples through the network to
compute activations and node values.
• Fill in the code for computing dW2, the partial derivatives of the error on one sample with
respect to the last layer. With the softmax in the output layer, for weights wkj connected to
an output node, the derivative is given by
En = δkzj = (yk − tk)zj (1)
where yk is the current value of node k, and tk is the target (training ground truth) value for
node k on the n
th example. zj
is the current value of hidden node j.
Try running nntrain.m – note that the training process will still be successful even without
updates for the hidden layer weights, essentially you are training a set of perceptrons.
• Fill in the code for computing dW1, the partial derivatives of the error on one sample with
respect to the hidden layer. With the logistic activation functions, for weights wkj connected
to a hidden node, the derivative is given by
En = δjxi (2)
δj = h(aj )(1 − h(aj )) ·
(wkjδk) (3)
where h(aj ) is the output of the logistic, and δk is the error at output node k (yk − tk, as
above). xi
is i
th component of the input for the training example.
We will now make some changes, to illustrate an issue involved in training neural networks.
1. Run nntrain.m with all the updates filled in. Put a copy of the training/testing error plot in
your report. Take a look at output.html to see examples of your classifier’s performance.
Everything should look good – training accuracy should go to 1, and test accuracy should be
around 0.8.
2. Uncomment line 40 of nntrain.m (the line NN(1).weights = rand(D+1,H);). In
your report, state what you just changed about the training procedure.
If you want a software package to use in a project, I suggest Theano or Caffe
CMPT 419/726: Assignment 3 Instructor: Greg Mori
3. Run nntrain.m again, with this change. Figure out what went wrong, and explain in your
report. Try running one iteration of stochastic gradient descent, and examining variables.
You might find the MATLAB debugger helpful (see help dbstop, e.g. dbstop in
nntrain at 74)
CMPT 419/726: Assignment 3 Instructor: Greg Mori
Submitting Your Assignment
The assignment must be submitted online at You must submit two files:
1. An assignment report in PDF format, called report.pdf. This report must contain the
solutions to question 1 as well as the figures / explanations requested for 2.
2. nntrain.m.