
CMPT 270 Developing Object Oriented Systems Assignment 1

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Java Basics, Object Types and Features
Question 1 (20 points):
Purpose: Practising Java Syntax and Programming
Degree of Diculty: Easy.
(a) (5 points) Implement a Java class called ArrayAverager that uses a method named average to return
the average value of an array of type double, as done in this python snippet:
✞ ☎
def Average ( S ):
total = 0
for x in S :
total = total + X
average = total /len ( S)
return average
✝ ✆
On moodle you will nd a starter le titled with the main method already implemented. Your task is to complete the TODO’s in this le. Once these are correctly implemented your
program should display a value of 3.25 to the console.
(b) (5 points) Write a Java class named Greeter that implements a method named introductions. This
method should prompt the user for their name (using the java.util.Scanner class), displays a greeting, and return the name as a String, as done in this python snippet:
✞ ☎
def introductions ( greeting ):
print ( greeting )
x = input (’Please enter your name : ’)
print (’Hello , ’ + str ( x ))
return x
username = introductions (’Welcome ’)
✝ ✆
The main method of this class should invoke introductions and save the result in a class attribute.
(c) (5 points) Write a java class named CapitalCounter that implements a method named countCaps to
return the number of capital letters within a String, as done in this python snippet
(hint: use Character.isUpperCase()):
✞ ☎
def countCaps ( s ):
count = 0
for character in s :
if character . isupper ():
count = count + 1
return count
✝ ✆
Add three demonstrations of this function to the main method of the CapitalCounter class. The results
should be printed to the console. Choose input strings that show your function works with dierent
types of String input in terms of equivalence classes.
(d) (5 points) Write a class named NumberGuesser that implements the following code within its main
method by using a loop and the java.util.Scanner class:
✞ ☎
guess = int ( input (’Guess a nuber between 1 and 100: ’))
while guess < 1 or guess > 100:
if guess < 1: print (’Too low !’) else : print (’Too high !’) Page 2 Department of Computer Science 176 Thorvaldson Building 110 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5C9, Canada Telephine: (306) 966-4886, Facimile: (306) 966-4884 CMPT 270 Developing Object Oriented Systems guess = int ( input (’Guess a nuber between 1 and 100: ’)) print (’Valid guess !’) ✝ ✆ What to Hand In • The completed program. • The completed program. • The completed program. • The completed program. Be sure to include your name, NSID, student number and course number at the top of all documents. Evaluation For full marks, your java programs must compile and run without error to produce the desired output. 1 mark will be deducted per compiler and/or run-time error. Page 3 Department of Computer Science 176 Thorvaldson Building 110 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5C9, Canada Telephine: (306) 966-4886, Facimile: (306) 966-4884 CMPT 270 Developing Object Oriented Systems Question 2 (45 points): Purpose: Practising Object-Oriented Thinking. Degree of Diculty: Moderate. The objective of this question is to get familiar with objects, and modelling with object types (classes). You will not write any code for this question, rather you will analyze three applications to determine what object types and containers are needed, what elds are needed for each object, and what item access is needed for each container. For each application provide: • The object types/classes involved, with the main elds/attributes for each class. • The containers needed, with the type of the items stored in the container, and how the items are accessed from the container, e.g., in order rst to last, by index, by eld value, by insertion order, etc. You do not need to include how the items are stored (array, linked list, stack, tree, etc). • Any important methods, including getters and setters when necessary. Make sure method names are descriptive. For this question, since you are not writing any code, submitted les must be either .txt or .pdf les. If other le types are used, you will receive a grade of zero for this question. In your le, list the name of a class, followed by its elds (and then its methods). This is not programming, so you do not need to use precise syntax. Note that it is often the case that an object of type A contains another object of some type B. In this situation, A will be shown as having a eld of type B, and type B will be listed and described separately. Do not mix the descriptions for A and for B. If the purpose of a type or eld is not obvious from its name, include a brief English description of the type or eld. Don’t worry about how input or output is handled, or the overall control of the application. Just consider what objects and capabilities are needed for each class. (a) (15 points) Application 1: Flight Reservation System Consider a ight reservation system that needs to keep track of passengers and their ights. A passenger can have several ights booked at a time, and a ight will have several passengers. The booking of a ight by a passenger can include seat selection. It is also important to keep track of a ights arrival and departure times. As well as a method to identify if there are any time conicts in an individual passenger’s ight plan (i.e. if an earlier ight arrives after the later ight departs). (b) (15 points) Application 2: A Doggie Daycare Doggie Daycare’s are businesses that allow owners to drop o their dogs for a day of fun while they have to work. Doggy Daycares have a maximum number of dogs that they can care for in a single day. Dogs can be dropped o for either a half-day (morning/afternoon) or a full day. It is important to keep track of when the dog will be picked up, who their owner(s) are and any special information such as dietary restrictions. Additionally, the facility needs to know which sta members are working on a given day. It should also have a way to keep track of owners, their contact information and a way to indicate which dog(s) belong to them. (c) (15 points) Application 3: An Emergency Room Consider an emergency room ward in a hospital with a xed number of beds. The objective is to keep track of which patient is in each bed of the ward, and the doctor or doctors for the patient. Also, it should be easy to determine which beds are empty so that a new patient can be given an empty bed. Finally, a doctor should know which patients are theirs. Methods should exists that allow patients to be admitted and discharged from the emergency ward. What to Hand In • A text le named a1q2.txt or a1q2.pdf. Your answers to each of the above applications must be clearly distinguishable in the le. Page 4 Department of Computer Science 176 Thorvaldson Building 110 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5C9, Canada Telephine: (306) 966-4886, Facimile: (306) 966-4884 CMPT 270 Developing Object Oriented Systems Reminder: Submitted les must be either .txt or .pdf les. If other le types are used, you will receive a grade of zero for this question. Be sure to include your name, NSID, student number and course number at the top of all documents. Evaluation Each application will be graded according to the following scheme: • 5 marks: For correctly identifying what Objects and attributes are necessary to represent the application. • 5 marks: For correctly identifying the required container(s) in each class. As well as describing what type of data will be stored and how it will be accessed. • 5 marks: For the class methods. Page 5